Forum Discussion

AlexaKry's avatar
Seasoned Ace
7 years ago

Streuner - A cat´s tale
This is Streuner, he wants to tell you about his life.
(To be true: I fell in love with him the first time I´ve seen him in my game and I think he deserves a thread of his own!)

I was born on a cold and rainy night. (Don´t the really bad stories always begin in such circumstances?) But I can remember the feeling of warmth and security. When I think of mum I always hear her calmly heartbeat and feel her smoothness. When she was feeding us she always purred and I was happy. When she went out to hunt something for herself to stay strong, we nestled on each other and waited for her to come back. My siblings and I had the feeling that this safety and warmth would stay forever.
But, of course, it didn´t.
It had begun to snow and it was very cold outside, but in our den it was warm and dry. Mum was out hunting. When she left she told us that she loved us and that we should stay inside, this would be safer for us. So we played together and waited for her return.
But she didn´t return.
Well, as you can think, something must have happened to her. I will never know what, but I know that she would have come home if she were able to. I don´t remember how long we waited for her, getting hungry more and more, but at one point it was clear that she wouldn´t come back.
We didn´t know what to do, we were little kids, not able to care for ourselves, but suddenly we had to try to survive somehow. I can´t tell you what I´ve done to survive, but somehow I managed to stay alive through this winter, changing places in a daily routine, searching for food everywhere. I still don´t know where my sisters and brothers are or if they survived as well, we were separated shortly after mum´s death.
The following years were a nightmare, I struggled to stay alive and had to learn to hunt in the next years. But the area I was living in didn´t provide much food, the streets were full of hungry cats (perhaps one of them a brother or a sister of mine), which wanted to eat something, too.

But one day I recognized a smell, which I couldn´t resist. I don´t know why this smell made me to follow it, but I had nothing which made me stay in the place where I´ve hunted before, so I followed the smell. And it wasn´t just the smell, I got a feeling of warmth safety in my chest, I really wanted to see what caused this smell!

It was a long jouney for me, I ran down endless roads, crossed many fields and got on a boat even! Man, this was scary! Have you ever been on a boat? The shaking and wobbling caused queasiness, I felt miserable! But I had to follow this smell!
When the boat approached land I couldn´t wait to get off the boat! But all the exertions were worth it! I was near this smell!
At a house somewhere on an island the smell stopped and I rested next to the house.
When it was night I sneaked into the house to get even nearer to this wonderful smell and feeling. I slept at a beautiful place and felt save! For the firts time after mum had left us!
I didn´t know that the smell came from humans, but somehow I managed to convince them to let me live in their house. Man, I´ve never was so happy in my whole life!!
Now I had food whenever I was hungry and I´ve had my humans who were different than all the other humans I´ve met! And it was them who made me follow through their smell! I couldn´t believe that humans made me follow them just because of a certain feeling they evoked!
But I´ve never regretted my decision to follow them! Now I get the share of kindness and affection I´ve always dreamed of!
and I´ve even got friends (although they are just dogs, but I love them!)

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