4 years agoLegend
Tales of Evil_Haruo: "Life's Hard (It's Even Harder If You're Stupid)"
Cast of "Characters"
Evil Haruo
Evil-Haruo is evil...and mean-spirited. He doesn't like anyone and he's also a loner. He also is a kleptomaniac which means that he'll steal anything that isn't tied down. He's also an artistic type which means that with his kleptomaniac trait, he may turn around and steal an easel if he gets the opportunity...just so that he can learn how to paint...evil paintings.
Brooke McIrish
Evil_Haruo’s female counterpart and partner-in-crime. She’s the complete antithesis of River McIrish, her sister: evil with a mean-streak...(completely vicious to boot). In fact, she’s so evil, she makes Vita Alto cringe in fear and the main evil hag of Sunset Valley, Mayumi Chikamori, simmer in jealousy. She steals lollipops from babies and kicks puppies.
River McIrish
River McIrish is the quintessential goody-two-shoes in this household. Having the good trait, she practically makes Evil-Haruo want to vomit which considering the fact that he dumpster-dives, he does practically daily. She is also family-oriented, neat, artistic and a perfectionist. All traits that Evil-Haruo despises. She’s the girlfriend of Haruo and that in itself makes Evil_Haruo want to projectile-heave.
Haruo Chikamori
The counterpart of Evil_Haruo who rarely does anything bad and doesn’t make waves. It makes Evil_Haruo sick to his stomach when there are so many opportunities to cause mayhem that Haruo passes up on. Haruo doesn’t know what he wants to do in life...and passes his time collecting rocks and playing with his Rottweiler (no, that’s not a euphemism)
Bebe Hart
Has no idea what she wants in life either. She and Haruo would make a good pair if they got together if he hadn’t already gotten together with River. she's absent-minded which means that everybody is just waiting for her to cook and completely forget about the fact that she is cooking so she ends up causing an inferno. She is technophobic which means that she can’t stand anything related to technology like computers, TVs, etc etc. She doesn't have a job yet. Hopefully she gets one in the next little while or Evil-Haruo is going to be extremely unhappy due to the fact that he's currently the only one other than River who is bringing in any money into the household. She likes the simple things in's speaks to her inner self...her childish self.
Phil Burrows
And last but not least of the human sims is Phil Burrows..mentally he's not all there after getting hit by a car in 8th Grade. He's a few bricks short of a full wall and he does like the things that go bump in the night; he's absolutely sure that there's something out there. He's always talking before engaging his brain (Inappropriate) and he's enjoying his cartoons way too much to stop even though he's a young adult.
Jimmy Chikamori
The Rottweiler - He's confused. It'll sure make for some interesting times when he goes out to find gemstones. We'll see if he remembers where "home" is.
Well no-one said that life was's even harder when you have to deal with room-mates like these.
Evil Haruo
Evil-Haruo is evil...and mean-spirited. He doesn't like anyone and he's also a loner. He also is a kleptomaniac which means that he'll steal anything that isn't tied down. He's also an artistic type which means that with his kleptomaniac trait, he may turn around and steal an easel if he gets the opportunity...just so that he can learn how to paint...evil paintings.
Brooke McIrish
Evil_Haruo’s female counterpart and partner-in-crime. She’s the complete antithesis of River McIrish, her sister: evil with a mean-streak...(completely vicious to boot). In fact, she’s so evil, she makes Vita Alto cringe in fear and the main evil hag of Sunset Valley, Mayumi Chikamori, simmer in jealousy. She steals lollipops from babies and kicks puppies.
River McIrish
River McIrish is the quintessential goody-two-shoes in this household. Having the good trait, she practically makes Evil-Haruo want to vomit which considering the fact that he dumpster-dives, he does practically daily. She is also family-oriented, neat, artistic and a perfectionist. All traits that Evil-Haruo despises. She’s the girlfriend of Haruo and that in itself makes Evil_Haruo want to projectile-heave.
Haruo Chikamori
The counterpart of Evil_Haruo who rarely does anything bad and doesn’t make waves. It makes Evil_Haruo sick to his stomach when there are so many opportunities to cause mayhem that Haruo passes up on. Haruo doesn’t know what he wants to do in life...and passes his time collecting rocks and playing with his Rottweiler (no, that’s not a euphemism)
Bebe Hart
Has no idea what she wants in life either. She and Haruo would make a good pair if they got together if he hadn’t already gotten together with River. she's absent-minded which means that everybody is just waiting for her to cook and completely forget about the fact that she is cooking so she ends up causing an inferno. She is technophobic which means that she can’t stand anything related to technology like computers, TVs, etc etc. She doesn't have a job yet. Hopefully she gets one in the next little while or Evil-Haruo is going to be extremely unhappy due to the fact that he's currently the only one other than River who is bringing in any money into the household. She likes the simple things in's speaks to her inner self...her childish self.
Phil Burrows
And last but not least of the human sims is Phil Burrows..mentally he's not all there after getting hit by a car in 8th Grade. He's a few bricks short of a full wall and he does like the things that go bump in the night; he's absolutely sure that there's something out there. He's always talking before engaging his brain (Inappropriate) and he's enjoying his cartoons way too much to stop even though he's a young adult.
Jimmy Chikamori
The Rottweiler - He's confused. It'll sure make for some interesting times when he goes out to find gemstones. We'll see if he remembers where "home" is.
Well no-one said that life was's even harder when you have to deal with room-mates like these.