HAHAH Bucknakie!!! Your town is coming along nicely! I never considered building on the rabbithole lots. I'll have to try that.
*The 3rd generation have been born and I still don't have a school! I should really think about putting one in! I didn't want to build up too fast and been limiting to one venue per generation, but that really really could take a very long time! So far I have the consignment shop, City hall(that have the military and police rabbitholes) and three houses (founder house, Bramble's house and Buttercup's house).
I have my main family visit Bramble and Buttercup often. So far there is only one child for Bramble and no pregnancy in sight for Buttercup.
Cannon will be aging up to child in 3 sim days. And my founders Adam and Ana are nearing their expiration date. It could be any time now. I will miss them!!!