Life After Eden A story of Adam and Eve Adam and Eve Gardner
Adam - brave, handy, charismatic, ambitious, great kisser LTW Jack of all trades
Eve - family oriented, excitable, friendly, green thumb, great kisser LTW perfect garden
Chapter 1 - Life in a New World
Adam Gardner came from a very wealthy family. He spent his whole life living in a luxurious mansion, Eden Hall, surrounded by beautiful gardens and never having to work a day of his life. After he married Eve and she moved in with him and his family, Adam's father began to worry that Adam would never find out who he really was until he had to work for a living and make something of himself. So he expelled Adam and Eve from Eden Hall.
Adam's father loved him so he did not send them away empty handed. He gave them a large parcel of land and $500,000 to make a life for themselves. Even though the land was remote Adam and Eve used a good portion of the money to hire workers to build the beginnings of a town. Because of the beautiful fertile valley they called the town Garden Valley.
Sunday when they arrived in the newly built town they quickly christened their new log home.
Soon after they decided to enjoy the central park by reading books newly purchased from the book store. Eve learned the gardening skill and Adam learned the handyman skill.
Adam joined the police force and Eve joined the cafe cooking staff.
Adam and Eve traveled to China that day so they could learn and advance their skills. (They learned so much that by Wed afternoon they were very accomplished. Adam: logic - level 3, athletic - 3, charisma - 1, kama simtra l, simfu - l, handiness 2. Eve: athletic - 2, charisma - 1, cooking - 3, kama simtra - 1, simfu - 1, gardening - 6.)
They were exhausted when they got back from China and ready for sleep since it was so late.
Sometimes when Adam would wake up early he would jog to the park and play chess so he could improve his performance at work.
Eve would tend her garden. Wednesday afternoon she collected 5 special seeds that she would plant as soon as she reached gardening level 7.