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jhickman1963's avatar
6 years ago

The Hutterite Challenge

Hello, there! As you can see, I've (finally) decided to upload my own challenge onto the sims forums!

This challenge originally started out as more of a personal challenge than anything else, but I figured that, at the very least, people will be interested in seeing how it goes - or maybe even want to try out the challenge for themselves! While this challenge does not require mods or cheats, I think anybody else who tries this will find themselves in desperate need of using one or even both eventually.

Anyways, let's provide a little background about the challenge here. Hutterites, less commonly known as the Hutterian Brethren, are Christian Anabaptists (like the Amish and Mennonites) that formed in Tyrol and Moravia in the 16th century. They are named after their founder, Jakob Hutter, who believed that Christians should live communally like the apostles did in the Book of Acts. Hutter was later executed for his beliefs and his followers later left Tyrol and Moravia and went from place to place until they finally settled in the United States and Canada. Today, around 45,000 Hutterites live communally on "colonies" of roughly 60-120 people that are scattered across the Midwest and the Canadian prairies. They are also easily identifiable by their plain dress, which is distinctly different from the clothing worn by the Amish and Mennonites. I couldn't really find any pictures that exemplify this the best through Google, so here's a link to the gallery on the Hutterites' website (which also shows pictures of different colonies and their day-to-day life):

The goal of this challenge is rather simple: establish your own Hutterite colony of 100 sims. However you do this is up to you, but there are some rules that you will have to follow:
1. Start out with 8-12 sims and dress them all appropriately before giving them as many starter lots as they need. A caveat about your sims, though: if you have more than 8 sims, only 8 of them may reproduce. The rest are just there to help out, if you will.
2. In order for your sims to get their colony, they have to earn it either by buying it* or you building them one, whichever you prefer. Monetary cheats and jobs outside of self-employed professions are strictly not allowed, but collecting insects/gems/metals/etc. is more than welcome.
3. Once your sims are able to move onto their colony, they cannot leave it without good reason. Whatever this means is up to you, but again, your sims cannot have jobs outside of self-employed professions so work cannot be one of those reasons.
4. When one of your teen-aged sims becomes a young adult, you need to flip a coin to see if they remain a Hutterite or not. If they don't, then they need to be kicked/moved out of the colony by the end of the day and have minimal contact with your remaining Hutterites going forward (for those who don't know, this is known as excommunication or shunning). The only exception to this rule is a designated heir, of which only one is allowed per bloodline per generation (aka only 4 designated heirs per generation max).
5. Designated heirs are especially important in this challenge because they are the only ones who can convert non-Hutterites by marrying them. None of your other sims are allowed to marry people outside of the colony, so your designated heirs are basically the ones that will be preventing excessive inbreeding.
6. A further note about excommunication: losing the coin toss is not the only way your sims can become excommunicated. They can also become excommunicated if they have traits that are not conducive to colony life, if they are caught cheating, or if they divorce their spouse (because Hutterites believe that marriage is a lifetime commitment).

One last thing: due to the requirements of this challenge, I realize that playing this challenge in pretty much any world is going to be difficult...which is why I created a world specifically for this challenge! It is called Selkirk County and is still in its beta/testing stages, but for those interested a link to it is here:

Other than that, the only thing I have left to do is introduce my own sims for this challenge, which will be done in the next post ;)

8 Replies

  • I made 11 sims for this challenge, 9 of which will be active because two of them will become ghosts. These 11 sims belong to four different families: the Waldners, the Hofers, the Tschetters, and the Kleinsassers (all of which are genuine Hutterite surnames).

    Starting off with the Waldner family:
    Jakob Waldner is the head of the Waldner family. He is the older brother of Joseph and Judith Waldner and the husband of Rachel Waldner. His traits are Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Gatherer, and Green Thumb. Like all of the Hutterites except for his sister Judith, his lifetime wish is to be Surrounded by Family. He is also going to be the minister of the colony...eventually, of course!

    Fun fact about Jakob: He and Rachel are my two favorite sims to play. Pretty much every save I've made since about two years ago features them in it in some capacity, so don't be surprised if you see the two of them in the future! ;)
    Next up is Rachel Waldner, Jakob's wife and the identical twin sister of Rebekah Hofer. Her traits are Artistic, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Natural Cook, and Nurturing and her lifetime wish is to be Surrounded by Family. I also have plans for her to be the "first lady" of the colony, but like Jakob's eventual career, those plans are for the distant future.
    Joseph Waldner is the middle child of the first generation of Waldners, with Jakob being older than him and Judith being younger. His traits are Angler, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Green Thumb, and Loves the Outdoors. He is also one of the two ghosts, as his life was cut short after a big fish pulled him into the ocean and drowned him.

    Fun fact about Joseph: Both he and Isaac Hofer, Rebekah Hofer's husband, have blue as their favorite color, which is why Joseph is wearing a light blue while Isaac is wearing a darker, muted blue.
    Judith Waldner is the younger sister of Jakob and Joseph Waldner and is the only Hutterite sim who is not interested in having a family of her own - which is why her lifetime wish is to become a Renaissance Sim. Her traits are Family-Oriented, Friendly, Natural Cook, Nurturing, and Virtuoso. She's going to eventually be the kindergarten teacher (aka toddler supervisor) of the colony, but for now her duties are mostly filling in for the wives when they're pregnant and occasionally looking after the babies.
    Isaac Hofer is the husband of Rebekah Hofer and the older brother of Deborah Hofer. His traits are Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Green Thumb, and Nurturing. I have plans for him to be the assistant minister of the colony, as well as one of the teachers for the colony children when the time comes.
    Rebekah Hofer is the wife of Isaac Hofer and the identical twin sister of Rachel Waldner. Her traits are Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Natural Cook, Nurturing, and Shy. She's kind of the polar opposite of Rachel, but the two get along well and even have autumn salad as their shared favorite food!
    Deborah Hofer is the younger sister of Isaac Hofer and the second of the two ghosts. Her traits are Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Natural Cook, and Technophobe...the latter of which proved to be the end of her when she tried repairing an electronic device.

    Fun fact about Deborah: This is mostly backstory, but if it hadn't been for their untimely demises, I imagine that Joseph and Deborah would've eventually gotten married, since they were the only two Hutterite, single sims interested in romance at their point in time.
    John Tschetter is the husband of Elizabeth Tschetter and his traits are Family-Oriented, Friendly, Gatherer, Green Thumb, and Loves the Outdoors. I have plans for him to become the farming/gardening manager of the colony eventually, but for now he, Jakob, Isaac, and Paul Kleinsasser all take turns gardening as needed.

    Fun fact about John: He and his wife Elizabeth are, so far, the only ones of their family, just like Paul and Diana Kleinsasser are the only ones of theirs!
    Elizabeth Tschetter is the wife of John Tschetter. Her traits are Artistic, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Loves the Outdoors, and Natural Cook.
    Paul Kleinsasser is the husband of Diana Kleinsasser and his traits are: Born Salesman, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Green Thumb, and Savvy Sculptor. He's eventually going to be the colony manager, aka the one who's in charge of the colony's businesses. For now, though, he's pretty content with just gardening and sculpting as need be.
    And, last but not least, Diana Kleinsasser. She is the wife of Paul Kleinsasser and her traits are: Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Natural Cook, Neat, and Shy.

    Fun fact about Diana: I actually kind of modeled her after the Roman goddess Diana, who was the goddess of the moon, nature, etc.

    As for their careers, Jakob, Isaac, John, and Paul are all currently self-employed gardeners, although I know for sure that Paul will eventually become a self-employed sculptor. Rachel and Elizabeth are both self-employed painters, while Rebekah and Diana are self-employed writers. As for Judith, she's unemployed. :p

    In my next post I'll share how the challenge is going so far with this group. All I'm going to say right now is that I've had a lot of fun with them so far!

    Until then!
  • I'm not exactly sure as to how to begin this post, but I figured that you all might find this rather funny. Since I started off with 11 sims but CAS only allows you 8 sims per household, I had to make two households before merging them together in-game. However, after placing the households, I soon realized that when grouped together, the Hutterites kind of look like...well...a gang:

    Anyways, since Selkirk County is so new, I'm aware of the fact that almost everyone probably isn't familiar with its layout. I placed my sims in two of the seven starter lots in the town of Selkirk, but of course I had to spruce them up before I actually began the game!
    Before picture of the main starter lot. The starter lots all pretty much look the same except for color, so the other one is basically the same as this one.
    After picture of the main starter lot. The computers are actually cc typewriters that I originally got for my Amish sims, but since they're so cheap I decided to use them here as well, even if having sims work at them looks insanely weird.
    And here's a picture of all of the Hutterites together before Isaac and Deborah's untimely demises. Judith doesn't look very happy and Jakob, John, and Elizabeth aren't even looking at the camera, but I guess that's just the way it goes!
    Of course, sims with high free will can't sit still for long (I actually had to turn off their free will entirely in order to get the group picture...), so as soon as the picture was done with, they all went in separate directions. For some reason, Isaac, Rebekah, and Rachel all headed over to the library, which is just behind the houses. They chilled out there for a while as I was busy getting used to controlling so many sims at once!
    I think Rebekah rather enjoyed the library, if her finding a nice book to read is anything to go by.
    Surprisingly, Elizabeth immediately got to painting, albeit using Rachel's art easel to do so. My sims rarely - if ever - do the things that I want them to, so seeing her eager to work was really unexpected.
    After buying the lot next door, Jakob quickly got to business with gardening, both for profit and for food. I only let them buy their food - save for eggs and cheese - from the grocery store for the first week; after that, everything they've eaten has been from the two gardens!
    After calling Isaac, Rebekah, and Rachel back home, Rebekah quickly got started on the writing skill since that's how she's going to contribute to the money-making business. Also, Rebekah's hands are what I previously called that insanely weird look in action.
    While her twin sister busied herself with writing, Rachel actually surprised me and started painting on her own like Elizabeth did. This is a strange group, I tell you; strange.
    A picture of Paul getting himself familiar with the sculpting skill.
    Dinner has quickly become a complicated affair in this save, as I have one extra sim than the meals make and you all know how sims can get when there's two of them trying to walk one way at once. I've decided to operate in shifts, since most of the Hutterites don't have any interest in eating outside!
    Jakob and Rachel doing some light skill reading after dinner. Jakob's learning logic, while Rachel is learning cooking.
    Since there's only enough beds for eight sims, Judith's singleness wound up causing her to sleep on the floor. I let her sleep outside, at least for the summertime, as I wasn't quite sure if the sleeping bag would fit inside the house in a way that would allow everyone to move about the house freely.
  • Since Rachel, Rebekah, and Judith all reside on the main lot, they've all gotten a little stir crazy more than once. To combat this, I've let them go out hunting for metals/gems/etc....wildflowers included!
    Also, after a week of living in Selkirk County, I decided that it was time for the baby boom to begin.
    Jakob and Rachel were first, since Jakob is the oldest sim out of the group and I don't let my sims have more babies until the ones that they do have become toddlers. I have a near elder limit on having babies as well, so that if either Jakob or Rachel were to die very early into the elder stage, all of their children would at least be in the child stage and wouldn't be completely raised by their older siblings.
    Unfortunately, during her pregnancy Rachel experienced the worst morning sickness that I've ever seen in this game - and I've been playing for five years! I even wound up deleting one of the moodlets because I felt so bad for her, which isn't something that I usually do.
    While Rachel was pregnant, Deborah decided to come out and play for a night. She haunted mostly plants, but did wind up sleeping on one of the main lot's couches at one point, as you can see here:
    Thankfully, after her morning sickness, the rest of Rachel's pregnancy went blissfully well and she gave birth to a baby boy:
    I named him Jakob II, as I decided he will be the designated heir of the Waldner line for his generation. I forget what his traits are (as apparently I didn't list them in either the third party family tree site or my pedigree document), but I'm pretty sure Friendly is one of them.
    And, of course, a picture of Jakob holding Jakob II for the first time, because I think that's a good note to end on!
  • Sorry for the late update - the flu season started early this year where I live! But I have plenty of more pictures for you guys to enjoy to make up for it!
    A few days after Jakob II was born, Deborah came out for a visit again and haunted mostly plants. However, instead of vanishing at dawn, she instead drove a cab away! I didn't see where she went as I was busy with getting everybody breakfast, unfortunately.
    I also had John and Elizabeth try for a baby the Sunday after Jakob II was born. Elizabeth's pregnancy went a lot smoother than Rachel's did - so smooth, in fact, that I actually forgot to take pictures of it! She did wind up giving birth to a baby girl, though, who I named Leah:
    I decided that Leah will be the Tschetter designated heir for her generation, as I have plans for her...Her traits are Artistic and Friendly.
    Around the time of Leah's birth, fall began. I forgot that it can freeze overnight during the season so Judith was in for an unfortunate surprise one night! After freezing in place, I decided that she would sleep indoors from now on, although not in this space because she wound up blocking the kitchen. :#
    With all of Deborah's appearances, I had gotten a little bit worried about Joseph. However, these worries were for nothing, as you can see, because he did come out for a visit one night! He mostly haunted plants like Deborah, but he did play with Leah at one point:
    And speaking of unplanned visitors, an elderly alien stopped by and almost gave me a heart attack when he did so, because I thought one of my sims was being abducted!:
    A week after Leah was born, another baby was born - this time to Paul and Diana. Like with Elizabeth, Diana's pregnancy went so smoothly that I forgot to take pictures of it! She gave birth to a baby girl as well, who I named Pauline:
    Like Jakob II and Leah, Pauline is going to be the Kleinsasser designated heir of her generation and her traits are Friendly and Genius.

    Isaac and Rebekah also had a baby a week after Paul and Diana did, and once again I did not get any pictures of it. This time, though, it wasn't because I forgot, but because Rebekah absolutely refused to have her picture taken. Any time I was about to take a picture of her, she would either do something else or go into another room, much to my frustration. She even put the baby in the crib before I could snap a picture of the two of them when they got back from the hospital!:
    As you can see, though, she gave birth a to baby boy who I named Michael. His traits are Brave and Friendly and, like the other three babies so far, he is going to be the Hofer designated heir of his generation.

    Unlike Rebekah, Isaac was overjoyed with Michael, so I was able to get a picture of the two of them together. Judith and John (?) are in the background of it, eating dinner from the looks of it:
  • After the birth of Michael, things started going a bit more smoothly for my Hutterites. Jakob wound up writing two books, a Hutterian Brethren version of the Bible and a Hutterian book of hymns. After each sim reads the first skill books for Logic, Handiness, Cooking, Gardening, and Charisma, they read these two books, as these sims are supposed to be religious. As you can see here, Isaac has already completed all of those things and is already re-reading the Bible!:
    Of course, practical skills are also important. I'm trying to get all of the sims mastered in writing and logic, with the men also mastered in gardening and sculpting and the women also mastered in painting. Skill achievements are also important, but not as much as just mastering the skills themselves.:
    As you can see, Paul is currently working on mastering sculpting!
    Now, you would think that with it being the dead of winter and all, my sims would stay indoors when eating. But not Judith. Apparently, she likes eating outside, no matter if its snowing and freezing cold.
    Picture of Isaac collecting a meteorite that landed on the Everglow Academy & Colosseum. On that note, I'm happy it wasn't bigger and didn't crash into the school or the starter lots, because I would've been in a very bad mood if that happened.
    Picture of John beginning to learn sculpting after he mastered logic and writing.
    After Isaac mastered logic and writing - meaning he could now move on to sculpting - I realized that Paul hadn't learned, or even mastered, the writing skill yet so I started him on that as well!
    And on a humorous note, the homeless sims staged a protest at City Hall about...crime rates, it seems. Which is actually rather funny, considering the fact that no one is employed in the criminal career whatsoever. (Not yet, anyways.)
    Well, almost all of the protesters were homeless. This one was not, but once again, why he's protesting crime rates/criminals when neither of those things exist in this world yet blows my mind.
    And here - finally - is a picture of Rebekah cuddling Michael, in order to make up for her completely disregarding him as soon as she got home from the hospital. (Yeah, she's not gonna live that down.)
    And on an ending note, here's a picture of the town's repairman...repairwoman? I don't know. I do know, though, that the reason why you guys are getting a picture of her is because that she's been a thorn in my side ever since she first showed up to repair something. Why, you may ask?

    Because she keeps getting the hots for all of the Hutterite men and keeps sending them love letters and gifts and stuff. That's why.

    I really wanna reach into the computer and grab her by the shoulders and tell her that 1) all of the Hutterite men are married and 2) even if they weren't, Hutterites don't marry non-Hutterites.

    Oh well, that's the sims for you.
  • Apologies for another late update! I receive short notice a lot on how busy I will be on the weekends, and last weekend was no exception to that. That being said, I got some more pictures for you all!
    I decided to send Judith to the mausoleum one day because it's kind of hard to find collectables when they're covered in snow. Unfortunately, she quickly got traumatized by the horrors within the mausoleum and came home looking like this!
    Judith also started working on the writing skill, as I needed her to do something in the mornings and evenings where she wouldn't get in the way of the cooking (like playing the guitar or piano, for instance). She looks a little discouraged in this picture...maybe because Rebekah's already written so many novels? Who knows?
    In other news, Jakob finally got to the point where I could start him on the opportunities to get the Omni Plant - at least, he did before winter came. Originally, I was going to wait until spring for him to complete the opportunities, but I eventually got impatient enough that I bought him a planter bowl to put in his and Rachel's bedroom!

    After that, the game finally decided that it wanted to do something crazy besides protests and such, as this occurred one sim morning:
    Confused? So was I, at least until I realized that all of the world's residents plus a few homeless sims were waiting in a taxi out in front of the main house. Where they were going, I have no idea, as one of the homeless sims just stood there for several sim hours until I finally reset all of them!
    Apparently, John decided to make a high chair out of ice...I think a toddler would be more likely to freeze to death in it (I know that can't happen, but still) than actually eat food lol!
    Spring soon came around, which meant buying more produce as all of their plants had become glitched out during the fall (meaning they weren't producing anything). I had Jakob buy most of the produce, although I had Isaac go back later when I realized I had forgotten several plants that were needed.
    After he got back from the store, I had Jakob replant almost everything that needed to be replanted on the main lot, as you can see.
    The garden looks a lot neater when all of the plants were just planted!
    I've never seen a sim sleep this way before! It's probably just a glitch but it really confused me when I saw Judith sleeping like this...I thought perhaps she had broken the sleeping bag!
  • Also, after a lot of hard work, I'm proud to say that Diana earned a service award!:
    She spent a few hours at City Hall, getting the award and probably listening to a boring speech made by Selkirk County's non-existent mayor.
    Not long after Diana got her award, I developed a plan as to where I wanted to go next with the Hutterite sims...besides getting their colony, of course. The plan may or may not involve a genie lamp, which is why I had Jakob go to the mausoleum one day...
    ...Unfortunately, he was not successful in his endeavors, and his clothes wound up paying the price! But it was nothing that a good shower couldn't fix, fortunately.
    I also had Rachel go to the mausoleum as well, but she wasn't successful in her attempts either.

    With spring, though, came a glorious day as my sims eventually got enough money to buy one of the colony houses! They had already bought the Hutterite cemetery and all of the other non-house Hutterite lots (and were going to run out of room on the starter lots as soon as the next baby wave came around), so I decided it was now time for them to move onto the colony!
    Of course, in order to move they first had to get the farm set up, which took an entire sim day for Jakob, Isaac, Paul, and John to do!
    This was the end result of their hard efforts. The amount of plants planted are by no means the final tally, though - just the result of not getting all of the plants at one time (mainly the SP ones, but most of the flame fruits and other special plants also were planted at a later time).
    The next sim day, I had them move onto the colony. It was kind of bittersweet, because all of the babies had been born on either the starter lots or at the hospital up until now, but it was necessary both for the challenge and because of how tight the quarters were!
    All of them gathered up into a taxi for the move - why they couldn't have just used one of their trucks, I'll never know!
    Then they arrived at Oak Lake Colony, with Jakob for some reason appearing near the office lot (which will be the main lot from now on), while everyone else appeared much farther away once they exited the taxi.

    And I think I'll stop it there for now, as it's getting late where I live.

    Until next weekend (hopefully)!
  • Sorry it's been so long since I last updated! October was a busy month for me -- hopefully November won't be the same, but I make no promises. I do have some new pictures for you all, though!
    The day of their move, John quickly got to work as the farm manager of the colony. He worked by himself, as with most of the plants being dormant there wasn't really a need for the others to help out, although they definitely will in the future!
    The next morning, the gang ate breakfast at the lot where Jakob and Rachel, as well as Isaac and Rebekah, live, as I figured they needed a few days in order to settle in before they moved their meals to the dining hall. (That, and it was easier to have them eat at the lot where they all lived!)
    On a digressing note, I also snapped this picture of some wild horses, as the colony seems to be the place to be for them! I mean, I had seen them off and on when the Hutterites lived at Selkirk, but now I see them almost every day on the colony! It's interesting, don't you think?
    Continuing the digressing note, I've also seen some of the residents around on the colony - probably because they're going to Oak Lake (the namesake of the colony). It's a little weird, but at least I know they're getting around, right?
    Getting back to the Hutterites, though, as you can see, Isaac (along with John and Paul) quickly got to work on sculpting, which now makes up a good portion of their income in the summer and practically all of it in the winter!

    Also, one of John's sculptures is on the right, but it wasn't that way for long, because I was soon able to buy another colony house! Something which I think Diana was immensely grateful for, as she and Paul (as well as John and Elizabeth) had been living in two of the four children's bedrooms of the houses!:

    Speaking of the Hutterite houses, though, I just now realized that I haven't posted the pictures of what they look like here! So, that being said, here are some pictures of the interior of the houses (as they are all exactly alike in basic design):
    Here's the first floor of the Hutterite houses...
    And here's the second floor of the Hutterite houses! Obviously, I changed up the two children's bedrooms somewhat for the short duration that they were occupied by the two married couples, but as you can see they weren't really made for them at all!
    Having two houses, though, also meant that I didn't really have an excuse for them to eat at the houses anymore, so I had Rachel go to the dining hall to make dinner the same day that Paul/Diana and John/Elizabeth moved into their own house!
    Of course, eating at the dining hall also means that they don't all eat together anymore, as men eat at one table in Hutterite colonies while women eat at another. They are also assigned seats by age, which is why Jakob is eating at the end of the table (as he is the oldest of the men) while John is eating all the way on the left (as he is the youngest).
    Once again, Rachel is sitting at the head of the table because she is the oldest, while Diana is sitting on the right because she is the youngest of the women pictured. If you're wondering why Elizabeth and Judith are not pictured here, the answer is simple: somebody has to stay and look after the children! This duty will be eventually passed onto their daughters (like Leah and Pauline) when they get old enough, but that's still a long ways away!
    Rebekah also has the duty of making breakfast at the dining hall, just like how Rachel has the duty of making dinner there too. I don't think she's really happy about it - at least not in this picture!
    Like Rachel and Rebekah's duties, Elizabeth only has to look after the children at home during dinner, as Diana takes over that duty in the morning. That way, they both can chat/gossip with the other women for at least one meal!
    I think this is going to be the last picture I'll leave you all with for now! The Hutterites tried the recipe Aloo Masala Curry, which didn't go...well for some of them, to say the least. Isaac was one of those sims it didn't go well for, as it was much too hot for his tastebuds!

    Until next time!

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