Spare: A sibling of an heir, who can become an heir should anything happen to the current heir. Spares may be fed to the time stream or kept on the lot if you wish. They are eligible to earn legacy points for the family.
Fed to the time stream: Moving a controllable sim out of the legacy house. A sim fed to the time stream no longer can generate legacy points for the family, but still may be interacted with. Legacy points that have already been earned by this sim still count towards your total, even after you move the sim out.
i've problem with this part of the rules.
If i understand right, i can choose in example the brother of my Heir and move him in another lot. He will live his life by himself. My Heir died, i can call her brother and move him back to the Legacy family. Then, he can find a mate and have children that will be the next generation?
So, if i'm right, that the only sim who can go back to the family household?
I hope i'm understandable -_-