Well, my legacy is coming along pretty good. My founder is currently the Mayor, and has 2 toddlers, as well as a 3rd (perhaps 4th and 5th too, never know) on the way. One is a Brave Virtuoso, the other a Brave Genius (both randomly rolled XD), with the family trait being 'mooch'. The founder's wife is currently working on gardening and painting a ton so we can get a nice cash-garden started for future generations, as well as getting the portraits worked on. Still pretty poor overall though.. not quite worth 30k furnished, and both are early into their Adult years. While the founder will get his lifetime wish fulfilled soon (Leader of the Free World), his wife may not be so lucky, unless we can scrape up $70,000 worth into the house quickly. Might have to 'borrow' some campaign funds.. :twisted:
Also, thanks for letting me know about the portraits.