Reposting since it got lost like half a dozen pages back or so (plus I have another question to add on...)
Some questions (some I jotted down have already been answered in the meantime I see, such as using cakes to age up kids, but I still have a couple more):
1. To make sure - you can have kids with Rich Sims, and even have their kids as the heir, as long as you don't move them in/marry them, right? I'm thinking of trying for a kid with Gunther Goth, because I like his jeans, er, genes ... so would that be allowed and could the kid possibly be heir, so long as Gunther stays at his house and my Sim doesn't marry him?
2. Portraits can only be made of the bloodline, I understand that, but is there any restriction as to who's doing the painting? I just moved in/married Leighton Sekemoto (yes, again, I didn't plan it that way! ), and his son Sam... Sam I realize can't be part of the bloodline since he's my founder's stepson, but could he be the painter of portraits for the Sims who ARE in the bloodline, since he's Artistic and all?
3. From the way I understand it, a spouse of the founder can start earning points for the Legacy as soon as they spawn a child with the founder... even if that child/those children don't turn out to be heir, yes? This is related to my thoughts of having an affair with Gunther and possibly even making his kid heir (depends on how it all turns out). So if I understand correctly, as long as I have some "spares" with Leighton, Leighton and those kids will be part of the bloodline, even if Gunther's kid eventually is heir?
4. Were you thinking of adding additional rules that add more challenges/points, and were you taking suggestions for that? I wanted to ask before I start posting some ideas for them.
5. (New question) How are non-bloodline kids aging up in the household handled for traits? I had a step-son moved in when I married his father, so since he's not of the bloodline, does he get the family trait and randomize others, just like the bloodline kids do? I went ahead and did it like that, just in case, but I figured it'd be good to clarify.
Also wanted to add my thanks for making an awesome challenge, and putting up with us all. ^^;; I didn't want to spam the thread further just to add those, but since I'm posting questions anyhow...