joeysbbygirl wrote:
Thanks so much to all of you who answered my questions! Now, I need a little help in deciding who to pick for my G2 Heir. I have two ladies to choose from(mostly bc they had twins & I dislike toddlers :] )
Hates the Outdoors
LTW: Become a Superstar Athlete
Hates the Outdoors
LTW: Master of the Arts
PLEASE help me pick who should be the next heir, cause I have no clue how to choose.
I'd keep them both in the house til they achieve those LTWs, then kick the spare out - both of those LTWs are easy to achieve, especially with their traits.
The Master of the Arts one can be achieved without going to work, which is handy if you want your heir to start having babies and not have the hassle of those maternity days eating into career.
Or you could just decide whose genes you want passing on to future sims!
Other ways of choosing heirs include doing polls, choosing the first born, choosing the one that carries the family trait, choosing one that has a certain 'look'.
In my legacy, I go for first-born, but have had two female sets of twins as first born (Gen 3 and 5). I decided in the case of multiple births, I'd make the first one to have a baby the heir. With Gen 3, I sent both of them off to 'try for baby' with their partners at the same time, then I turned the volume down and played with the rest of the family so it'd be a surprise when one started vomiting.
With Gen 5, they just aged up last night into young adults and are both in love with the same man :? But he aged up to be U.G.L.Y. and nearly bald so I don't know if I want his genes sullying my legacy!