Forum Discussion

SkyesMagic's avatar
Rising Newcomer
2 months ago

Hi There, Skye Here

Been gone quite a while, but am here once more! So much has changed-number one thing is my pic is a boy lol!

I'm just starting over here, so I'll have to haunt the forums to find what I need..  Mostly the tutorials.  I tried uploading Astarion, Gale, and Shadowheart from Bauldur's Gate 3-and it goes through the motions, but it never shows up in my studio.  Not sure why this is! 

Well, just checking in here! Happy Simming, ya'll!!!!

  • I've been similarly surprised to log in and see both my username and profile picture! I managed to change them on the non-forums part of EA, but no luck over here. I saw there were some issues generally with others. Hope you can figure it out.


    Anyway, welcome back, happy simming! I haven't played since somewhere around 2019, and I'm so excited to see what it's like to get back into the game.

  • SkyesMagic KCNDreams  You should be able to change your profile picture under My Settings > Personal, by hovering over the existing avatar.  Having said that, it doesn't always load right away, and sometimes it doesn't load at all.

    • KCNDreams's avatar
      Rising Rookie

      Thanks, the option finally showed up! I'm glad I got that changed, not sure why my username change hasn't carried over, though. I'm positive it got changed during their switch from Origin/related changes, since my ea account had the same nonsense, but I could fix it there.

    • KCNDreams's avatar
      Rising Rookie

      Thanks! It is so nice to see others playing and loving the game! It's phenomenal. The last time I was really active was back in 2018, and I feel like I've got a lot of catching up to do! There's so much I haven't explored in game.


      I'm pretty surprised that it seems like there's been a massive influx over the last couple months, and I'm wondering what's causing it! Perhaps the holidays, and wanting to manage stress?