CHAPTER TWO – Growing Pains.
“Go Apachee Go….. we did it, won both races, you’re the best horse” Michael said with merriment and pride. Apachee snorted with delight, racing hard winning first prize in two races, allowed for big rewards to the family funds this evening.
“Shoot……. run Apachee…… Run!!.....”, “it’s late and we’re going to get in trouble, it’s after my curfew” panicked Michael as Apachee broke into full gallop
“I just hope the rents aren’t too angry, we did great boy, we really did” Michael comforted himself as he felt the wind in his hair from Apachee’s speed.
“shhhhh….. I’ll just groom you here boy, hopefully no one will noticed we got home late” whispered Michael to the proud Stallion, both still on a huge high from tonight’s efforts.
“What were you thinking MICHAEL Fox” yelled Cheyenne,
“Why are you out so late, when you know its way past your curfew mister….”
“… but…. but ma… “
“NO butts you’re grounded!” she huffed angrily after being woken up from her sleep.
“Mam please…. I was racing Apachee…. and he won…. both races, ….. mom…. we came first!”
Mommy please…. I didn’t do it on purpose… I. I .. wanted to see how good he was and he is he’s great mom,” begged Michael
“Look ma I brought home $3700 simoleons…. mom here look”, pleaded Michael for her forgiveness.
“Hmm He did,… did he…” Cheyenne pondered
“… we really could do with that money…”
“OK” she agreed,
“You’re off the hook, this time young man, but next time let us know when you’re doing down to the track”
“I want to see you work harder at school and duties as a small punishment” she said sternly yet, knowing he did well in her mind glowing with pride.
“Oh ma… I… will… I promise” smiled Michael still on a high from his winnings.
“I wont let you down mom I promise: he said as he went upstairs.
“I will make her proud”, he pondered, “ma deserves to be happy with us all….” He rambled his thoughts as he immersed himself in his art work, still on a high from his winnings this evening.
“THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO HANGGGG” yelled Dakota over the blaring music and crowd.
“CHEERS JESS I’LL TRY TO COME DOWN, NOT SURE ABOUT TOMORROW THO….” Dakota replied knowing he shouldn’t be out tonight, but ignored the warning bells in his guts.
“WHO MELINDA….. he chuckled… as he decided to approach her.
"Hey Melinda, so you been staring at me huh…" Dakota said in a cocky fashion.
Before he could say anymore… Melinda grabbed him and whooped him a kiss.
Dakota didn’t even get a chance to reply she had already run off.
“What was all that about” Said Jessica
“uh… ohh… nothing much Jess, Mel has a crush on me.. has had one since pre school… I’ll deal with her later… hey I better go “, Dakota scurried off knowing he will be in big trouble if he doesn’t get home.
Before Dakota could get any further the Police were waiting for him, they picked him up to escort him home.
“Oh uhh, …..can you like drop me off a like few blocks from home, promise I wont be bad again…” Dakota said in a flippant manner
“Yeah right” Constable Perry grumbled in her gruff voice at him.
“You’re going to the station tonight young man and I’ll be dropping you off in the morning”
“You’re parents will be waiting for you….., you’ve got some explaining to do” she chuckled knowing how angry they both sounded on the phone when she had spoken to them prior.
“Are you out of your mind DAKOTA Fox…… sneaking out like that….. Staying out until all hours of the night….., Cheyenne yelled at him
“…what if something had happened to you?...... “What were you thinking”….. she continued to yell at him”
“.. mom but but…”
“At least your brother came home with winnings,… money…. his curfew bust was selfless… what about you?? …. Huh… YOU on the other hand are fully grounded for smelling like alcohol and not considering this family!!!” she yelled
“…..NOW GET INSIDE and get to work!
“…..When you’re old enough you can go out on your accord,….. until then you are grounded” she yelled as she stormed off in a complete rage.
Dakota with his tail between his legs grumbling and cussing went to fix the toilet he started weeks ago.
“I didn’t consider this family… blah blah….he muttered under his breath”…
“Michael this.. Michael that.. I HATE Michael…”
he grew angrier at his thoughts, took a breath and continued to repair the toilet……
”One of these days I’ll have my vengeance with him.. you just wait…” he said to himself through gritted teeth.
“He will pay.. so help me god he will pay with his life…..” Dakota continued to grit his teeth and mutter under his breath as he hit the hammer harder every time, engulfed in his own rage.
Nicholas was quietly continuing to work on his very first novel, ideas and thoughts rushing through his brain, he understood the rush mom gets when she’s in her writers frame of mind…
“ahh… ohhh….. brilliant idea” Nicholas said as he patted himself on his shoulder, while he worked on his next chapter
“YES… yes.... a twist of course why didn’t I think of that earlier….” He encouraged himself.
As he typed madly, …… then he heard a strange sound….
“What are those two morons up to now ..” he whispered to himself
“… I can’t concentrate from that buzzing sound…” he got up to inspect where the sound was coming from?
Walking outside to inspect the loud buzzing sound.. he saw a beautiful array of shimmering lights.
“Hey What’s this…?” Nicholas thought to himself as he was drawn to the colourful flashing lights above him,
“it’s…. it’s beautiful…. ooooooohh looks like Northern lights… an aurora of some kind… “ he thought to himself as he stared up into the glistening lights above him.
Then WHAM!!! The noise got so loud and strong it was blistering his ear drums….
“WAIIIT NOOO…….. what’s happening” yelled Nicholas at the top of his lungs..
“helllppppp moooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” he screamed as the beam of lights latched onto him like a serpent squeezing his body, losing all sense of mobility.. and before anyone could notice Nicholas was gone.
Minutes later he was spat out and returned home,
“What happened” whispered Nicholas
“…. Omg nooo please I don’t want an alien baby… no no no.. Pa will kill me… pleeaaase nooooooo” Nicholas panicked…..
“Yuurrrrrr not good enough for usssssssss” echoed the alien as it took off in it’s UFO.
Nicholas felt ill and ran inside to shower and hide under his bed terrified from what just happened.
“Dakota the bus is this way”
YEAH WHATEVER douche you just run home to mommy”
“I'm going to hang with my friends” lied Dakota
“just go and run off to your poofy paint brushes like a sook you are” Dakota barked at Michael as he left to go on his own accord
“But you’re grounded” yelled Michael at him as he walked away.
“PLUM YOU MICHAEL Now P*ss OFF I said…. You useless twat” growled Dakota as he stormed off on his own.
Michael came home and went onto his duties, and work…angry that Dakota is showing little respect towards Ma and Pa….
“I don’t care what Dakota thinks….. he’s just a wannabe anyways” Michael comforted himself under his breath.
“I have brought in more money into this family than him and he’s just crappy that mom let me off the hook and not him.. “he humpfed to himself.
Dakota decided to get his rod out and fish in the ocean for some lone time… he had heard by the local townies that there was a huge school of fish hanging around and people could catch big fish and make a lot of money… he wasn’t going to tell Michael to reap the rewards and grab his lime light again… so he lied to him and came right away for some fishing action
“I’ll bring in some dosh now…., I will”, sniggered Dakota to himself
“…there is plenty of fish in the sea …..hahaha” he roared into laughter at his own petty Joke.
“I’ll bring home something so the rents can see, I'm not the loser they think I am, maybe I’ll even get off the hook and be the favorite, like princess Michael….” He growled as he continued to fish
“You just wait I'm graduating from high school end of this week anyways” Dakota angrily stated.
“I’ll be a free man then… I’ll get my fame … the emperor of EVVILLLLLLLL he roared with laughter, then stopped at the sound of his own echo
“They will beg this “Master Fox” for mercy… you just wait…” he mumbled under his breath to himself.
“More fishies in the bag……..yay to me” giggled Nicholas.
Meanwhile a wild horse stood staring at him.
“Hey aren’t I suppose to be watching you?” said Nicholas to the wild horse
“… what do you want…? ….you don’t eat fish… ahhhh…go to Pa, yeah…he’ll give you some apples, I got nuffin for you”, Nicholas said to the wild horse that continued to stand and stare at him, making him feel completely uncomfortable and remembering the alien abduction last night making him feel slightly ill.
“If Pa ever found out, I would be disowned from this family, if anyone ever found out… I'm one dead Fox…” Nicholas shivered as he tried to dismiss his thoughts.
“Hahahahaha after my great catches….. time for some trolling…..” Thought Dakota to himself
“ ahhh I love trolling “ he sniggered, as he continued to stir the pot on a forum he visits daily with his friends.
“You’re a dumb a**s and I’m going to let you have it…..” Dakota gloated with pride knowing he was upsetting others.
“My pocket money was so worth it, I have wanted to try street art for so long….” Squealed Michael at his new investment
“ I'm loving this, lets see what I can create……?” he thought as he continued to spray.
“Hmmm….. I’ll have to ask mom if I can pay for a course in street art I think it will help” thought Michael as he tried not to breath in the Petroleum solvents that crept up his nostrils and realizing he wasn’t overly impressed by his first piece of street art work.
“Another novel on it’s way…. YES to me” grinned Cheyenne with her next Romance novel about to be published.
“Just to get this in by the deadline tonight and I can reap the rewards……”
“This is one of my best works “she thought as she pressed into her prince charming fairytale romance story…
“Hmmmm…..what will I call this one… “ “ahhh ‘Beauty and the BEAST… hehe” she chuckled…
“Cliché…… but no one will ever guess the ending… “ she giggled some more while working hard on her completion.
“A little more……” Sighed Shawnee…” then, I can sell off my harvest for this year… Winter is coming closer day by day”
“…… this year you have been quiet grand to us beautiful mother nature, many thanks for all your beautiful harvests….” Praised Shawnee
“Great Mother nature thank you for all your blessings. “Shawnee continued to Grace his riches
“Hmmmm.. although to have a glasshouse….. to harvest through winter would be a even bigger blessing….” He thought to himself…..” Ahh the dreams” he comforted.
Michael set out for his daily ride, not noticing the pesky Raccoon that they have been trying to find for weeks, who has been knocking over the rubbish bin and making a huge mess at the front of their house.
“I just have to make sure I get home in time”…. Michael reminded himself as he enjoyed the sights…
“Sheeeepp…….. sheepppppp……. wait up… what have you found….?” Yelled Michael as he ran to catch up with Shep.
“Here Michael ……” Shep said panting with excitement
” Hhhhhere…. it’s hhhhhuge…. I fffound another one… awwwww I hope it’s worth a lot.. “ woofed Shep with joy to what might be his biggest find to date.
“Hey, ….. look at this Shep…. a Ruby……”
“Ooooooooowww…… I’ll pick this up, I'm sure it’s worth something… “ Michael hopes as he picks up the biggest Ruby rock he’s ever seen.
“…..common Shep….. we have to get home….. it’s getting late….. and we’re a long way from home “ yelled Michael as he ran towards home almost skipping with joy knowing today’s finds might be the biggest winner yet.
“Your MOM might have been soft on you but you’re grounded and I don’t want to hear NO BS excuses………….. young man ……………’re nothing but trouble ……………a stone in everyone’s shoe you are………….. a disgrace………..”
summoned Shawnee
“YOU DISAPPOINT ME” he yelled at Michael as he stormed off not even allowing Michael to explain….
“But Pa …….we found gems ………..Shep and I….. “ he whimpered with tears in his eyes, as he went inside with a heavy heart.
“He hates me…. He truly hates me…. Maybe it’s better I'm dead” thought Michael
“ he simply hates me…...”
Michael tried to get to his homework after his father had insulted him and grounded him…. “This assignment is too hard,”
Michael muttered as he struggled to come up with ideas for his final essay.
“it’s our last one for the year and we have to write about our family and what we love about them…..and I got nothing…….”
“… how does ma do it?............... And Nicholas too… ?” he wondered
“grrr I'm not a writer… I hate this……” protested Michael to himself
…. And I've got nothing that great to say, pa hates me, ma thinks that I could do better, always pushing me harder, but wishes I was more like Dakota and Nicholas ……shep and the horses…. Yeah they love me…arghhhh another one in the waste bin… as he screwed up his work and threw it in the bin
“… ahem…Umm… SIR…. you think you can put a pedal to the metal….. do ya “ asked Dakota, to the Driver as he knew he shouldn’t be out, but when the boss calls he has to find a way to get there….
“…arrrr plllllllease can you speed it up…?? I am gonna get in strife with the rents ya know “ Dakota cautiously commanded the driver.
The driver just glared at him and drove the same speed… meanwhile Dakota thinking of ways to sneak into the house without his parents finding out.
“Excellent!.... if I sneak in the front no one will see me and I can scoot upstairs” sniggered Dakota
“… hehe workin for the criminals is fun and I got paid.. so it should be ok yeah… he convinced himself as he snuck towards the front door.
“WHERE the H*LL have you been DAKOTA FOX…?” yelled Shawnee
“ aaarrr… ummmm… Pa… paaaa….. Iva been….. ummm… working, yeah working pa… “back tracked Dakota.. knowing he may has stuffed up in mentioning that, as his father will not approve of his career choice.
“WHAT?!!! Don’t you lie to me you two flea bitten lout… “snorted Shawnee
“You are double grounded and you will have to catch the bus….. you will not be getting your license as punishment buster ……now get to your chores……. you useless piece of work”, Shawnee continued to yell at Dakota whilst walking away from him ignoring his pleas and the uni mascot that was walking to their front door.
“Buuut Paaa PAAAAA please.. listen please… I made money…… look… look I I I was working, I promise I wont do this again.. “begged Dakota
“please pleaseee teach me to drive I'm graduating and will be the only one my age who hasn’t got my license…”begged Dakota
“OUT OF THE QUESTION” yelled Shawnee interrupting
“buster you’re double grounded!! NOW GET…. to your chores……. At least Michael is getting his license tonight with your mother.. not like you,….. you two timed loser” Shawnee snidely spat in rage as he stormed off.
“Don’t ride the clutch son, just let it go smoothly” guided Cheyenne gently
“…. apart from that son you’re a natural” she glowed with pride at his quick learning abilities, reminding her very much of herself
“….. you’re doing really well.. keep this up and you should pass with flying colors my son”
“Yay ma this is fun and easier than I thought “ said Michael as he fixed up his errors his mom had corrected him on and kept working on his driving manner. Pondering the freedom this will bring….
After some time driving Michael got his license, he even has permission to drive when he likes as long as he’s home before his curfew.
“Two …bit …rotten …rooster…… Charles,…. you’re not going to beat me you rotten bird!!”
“I hate you,….. hate …………everyone,……… you will not make fun of me I tell you or I’ll make stew out of you…” snapped Dakota at Charles the rooster.
“Take that you two bits of mini drumsticks” yelled Dakota at Charles who continued to peck his face.
“Give me the eggs you rotten bird “yelled Dakota……
Not realizing how silly he had made himself look in fighting a little bird… non the less he was releasing his frustrations and hatred.
“I will snap your neck Charles….. like Michael… that will hurt pa …..if I hurt Michael… hate you… hate him… hate pa… hate everyone!!!” He raged angrily as he brawled with Charles.
“You have to be kidding me even a flea bitten rooster beats me in a fight grrrrr” growled Dakota.
“Dumb bird I hate everyone………” he spat angrily and slightly ashamed of his outburst….
“You bewdyyyy” yelled out Michael whilst doing a happy dance for graduating
“Woohooo I graduated with a scholarship….. “A” stars for effort..” he glowed with joy,
Dakota just passed and watched his brother celebrate his victory
“….F*K you Michael……” he growled
“….. such a girl… mister goodie tooshooo” he angrily bit his lip from his parents to notice his anger.
“I'm going to uni…………………. nar nar nar nar” glowed Michael
“…. You’re such a girl…… la la ladida “sung Dakota to himself as he watched Michael act like a total show off, knowing jealously his brother was a straight A student and he just barely passed, he still wasn’t going to give Michael the satisfaction of knowing he’s intimidated by his great report.
“Hmmm lets see… which course do I want to apply for… “chuckled Michael to himself
“….. of course Arts……….. duhhhh “he grinned at his own humor.
“ A scholarship wooot woot " he gleamed with pride as he completed the university entrance exam.
“I’ll do this exam too…..” muttered Dakota under his breath
“.. Michael and Nicholas can’t be the only studious ones in this family…..”
“Sides….., I don’t want to hang around here…………… I can get a better education and join the criminal area, don’t matter how I make the dosh just that I make it…. right… “ he kept convincing himself, as he concentrated hard on the Exam questions.
“Hey Koda this is your kind of thing…..” Michael said sarcastically
“… see this ….a….. flag …… you know… “ Michael stirred at his brother.
“Bite me Michael” he interrupted
“I'm going too I’ll show you all who Dakota Fox is. You’ll be sorry buster”
“So uni here I come……”
“I wonder what it will be like….?”
“Oh well…. Will know soon” thought Michael
“I just have to get my chores and tomorrow morning leave for the new life….”.
“La la la la lalalalalalalalalal “Dakota yelled so that he wouldn’t hear Charles croaking at him.
“You're an imbecile….. bird Charles …and I’ll be glad to see the end of you when I go to university. “
“…..And when I get back….. you’re stew…. I’m a telling you, you dumb plum bird”
With the morning arrived the winter snow in Appaloosa plains too. Uni van was coming today and we had a long trip to our new adventure.
“Look after yourselves boys, study hard… don’t get into too much trouble.. and please take care of each other” pleaded Cheyenne
“YES… DON’T get into NO TROUBLE…. the pair of you louts…bring no shame to the Fox name” Shawnee urged
Shawnee trying not to show he is actually proud of the boys
“You’re the first Fox’s to go to university…. make us proud” he said sternly not to give away that he was actually more than proud of his boys, hoping they would get his message.
“You’ll do great boys …you will” said Cheyenne with flair.
See ya rents said the boys as they pushed and nudged each other while entering the Uni vehicle.….
The boys watched the winter snow as they took the long journey towards university and a new life time of memories.