I am back from vacation now, so I will try to read through what I have missed on the forums (bit by bit).
Page 52
I have to familiarize myself with the macDuff family now (sorry I don't remember the details of what I read before vacation. :P) . They look like a nice family. I see mom and daughter have the flirtatious trait. So mom doesn't live the family for whatever reason? Not rich enough for her maybe, but I think they look quite rich with a nice big house and their own sauna... what a shallow reason to not live with your own family...
Oh, that's Cherry Blossom. I remember her, she is the flower girl from the kissing booth stand. I can understand why Jules would like her. ;)
Looks like Youngman thinks any mom will do.. why not Hanae. She is cute and has a pretty name. :P
Ah yes, Jules probably has all the reasons to be his happiest ever. I'm sure he's got a fine woman in Cherry Blossom. ;)
"No I'm sorry, but Rainflower is disappointed in Peanut for snubbing me again, and says we have to hangout together until we feel the love!
I really don't like it here Patty, I wish I was with you!" laments Zack. <-- Haha, yes, that's ridiculous.. but I guess its something one should expect from a character like Rainflower... :P
Lucky the lamp was there... ;)
Oh, Youngman's ex answered his love letter.. Hmm, but he is with Hanae now (I guess), so..
Hanae's guest must really have wanted to come over, since they came so quickly. Haha, Sugar Free, I love your naming. ;)
"The teens get to learn to drive in Police Cars! " <--- Oh, lucky ones, haha!
"Now that Henny feels better, he can get back to bed!
Aw he is feeling the love! Rainflower would be so proud!" <-- Haha, nothing brings out the feeling of love like an overflowing toilet... :P :P
Oh, poor Hanae but she can probably get her old rank back if she works at it.. just be careful with the love interests...
Oh, Nadia works as a maid. That's probably a more realistic maid costume than the one that comes with the game....
Youngman is really a family man.
"Patty thinks "If I become a rock star, I hope I don't end up looking like Rainflower!"" <-- Haha, yeah. What is that new look of his.. showing off his hairy chest. Oh well... :P
Oh, Hanae is so cute for proposing to Youngman. Even if he is hairy and wears socks in bed. :P What a sweet lady.
Nice wedding, so quickly. :P Now why would they all be thinking about Sunny, hmm..
Haha, of course they love cake. Everyone loves cake. Isn't that the main point of a wedding? :P
Ah. Cherish runs away, well for some people marriage is scary, I can understand that.. it is a very big thing, of course...