@DivaDoodle Well, it was an interesting update for sure. Usually your teens are so good. These two boys, not so much. I hope my comments are not too mean. :open_mouth:
The kids are kinda snobby aren't they, regarding the pizza job and uniform.
Rocky and Sunny look great. I still want to know how you get your sims up in careers so fast. :lol:
I think Rocky needs to listen to the boys when they don't know he is around. Especially Jed hanging with Nadia.
I think what Dakota has is a winning personality, not a whining one. :lol: The boys need to learn the difference if they want to succeed in what they do.
Well, they did exactly what I thought two immature teens would do...ditch the job. They were given too much license on their own and not enough supervision.
Why was Dallas expecting them and allowing them to work when they were supposed to be on another job?
omg, the firestation is the wrong place for two silly immature teens.
lol at Dallas finally calling Rocky. I think he only did it to have the girls to himself.
I guess Fabian didn't think about Mara at the firestation!
I think Rocky needs to talk to his sons and not just the counselor! Personally I think a fitting punishment would be to have to keep working as pizza delivery boys and losing the bikes! :grin: Mean mom strikes again. :grin: