@Sprottenham I hope you had a wonderful vacation! Oh my I feel so sorry for you wanting to catch up over here! *pats shoulder* here have a cookie! ?
The MacDuff 's are a family without parents (they ran off) that Youngman is helping to care for. So Youngman is trying to find a wife because he has a wish to marry, even before having a girlfriend! LOL
HAHAHA Yes we can always count on Rainflower to say the ridiculous!
''Haha, Sugar Free, I love your naming. ;) '' The Game named her! LOL
Yes Youngman is really a family man! he just loves kids so much and really wants to have a wife to help him guide and parent the kids!
Oh hahaha Rainflower' outfit is the Rockstar uniform outfit of the game---Rainflower doesn't look as good in it as others sims do, like Timon and Oscar!
Yes Hanae was so cute proposing to Youngman all hairy and icky socks and all! LOL
Now that I look back on it I think everyone Knew that Sunny was feeling like she had just made her decision that she wanted to find a mate! I think she was purposely sharing that info, if sims can indeed do that sort of thing---well it sure looked like it!
hahaha Cake is so important to my sims! Oh I like your belief that it is the main reason for weddings! My baby sister made her own wedding cake , and it was all organic and only sweetened with Dates! Everyone secretly was sooo disappointed! :D :D :D