@DivaDoodle I didn't realize if you didn't use the game SP they wouldn't progress in jobs. Before I got SP from nraas I used to turn off EA's. Been so long I guess I forgot or never realized that non played sims didn't promote. I use MC to set the career level or skill level for sims if I need them able to do certain things quickly though. But I generally make them all work for their careers whether it is a RH or one I have to help with. I have to help with all of them right now so they are going slow! :grin: Because Lee was not intended to be a full time sim I gave him high levels in his needed skills and career to help with what he needed to be able to do for the story. I love that we can do that with mods!
No, you didn't write it that way. I did. I thought Dakota had a great attitude and the boys were just whiners.
Working full time is no excuse for not knowing what your child is up to. lol, I worked full time and knew at all times what my boy was doing, when and where and with who. It was called the Mom network. (some Dad's were in it too)
Is the reason you started them doing these little jobs they couldn't go to school because of their glitch? I use Nrass career and the school modules. You can assign teens or kids to RH for school. I usually only assign teens. The kids go to the school.
Bummer about restarting messing up some of the relationships. I guess if it is meant to be it will happen again. Save, save save! :grin:
Well, all they seem to be learning this day is how to whine and be snobs and cheat leaving jobs and yeah, that the firestation has hot babes who play around. Losing their cycles will be a good lesson to learn responsibility to get them back. :grin: I hope what Rocky has in mind will work. They are both cute and have potential and don't need to turn into bratty trouble makers. Make the little toddler (forgot his name) talk to them. They might listen to him instead of their Dad.