@DivaDoodle Thanks for the cookie. ;) Very long comment monstrosity incoming....
"The MacDuff 's are a family without parents (they ran off)" Oh, poor kids. :(
"Now that I look back on it I think everyone Knew that Sunny was feeling like she had just made her decision that she wanted to find a mate! I think she was purposely sharing that info, if sims can indeed do that sort of thing---well it sure looked like it!"
You are great at catching these things that would probably pass over my head if I was playing your game.. (?)
Page 53
Aww, so good for Sunny to have such a helpful sister to help her finding a man. ;) Her eyes could probably lure anyone in, as long as she doesn't show her teeth... :P :P
Uh oh, she bites... Run Rocky, run! :P
""Oh no Youngman, I won't bite your new baby or any of your kids! You have my word!" says Sunny, though she thinks Youngman would make an excellent Vampire, with his nice looks!" <-- Yeah, I bet she does, but I think she should lay off the biting thing... ;)
Strange burglar, thinking Sunny is hot after getting beat up, but eh... :P
Haha, writing a love letter to Rocky when he is sleeping in her bed.. ;)
Bill Misfit, haha, I like the name. Is that another one the game has made, or did you make that one? Not to much of a fan of the cowboy type, though... :P
Oh, he's a heartbraker type.. yeah, just get away from him. He's not worth your time... but no, she has to bite him instead and get attracted of course. Meh! Stupid woman! :P
""Rocky, I don't want to meet any more guys, I already know I love you and wish you were my Boyfriend!"" <-- Good, now you settle down.
Ok, she wants more vampires, hmm...
I love this expression even if it has teeth all over it.
""Dude, why are you so tall?" asks Chad" <-- Ah, yes, having sims of different height is of course more realistic, the downside is of course that it can make hugging and kissing look kind of awkward. I had it installed for a while, but took it out for that reason...
Hehe, this Chad seems to be a good baby sitter, or maybe he is just bragging.. :P
Page 54:
""Dude, go take a cold shower! It's embarrassing!" thinks Jed." <-- Haha, did Chad just get a *cough* *cough*... Haha, umm, yeah, not always easy to be a teenager with such hormones! :P If that was embarrassing for everyone else, I can almost guarantuee it would be much more embarrassing for Chad!
Youngman is very certain he wants to be a vampire, a.k.a. being immortal. Yeah, maybe something like that would be worth it.. if all it costs is one short bite..
Maybe if I lived in a shadowy place, I would consider. ;)
Oh, Nadia is a naughty maid, going to bed with a teenager. Sssh! :P I hope he is 16+ or she would be breaking the law. ;) (In my country atleast.)
""Or Like when we watched that movie XXX on the computer, but it wasn't the same kind of movie we thought at ALL, and Vin Diesel wasn't even in it?" Fabian asks.
"No, it was much better than even that!" answers Jed." <-- Haha, what are your sims up to. ;)
"Making out with her ear and eye because he is so tall! lol The curse of being too tall!" <-- Haha, there it is. ;) But Fabian and Mara are both cute teenagers. If he is tall enough, he might just bang his head into ceiling lamps and random doorways, too...
"Mara is so pretty!" <-- Yes, she is. :P
Hehe, of course Rocky would see through Fabians plan to be with Nadia..
"But right now, he feels left out and lonesome for love, because he can hear his brother Fabian upstairs having fun," <-- No fair! :P
"It is at this moment that Hanae understands that Nadia didn't come to work early today, In fact, she didn't come to work at all!
Because Len is here to do her job!" <-- Busted! Hm, could Nadia really be afraid of being arrested? :P
"''I don't know if either of you are aware, but our remaining politicians are all corrupt!'' Dante tells them." <-- Oh, I'm not surprised. ;) Fits in perfectly with my cynical world view that politicians would be corrupt! Why not sim politicians, too? Probably...
Oh yeah, Octavio and Miriam.. of course, I wouldn't trust those.. weren't they the ones responsible for having every child go bald or something like that!? (Correct my memory if it's wrong..)
Yeah, I get it, he wants to show off his fangs, but that's not the kind of politician I would vote for! ;)
256 The Watcher Watches: Pendragon's ~~ Silly Out Takes at Central Park.~~
Oh, there is Poor Eddy with his guitar. He actually did show up in University town in my game, I was surprised to see that he was an EA premade. I thought he was someone elses creation!
""The heat! It is as if my blood is on fire! it feels as if it is boiling through my veins! What have I gotten myself into" the pop-up tells us! :o" <--- My main argument against being a vampire.. if it is being out in the sunlight that causes it?
"Which is just as well because Max has thought up a new plan to keep Everyone off His bed today! LOL" <-- Heh, its funny how he can think its HIS bed when it is in a public location! I would strongly disagree, its not yours, its a public bed! ;) I wonder why my hometown doesn't have more public beds around! Must be the weather.... ah, well.. there's always hotel rooms....
"Yesterday was the first time out in 1.5 yr!" <-- Wow, sh... it's really been that long... Nice you had a good time out with your family! I went out eating with my family on my visit as well.
"They had BEDS on the airplane" <-- Amazing, must be first class! :P I'd like to fly like that, but I bet its expensive! :P
257 The Watcher Watches: Pendragon's ~~ Transformation ~~
"Fabian loves his Dad so much! He is just he best Dad in the world!
He is excited to tell Jed that they have Dad's permission!" <-- So many good people and parents in your town (apart from the MacDuff family parents whoever they are)! Makes me think its the quite opposite with my games.. My sim parents suck (and its not just because I want my stories to be that way)! Well, not all of them, most of them are pretty average I would say.. I like average, average is good in my book. :P
Oh, it takes a while to be transformed into a vampire.. it doesn't just happen immediately. Hmm, I guess Youngman is gonna have to deal with his transitioning for some time then. (I have never had anyone get bitten in my game, so the effects are unknown to me.)
Hanae is a good person for now being the rock of the family. ;)
""Hon, you are just the sexiest man on the planet!" whispers Hanae.
And that makes Youngman the happiest guy in the world!" <-- Haha, wonderful! ;)
258 The Watcher Watches: Pendragon's ~~ Teen work day ~~
""It's not quite a lie, is it? to not say the complete truth? I like her so much, but if she knows I'm just a dumb teen in school, she might not like me anymore!" he thinks." <--- Haha, Nadia probably knows he's a teen already, young one. ;)
"Jeb is right! So far Nadia seems to think he's her same age, just with a baby face she finds tremendously cute...." <--- Wait, does she? She's probably pretty young then, too?
"Jed wishes he could sneak back home, to not be under Youngman's eye today!
At least he could be with Nadia, if he were at home!" <--- Oh what a bummer. That's one detail he forgot. ;)
Oh, look, its a young Brian Johnson with a bandit mask. (Well, not quite, but.. :P)
Hehe, Fabian and Jed are very opposite when it comes to girls, especially in the uhmm.. "austronaut control room" (for lack of better words..), and it is interesting that a lack of strategy works better then having one.. just to bad Jed doesn't notice. ;)
Fabian is so much in love, even his love letter is floating... haha. :p
Page 55
"The house has 14 people right now! And Who knows if she even wants to be turned, But Youngman has that wish to turn her!" <-- Wow, that's a big household.. and what do you mean by turning her (Hanae)? Turning her into what?
"LOL but Fabian seems to have a good interrupting type plan! And just cuts in! :D
Patty is studying biology in school, so finds this fascinating!" <--- Hahaha, what does she study? Simish biology? How awkward! :P
"Henny is happy how he looks, and laughs, enjoying the moment!
Nice lookin guy!" <-- but his jacket is asymmetric! :P Well, happy birthday! :P
Aand happy birthday to Faith too. Wow, she looks kind of different. Now she looks like a real woman. Begone with you, young girl teenage braided hair. :P
And what a birthday gift for Henny, his own beach house. I'm envious! :P
260 The Watcher Watches: About Town Out Takes :) ~~ Alfie's son Jimmy~~
"Ah! Jimmy Helmquist, Alfie's #1 son! " <-- Wait, their last name is Helmquist? How come I never noticed that? Which of course reminds me I should update myself on AlexaKry's story too. I will do that next.
"Besides, then I can flaunt my Age to Fawn! She is so funny when she gets a bee in her bonnet!" <-- Bee in her bonnet? What does that mean? Is it some kind of strange euphemism I'm not getting... :P Well, google tells me it means to be obsessed with something, aha, ok.
Yep, Jasmine after the transformation looks very fairy like. Perfect costume. ;)
261 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Intern day 2 for Rocky's Teens.~~
Haha, poor teenage mutant pizza delivery guys... :P
"It's because most everyone here in town Loves pizza!" <-- Well, who doesn't like pizza? :P
Oh, those teens.. they're so stupid only thinking about girls all the time.. I wish I could meet them to talk some sense into them.. :P Not that there's anything wrong with thinking about girls of course, but.. not ALL the time... :P
Haha, even the game got rid of all the firemen for them, and left only women there. ;)
Of course fire fighting is a dangerous job, but learning handiness is probably better than learning how to deliver a pizza....