bekkasan hehehe No I just wanted to see if they could do adult jobs since they seem to be half teen and half YA :D I actually wanted the teens to go fight a fire to see if they would! But that was right before the firewomen started their s'henanigan's and I got all mad and forgot all about making a fire emergency and got Rocky to come! sometimes I get all in a dither and forget there is a pause button! is censored!!!!
Edit to say Now s'henanigan's is censored!!!! :o
Yes I use MC to make their job performance at around 97 so I can see them get a promotion and applaud themselves! lol
@bekkasan and now I have to include @AlexaKry !!! Because of what you just wrote agreeing with bekkasan about the teens! ! I will lump it all together! and hope it is a jumbled mess and hard to read! so there!
Wow! At first I didn't know how to respond! But as this keeps happening, all I can say is I'm sorry my writing is so unclear that you continually see something that isn't even there! Even when I further explain it afterwards, to try to make it clear, I somehow keep failing! And now, today, all of a sudden Rocky's teens have brand New Foibles I also never even wrote? It's really hard to try to change something in characters, that was never written by me, when I read that you seem to give them character flaws they have never possessed, and I am utterly clueless on why you see Rocky's teenagers this way? I am not understanding why you see these things that aren't there in the story. Please let me try to explain them again, one line at a time:
''No, you didn't write it that way. I did."" <--- is this part of the miscommunication? >:) B)
'' I thought Dakota had a great attitude and the boys were just whiners.'' ''whine and be snobs and cheat leaving jobs '' whine? snobs? I don't understand?
To explain them in the last episode, Fabian wants a job that will make Mara in awe . He saw her awe when he was astronaut, He has a fear that she won't be in awe about driving pizza around. This is his fear.
The teens are genius and want to learn skills and not drive pizza's around. They find that boring. Is that being a snob, or is it a preference? I also don't wish to drive pizzas around either, but I don't think that should label me a whiner, if I disliked or found boring that job nor would that make me a snob. It is just a preference! so I don't understand you calling them whiner and snobs.
And I thought they were pretty brilliant to go after learning their skills, instead of staying at a boring work! they could have run off to the festival! But it was skills they were after! Although they should have called or texted Dad! they are impetuous, and they are teens not adults, and definitely not perfect! (thank goodness!)
''bratty trouble makers.'' What?! Now Suddenly they are brats too? I don't understand how? They have never been written as brats? What makes them Brats? Please explain! They do get in trouble, though, sometimes.
''Working full time is no excuse for not knowing what your child is up to. lol, I worked full time and knew at all times what my boy was doing, when and where and with who. It was called the Mom network. (some Dad's were in it too)''
Um, Dallas DID call Rocky, so I'm sorry I don't understand your point?
Also Rocky is very different than a real human, he is make believe! So, No, I don't have Rocky have this real world network for this make believe town with it's make believe characters, where all sorts of crazy nonsensical things happen! It's just a silly story and Not all the parents are the perfect parents. Not all the teens are the perfect teens. But they are also not what you say they are!
I am wondering, Is it the teen characters, or the Rocky's story, or have I somehow made you mad at me? I hope not! I ask because I do notice that you only do this to me (making the 'out of their character' beliefs you have of my characters) and I would like to know why. please. Other than that I am clueless to why you both keep coming here if you hate my writing and characters so much? Maybe you like to be tortured! >:) B)
... :D Here is my perfect family story For You both, to put up against Rocky's story: ''Once upon a time there was a perfect little family that was so perfectly uninteresting that some of the town's people, who had the misfortune of knowing them, all died of boredom and then so did the author before she could even finish writing it.
''Wait! was she just being lazy, this not finishing her story? Or was she really actually bored to death?'' one town's person who had not died asked. Well the truth of the matter was no one cared! So they ignored this quizzical man and his question, and the man shuffled away, offended that he was being ignored by the apathetic group!
And here it was supposed to be a sad sad day, of mourning, but everyone promptly forgot the boring perfect family, and drifted off to a more sunny spot, trying to indulge in their ennui! But they couldn't, because now they could not decide which was worse, being apathetic or bored! The End.
'' :D :D :D No One would like that!!! Well, I Do actually like that, but it is wayy too short!!! :D
Yes I did have to restart! OMG I knew it was going to have to happen, I was really pushing the game and my laptop probably too! Finally it happened, when I was on Alfie's family, it showed Rocky's families pics on the left side, instead of Alfie's family :D this was when I wanted to move Jimmy and Jasmine to the house by the sea. I thought I did save between! But not often enough! There had been a so many aging ups, and moving to new houses, and saving all the families in edit town, so I wasn't too surprised at seeing this glitch. Happily, Restarting fixes this! :) But all that saving of each households did erase everyones wishes, and it kind of reset them too! :o I watched them ''come to" and it was kind of like they were thinking "wait! where am I?!!" I'm hoping that if they really want some of those wishes back, they will wish it again!