@Sprottenham hahaha I do like monsterous lengthed comments, or any sized at all, actually! :D
''You are great at catching these things that would probably pass over my head if I was playing your game.. (?)'' Oh thankyou, I've learned to pause a lot, and then I start checking everyone out on the lot, and that's when I notice, heyyyy what going on over here! LOL
haha yes the teeth are so scary looking on the vampires! Especially ones who love to bite!
Sunny is my most bitey vampire, I don't know why she loves it so much! She gets Wishes to taste their plasma, she is a bit scary!?
Bill Misfit is a homeless sim in town, the game named him LOL That is ow the game dressed him! LOL
Yes Sunny wants more vampires in town! I think she might be an elitist is it? thinking they are superior?
Rocky's sons height is a mistake I made, I was using the 'play with genetics" in the advanced mode of Master controller and hit the YA instead of teens (dang smudgy glasses!) and then was so shocked when I saw them jump up a foot in height! lol I intend on finding a remedy! People are telling me it is a glitch that might cause corruption of the game so I am a bit scared!
Vampires! ''Maybe if I lived in a shadowy place, I would consider. ;) '' I would choose fairies! They can fly! I still occasionally have dreams of flying like when I was a little kid! so fun!
Yes Nadia is bad to woo instead of working, but Jed is more bad not telling her he is a teen! She thinks he is a YA! And he doesn't mind her thinking this, and tries to be all suave and sophisticated (but he isn't at all! lol)
Yes the teens are being run by their hormones and will try to finagle a way, if they can! They are turning out to be like all the sims in this crazy town and no one seems to know the word "No."
''Busted! Hm, could Nadia really be afraid of being arrested? :P '' I don't think so, being fired is more likely, but she has to be actively working for any adult to fire her! And Jed keeps asking her to 'hang out' so she rarely works! :D
''Oh yeah, Octavio and Miriam.. of course, I wouldn't trust those.. weren't they the ones responsible for having every child go bald or something like that!? (Correct my memory if it's wrong..) '' Yes! and making the girls barren by poisoning the drinks at the concession stand, with plans to put the poison in the water supply, And stealing from the funds at the Capital! Plus they both are evil and the town's Mayors!
Yay Eddie! I'm glad you saw him in your game! I love the guy!!!
''My main argument against being a vampire.. if it is being out in the sunlight that causes it?'' This was his body getting ready to transform to vampire! It takes 3 days of agony to completely transform on an active sim, and just overnight on a non active sim.
''I wonder why my hometown doesn't have more public beds around! Must be the weather.... ah, well.. there's always hotel rooms....'' I think you all don't complain to your congressman enough! Surely they would listen, being politicians! :D
I'm so glad you had such a good time with your relatives on vacation! And going out to eat! did the food preparers and waiters wear Masks?
"They had BEDS on the airplane" <-- Amazing, must be first class! :P I'd like to fly like that, but I bet its expensive! :P '' well, these relatives are well off, so I didn't ask but I think all airfare overseas must be dear! I didn't ask if it was 1st class, I was just thinking that I (and my sims) certainly approved of it! :D
''So many good people and parents in your town (apart from the MacDuff family parents whoever they are)! Makes me think its the quite opposite with my games.. My sim parents suck (and its not just because I want my stories to be that way)! Well, not all of them, most of them are pretty average I would say.. I like average, average is good in my book. :P ''Yes most are loving families in my town, with varrying degrees of goodness. the MacDuffs and the Durwoods were not so good, as they placed what they wanted above their kids needs, and the Hopscrafts(Preacher & Miriam) were Terrible! I think Average is pretty good!
Yes Nadia thinks Jeb is a YA, and she would leave him if she thought he was a teen! Nadia is 19 and Jeb is 17. She likes him, he is her first romance (I saw her moodlets) but she wants commitment. Jed hasn't wished for anything like that.
Oh Youngman has a wish to turn Hanae into a Vampire! But she didn't have a like wish! so I think her lack of wish to turn vampire trumps Youngman's wish! they did both wish to have a baby together! (Of Course because all my sims want to break my game, with millions of kids!!)
''Patty is studying biology in school, so finds this fascinating!" <--- Hahaha, what does she study? Simish biology? How awkward! :P '' LOL Yes! Or ''Bonobo behavior exhibited in modern day sims'' :D
''And what a birthday gift for Henny, his own beach house. I'm envious! :P '' Me too!
yes well when Alexa gave me wonderful Alfarin, he had this very very long 20 or 40 letter hyphenated name! He is from the royal family Steinsson but in her game had recently married a Helmquist! That is who she sent me as a wonderful gift! I then changed his name to Maxfield Parrish--then got the doppelganger "Alfie"! So I keep the doppelganger name 'as is' Alfarin Helmquist-Steinsson, in FEAR of changing it and getting another doppel!!! I mean it Can't be good for the game to have many doubles! Even though they are the handsomest men in the game!
'Bee in her bonnet'' is an old fashioned saying that means she is mad and irritated as one would be if that actually happened that you got a Bee trapped in your hat!!
HAHAHA ''Oh, those teens.. they're so stupid only thinking about girls all the time.. I wish I could meet them to talk some sense into them.. :P Not that there's anything wrong with thinking about girls of course, but.. not ALL the time... :P '' LOL
Yes! lol well I took 3 firemen to marry off and now it is practically a womens organization!
''Of course fire fighting is a dangerous job, but learning handiness is probably better than learning how to deliver a pizza....'' Yes it is! :) I am Glad SOMEONE here recognizes this! Thank you for being the only intelligent creature here! ???