264 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Interning with Max! ~~
It's morning and Fabian has cooked Jeb's favorite, cookies for breakfast. Rocky and Sunny do join the twins for normal food, just so they can eat together, even though they are vampires and prefer plasma.
"Dad, that was nice meeting the Tesla's! Do you think the political contributions will be helpful to them?" asks Jed, then claps about cookies while his Dad answers "Well I hope so son! It is a mess over there!"
"Dad I'm so glad you are giving us another chance and really look forward to working with and being instructed by Max at the science center!"
"mm mmphmm!!!! mmph <3 mmMMmm!" says Fabian
"Fabian, please finish chewing and swallowing before you speak, son!" says Rocky, but he was glad to know this son also is looking forward to the day!
"Now boys, it is very important to listen carefully to Max and pay attention when he points out the dangerous things in the laboratory! Some are radioactive!" cautions Rocky.
"Yes Dad!" says Jed.
"mmMmm! ... sorry Dad! Yes Dad!" says Fabian.
Finally Max calls and says they can come over now! The three rush over!
Looks like Rocky and the teens may have mistook what Max said to mean to come to exactly the spot that Max is!
"Sorry about that boys, avert your eyes, like your Dad is doing!" says Rocky. And the boys comply! lol
They promptly file out, and wait downstairs, so that Max can complete his loving of Faelie. Max is famous for his great genius, yes, but he is also quite famous for his great love and his anger at having his love moods getting wrecked! They certainly don't want that to happen!
While they go downstairs to wait, Watcher hears a soft sweet voice "A little help please, Watcher?"
Oh! it's my dear Quigley! Who did that to you? Joe MacDuff? aww you poor guy! Here let me help!
I fix the singed moodlet and let Fern take care of the bruised feelings! She is good at that!
Max is happy now that the visitors are out of his room! I guess we will all be ready to go in an hour or so, when he is done! lol
Rocky and Jed play videos games while they wait for Max, and Fabian works out a bit playing soccer.
Finally, the great Max comes down to tell Jed that he is ready! He says he has a surprise for the boys, waiting at the science center for them!
Max, of course, doesn't mention anything about the teens height, "Gee they are still growing, they are taller than myself now!" he thinks. Max assumes it must cause problems for them. He makes a note to contemplate this extraordinary height problem, looking at Jed closely for any telltale sign that might help! 'Who knows, perhaps I can come up with a solution!' he thinks. Well If Anyone can fix this, Max can!
Max, Rocky, Jed and Fabian zoom off to the science center together. When they arrive, Max gives the teens part of their gift! Protective lab attire to keep the teens safe from the dangerous chemicals and radiation!
Rocky doesn't get to have one. He doesn't look too pleased when Watcher bundles him up in outerwear and sun glasses to give him some sort of protection! :D LOL But he is happy to see his boys so happy with their new outfit gift!
In they go!
Max explains so many great things to them and lets them work on the test chambers. Jed has to give up his test chamber for awhile because 2 workers said they needed that particular one to make out in! But Max immediately directs Jed to something more fascinating and fun, fishing in the tank with all sorts of experimental fish! Jed likes this so much!
Finally Max leads them to the experimental lab with the newest equipment! He lectures them on all the safety, and then gives them a very difficult exam to see if they were paying attention!?? Both teens got every answer correct, it was easy for them because Max's lectures were so incredibly interesting!
Max lets the boys play with those same devices, enjoying hearing them shout out "Cool!"
"What!? How Incredible! look at this Jed!"
"No Way! Look what mine made, Fabian!"
Max pulls Rocky to the side to speak privately. "Your boys seem to suck up all the information like little sponges, I hope one day to work with them here, if they choose science as a career!''
''Say Rocky, since they can handle it, may I give them the 2nd part of the gift? I do need your permission for this, as it can be dangerous in the wrong hands, but the ones I am giving have a safety feature called Un-do button which can reverse what ever was done!"
Rocky is filled with different emotions flooding in him at once! Glad and Proud of his sons, and also a bit of a fear of this gift of Max's. ... But Max seem so sure they can handle it, he tested them and they passed. Since there is a safety feature, then maybe it is alright to accept?
"Yes, thank you Max! I give my permission and my thanks to you for today! It was one of the most interesting Saturdays I think I ever spent! Thank you so much for teaching them!"
The boys are presented with the 2nd part of Max's gift! they are so surprised and happy!
They thank Max for the gift and the incredible day!
(That is Waylan and Emelie VanGould smooching on the right. They are so cute together!)
Max has to go home, and the teens can't wait to get home, but first they have to wait for Dad to try to get a political contribution from Amelina!
She not only donates 10K she seems to be Very excited about it! lol
(That is Danny Lothario thinking of woo with wife Belinda in the background, lol)
Finally they all can go home! But there is another surprise for Rocky and the boys!
The Tesla teens were never picked up by their parents! :o
Sunny had awoken at 2 am, and found the poor girls shivering in the living room. Sunny told them not to worry, and gently guided them upstairs and gave them sleeping bags, a hug, and wished them sweet dreams....
She has been caring for them, and entertaining them all day, since they woke up.