265 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ The Missing Tesla's. ~~
When Rocky sees the Tesla girls, and finds out from Sunny that she can't locate their parents, Rocky makes a conference call to Falcon Eddy & Jake Jones right away! They are the Best police detectives! Rocky asks if he can file a missing persons report or does he have to wait for 24 hours?
Jake tells him "No Rocky, those dramatic portrayals of a mandatory waiting period are only dramatized on TV! We take all reports very seriously! Please tells us all you know, so that we can write up the report!"
Rocky tells all he knows. "The Tesla's are important political dignitaries from Serbainia. There is much political unrest in their country. Our Capitol has bestowed a very large sum to them, in hopes of helping our sister country. They were last at our house yesterday around 7pm, and they looked stressed, or their relationship with each other appeared that way, but I took it as stress and worry from their country's situation, which was having this ill effect towards each other. I don't know why I thought that, it is just my impression. They asked us if we could look after their daughters while they took in a dinner and a play." says Rocky, and goes on to give their description, how they look, their clothing they wore, height, weight, all of that necessary information.
"Rocky, with such a large sum involved, and knowing of the political unrest, do you have any suspicion of foul play?" Falcon asks.
"Hm. That had not occurred to me, no ..." says Rocky.
Sunny speaks up when Jake wants to see if she can provide any more details or insight. "My impression is that Mr. and Mrs. Tesla wanted time together, to reconnect, and mend their stressed relationship, with needing a night on the town together. My thought was they might be at a hotel, for much needed closeness, but all the hotels I called said no one with the names Tesla had registered. The girls are naturally worried, and we are keeping them as calm as we can."
"Thank you both, we will begin our investigation immediately. Will you be caring for the daughters until the parents are found?" asks Jake.
Both Rocky and Sunny say "Yes, of course we will!"
With the call ended, They invite the girls to sleep over. They do it in a way that sounds like a fun sleep over, so the girls are excited about this.
Jed is sad, and is missing Nadia. They're very fond of each other, and very much enjoyed being together, even though they never made a commitment, nor spoke the words of love.
Nevertheless, Jed has been having wishes for her while he slept last night, and now is thinking of her, missing her, her voice, her laugh, just everything about her!
It's so sad! I have him give her call, because it is making me sad too!
As soon as he hears her voice he is instantly happy. Happier than I have seen him since before the move from Youngman's house, where Nadia is employed!
https://i.imgur.com/CMlKFBe.jpg .
Uh-Oh, But when the call ends, Jed is sad again. Nadia has found out that he is not a young adult as she had thought, but is a teenager! And told him she won't see him anymore, and to not call her again!
Gosh the poor kid!
Jed now thinks his Dad was right all along, he should always be upfront about his age!
Lesson learned the hard way, as most important lessons are!
Meanwhile, his brother Fabian and Dot have hit it off famously! They chat and flirt and tell jokes and have a great time together, being very compatible!
Dot really likes to flirt and Fabian loves it!
"I want to kiss you Fabian!" says Dot.
"Wow! You do?! OK!"
Dot excuses herself to use the powder room and oh no! :D
I don't know for sure who made that prank, but I am thinking Paulina did! I did notice her in the bathroom earlier.
Fabian rushes in to see what all the shrieking is about! He sees all the water!
He thinks it's a bit funny, that is a good prank, but he hides his smiles, and He gives her a kiss of comfort on the forehead, and tells her not to worry, he can mop up.
? This makes her fling herself in his arms, I'm surprised she can jump so high!
Rocky wants to pillow fight with Dot, so Fabian gets busy with the mopping!
Does Paulina notice a more 'available' air about Jed? Hm. Whatever this difference is, for all I know it could just be his pheromones, it makes Jed even more attractive to her.
She now follows him around making strong girl poses to impress him, but he doesn't look! ?
And then after they play for hours together on the water slide, Paulina starts making her tentative advances.
Jed seems to like this, he likes her companionship and he finds her super cute.
Now that Jed has fully realized and accepted that Nadia is out of the picture, he starts looking at Paulina in a new light.
That night a new burglar is on the prowl! It's the despicable Rob N. Cheatum!
At once Sunny and Jed are awake and ready for a fight!
Sunny has fought many a burglar so lets Jed take the lead. She thinks about her wish to taste another sims plasma, and also of turning more humans to vampirism! It can only make them better and more civilized! ( It's her new LTW since she completed her first.)
Jed, having the athletic trait, is high in this skill, so he seems to have no problem taking the burglar down!
Jed decides he doesn't like this guy at all!
Sunny ignores Rob N. Cheatum, for now. He will get his just desserts later! >:)
And by the looks of his thoughts of Red instead of pinks hearts, Sunny thinks he will be sooo easy to convince to meet up with her!
Sunny congratulates Jed with a high five! The teen did well, protecting their home!