54 The Watcher Watches: The Families The title always makes me laugh, remembering Peter Sellers, in the movie 'Being There', say to Shirley MacLaine "I like to watch" ! :D Wel...
@DivaDoodle Huh, what happened here? Did I see some drama in this thread? I must admit I don't usually read to much on the inbetween comments that other people make, but it looked like something was going on here..
I didn't get a to bad impression of the teenagers, they're just teenagers. And not every person in a story has to be 100 % likeable. Real people are not perfect, and I wouldn't like a story where the fictional people are all perfect either..
And as for the romantic relationship, Nadia being only 19 and Jeb being 17 makes it ok in my book. Technically they are still both teenagers. I don't know how strict you are with ages on sims, and for a lot of things it is not important excactly what age a sim is, but I appreciate you could tell me this detail!
If not, I probably would have made Nadia out to be older, and she would feel like a much more icky character. Almost reminding me of an english teacher I had in high school.. She, in her late 30s/early 40s, probably never did anything wrong, but there was something about her demeanor and the way she sometimes dressed, just ugh. English was one of my favorite subjects in high school, but I left it after the first year when it was no longer mandatory...
I ask questions about characters sometimes, but by doing so I hope I am not influencing the story in any way. But isn't ok for everyone to have their own interpetation of a character? I don't know.. as long as it is not so bad that they lose interest in the character.
Honestly, though, the kind of story I would struggle most with appreciating is a story where everyone/everything is perfect, everyone is always happy and everyone is good all the time and so on... but if I consider someone to be a friend, I will try to read and make comments anyway. Also, I'm not to big on romance. A little bit is ok, but if it gets to much... and if everything is all bright and pastel coloured.. then maybe I'm out. ;) Like over eating sweet candy and getting sick... I never really had a sweet tooth.... but strangely enough, I have always liked cake, though!
But thats just me.... but don't let that change how a story is written. If a story turns out to be light and bright coloured, or dark and gloomy.. I think the most important thing is that the writer/player enjoys it, otherwise, whats the point? :P We're all different, and probably all like different things.... I would hate to have my opinion change how someone plays out their story.. I have my own stories for that....
A good story is probably one that is balanced, with a mix of both. If it tips over to much to either end...
And also, feeling and emotion are vital ingredients. I like emotions and feeling things. The older I get, the more emotional and softer I seem to get...
"Delivering Pizza's! grr The very idea! Why not teach them to learn how to Make a pizza? They could then at least know how to feed themselves and their friends!! grrr " <--- Or that, yes. It's best to teach the kids something practical and have them do something that may spark their interest in other things. Maybe one of them could have ended up being a chef or restaurant owner in the future? If they had gotten that chance. All the paths one life can take, and the things that can influence it...
I like Rocky here. :P
I don't know, I guess some older women can be hot, but its not really all about age, also how they carry themselves.. I used to have a crush on a music teacher when I was 14. She was probably in her mid-twenties. She was not icky... :P
Anyway.. I like the teenagers in your story here, too. So eager to learn and try out different things. I think that sounds pretty healthy. And I wouldn't be to concerned with interested in older ladies, it will likely pass. ;)
Mr. Sava Tesla..hmm? And he's a diplomat.. nothing to do with electricity and cars? :P Haha, just kidding, I like the name.
""I think I do prefer athletics but there are so many things I enjoy, including astronomy and the sciences!" she answers." <-- Paulina is also a teenager? I like the curious and eager teenagers with many interests.
Oh my... she's got the most intensely purple eyes I have ever seen!
"'Dorothea you are so tiny and cute! I think I shall call you Dot!" teases Fabian, obviously already stricken by this charming little cutie pie. Dot laughs, and finds his words complementary. "Oh I never had a nickname before! I like it!"" <-- Haha, and I misread nickname as inkname. :P
264 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Interning with Max! ~~
Hehe, family conversation by the dinner table. Yeah, it sometimes was just like that.. don't speak with your mouth full!
Ah, this Fern is such a cute teenager. Long time, no see. :P
Hehe, the science gang, but Rocky looks more like some secret agent/undertaker or something. :P None of them look mad, though, which is good. ;)
(Of course, when I make comments like this, I am not trying to offend, just saying what I am thinking.. <_<..>_>..)
I imagine that the science center must have really big fish tanks, like swimming pools...
"The Tesla teens were never picked up by their parents! :o Sunny had awoken at 2 am, and found the poor girls shivering in the living room. Sunny told them not to worry, and gently guided them upstairs and gave them sleeping bags, a hug, and wished them sweet dreams...." <-- Oh, poor kids.. Tesla parents must be a bit absent minded....
265 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ The Missing Tesla's. ~~
Aha, so the Tesla people are from a different country, with political unrest.. or something fishy going on.. hmm...
"Uh-Oh, But when the call ends, Jed is sad again. Nadia has found out that he is not a young adult as she had thought, but is a teenager! And told him she won't see him anymore, and to not call her again!" <-- That's a sad development! 17 and 19 is only a two year difference.. what's the problem? I see none... but yeah, its probably always best to be honest from the get go about anything...
Hehe, a kiss on the forehead, but thats cute. ;)
"Now that Jed has fully realized and accepted that Nadia is out of the picture, he starts looking at Paulina in a new light." <-- Hmm, not so bad then.
Oops, a burglar. Who will kick his ass? :P
Nice job, Jed!
Oh no, the burglar got an infatuation..
266 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ The Vampire Gathering! ~~
Oh, the Teslas went missing. Somehow I didn't catch that from the reading above, must have been to caught up thinking about something else, but that explains why the kids didn't get picked up!
And the vampires are plotting to take over.. :naughty: Humans, beware.... :P I would be nervous if I was a human in that town....
Well, the deserved to get bitten, though. ;)
Oh, and he was a werewolf, so then he can't be changed, hmm..
Oh, the beatiful Countess, she is not actually bad looking. ;) A vegetarian vampire must be a strange thing to be...
""Dot, if you don't mind having such a big lug looming over you, will you go steady with me?" "Oh, I don't mind you being so tall, Fabian!, I think you're wonderful!" ? " <-- Well, of course she doesn't. Isn't that what they say, that girls like tall guys. ;)
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ 'Love Day' in the Middle of Summer. ~~
Poor Tesla kids, who is gonna find their parents? Rocky and Sunny are good people vampires for letting them stay in their house.
"Jed does notice that Paulina seems to pillow fight unlike anything he has ever seen before! She hits the bed instead of him, over and over again! ''I guess they do things differently in Serbainia!" he thinks." <-- Haha, in Serbainia bed pillow fights you... :grimace:
And Paulina says she loves Jed already, that escalated quickly. ;)
"I will go by any name! You can rename me Kermit the frog for all I care, as long as I get to have you forever by my side, Sunny! Care to try it on?" <-- Careful what you say there, lest you become an actual frog!
Hmm, I have no idea what those strange guns do, but is it a good idea to let the experimental teenagers go rampant with those? ;)
"I don't think I have ever seen Love? said so many times, in one room/instance!!" <-- Wow, yeah, that was a whole lot of love! ;)
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Teen plans! ~~
Oh yes, "The possible Unknown effects of forced vampirism in teens!".. who knows what that could be? Certainly not me...
I think the mystery of what happened to the Teslas need to be unraveled! Surely, they must be somewhere.. unless... :open_mouth:
Oh yeah, that would be awkward definately, if Rocky decided to adopt the Tesla sisters.. but Jed is still young, he could find love elsewhere, too...
"The only 'mothering' she's ever practiced, was her dolly she carried around upside down." <--- Hahaha, probably by the hair, too. ;)
Oh, Sunny is that young.. of course she would accept the idea of a teen party. I mean, why not? :P
Hehe, Paulina getting a little anxious there about JEd before the upcoming party with all the single teens... ;) Yup, better catch him when you can.... ;) Such cute little teenagers. :P
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