54 The Watcher Watches: The Families The title always makes me laugh, remembering Peter Sellers, in the movie 'Being There', say to Shirley MacLaine "I like to watch" ! :D Wel...
@Sprottenham Hi hi! :) Oh your story of your english teacher there, reminded me of my high school, there was a psych teacher that was way too friendly to the boys in the class. it went on year after year and was talked about, but no charges made, I think back in those cave man days, no kids knew that they could make charges against a teacher or something, I'm not sure and my husband isn't either. Finally before our own kids went to our same high school, we read in the paper that one boy's parents made charges and then, many boys came forward, the teacher was eventually convicted by a jury. but that is like almost 30 Years of his bad behavior and getting away with it!
Nadia was my re-play of our best friend's teenage escapade, as we had just been talking to him on the phone and he was reminiscing again about this wonderful amazing girl! He still loves to talk about her, she was his first love. (we are all old farts and talk about all kinds of stuff LOL I told him I should make his teen story as one of my sims and he laughed and said 'well be sure to say how handsome I was!' LOL ). He was a grade younger than my husband and me, but they combined different grades for some classes so we all knew each other. So, he had a very pretty Swede come live with them as an exchange student, She was in her last semester of her high school, his mother was hosting her there at their home. She wanted to stay in the states after graduation, so his Mom said she could do housekeeping and go to the community college if she wanted to. In the r/l version they both were aware of the age difference, but like I've said before, in our little rainbow bubble of a college town way back in the day, no one cared about 3 yrs age difference, and many teens had college steady's, it was just normal for our town, we met each other at war protests, and college parties, and be-ins, as the rock concerts were called in the day.
Oh my sims toddlers are 3-5, kids are age 8-13 and then the teens are instantly 16-17yr/old, but then they have to stay that same age seemingly forever LOL because it is my favorite age to play! I know everyone likes to have different ages in their minds for their sims.
oh yeah, it's wonderful to ask questions about characters, and I like to try to improve, so when I see someone has gotten the complete opposite impression of a character than what was intended, I try to clarify, and ask why.
Oh! It is easy for me to agree with you here since I share your views of stories where all is good, or the bad guys are always found & locked up forever---wait! I take that back, I love all the super hero's movies and comics, and LOTR! I really like the concept good vs evil!
But I agree, if everyone in town is either actually a monster inside, or the opposite, so good and sweet I start to get cavities, or the Saddest thing taking a very Splendid idea, and working it to death, so that it gets too Over done, so the once fantastic thing has now been ruined and become trite. Well, that's a crying shame. But we see it a lot in so many TV shows, movies and stories. The TV people probably are thinking 'well we got a Hit lets do another exactly like it $$$ hahaha. I feel this 'trite' dislike strongly, because I really Do like romance & romance comedies shows and books, so when it's so over the top, it kind of wrecks it for me! But to each their own, I bet I'm in the minority, there are probably more people who Do like the trite poop, and after all, it's only a matter of preference! Btw that's one of the main reasons I love your story about the red winged angels! NoBody has a story like that! it's crazy good, and I always wonder if you know that, or don't even realize it!
Oh HAHAHA :D OK! I will try to make my titles reflect immanent mushy stuff, so you can skip it and not get your eyes burned out of your head! LOL
Hmm, well, I Especially welcome suggestions and questions! I have gotten such fun ones that can translate easily to this nutty town! Some of those have sparked new ideas for part of the story. Some are so funny I just can't Not use them! ---> ''But thats just me.... but don't let that change how a story is written. If a story turns out to be light and bright coloured, or dark and gloomy.. I think the most important thing is that the writer/player enjoys it, otherwise, whats the point? :P We're all different, and probably all like different things.... I would hate to have my opinion change how someone plays out their story.. I have my own stories for that.... '' I really appreciate you sharing your views! There is so much I agree with here! But I have been and do get swayed, sometimes, and so I try warn with spoilers or do something like that. But LOL it's what happened in the Game, so it's not like I can leave it out of the story altogether! ???
Wowie! Are you just a prolific writer and can type a zillion words a minute? I am so impressed and jealous! And I thank you for all your comments in advance!
oh gee, About the teens in the fire house, I was initially very Mad when the ladies started to come on to the teens because my Whole idea of them being there was working on the fire engine and I was going to create a huge fire emergency, to see them in action and put out the fire! So those girls got me in a mad dither, and I forgot what I was going to do, keeping the game on pause, deciding. then my husband who'd heard my vocal outrage, came over and said 'Oh leave them alone, that's funny! what teen boy filled with hormones wouldn't want that!' LOL he cracks me up! so I just let it go, for him, and made Rocky come. :D I only finally remembered about my wanting to do the fire emergency after they were already home!?
hehe That is a nice memory of your crush on your music teacher! I'm glad it wasn't icky! My husband had a huge crush on the baby sitter when he was 12, he told me 'I even combed my hair! And he dressed in his sunday best clothes to go pick her up with his Dad. Well it turns out, she locked all the kids in the downstairs, and called her boyfriend to come over! He nearly fell down the stairs in outrage, when he saw they were locked in! I can just see him in my minds eye! Oh! the nerve and the gall! :# :D
hehehe I'm glad you like the name! Nikola Tesla had a nephew, son of his youngest sister, named Sava, Sava N. Kosanović. I was running out of Names! lol
Yes the Tesla daughters Paulina and Dot (Dorothea) are teens, the same age as Rocky's teens. Thank you! These teens have a lot in common an are curious about different subjects because of their traits, athletic, genius, handy etc. Yes Dot has crazy purple colored eyes!
Fern is one of my favorites, whenever I see her smiling face, I am instantly calmed!
hahaha I couldn't get Rocky a matching mad scientist outfit, so he had to be bundled up in outerwear! LOL he didn't like it, it's summer time, is why I think he didn't like it! He looks AWFUL :D
''I imagine that the science center must have really big fish tanks, like swimming pools...'' I remember that great science center in Sunset Valley with the big fishing place in the back. I really liked that one!
''Aha, so the Tesla people are from a different country, with political unrest.. or something fishy going on.. hmm...'' Yes they are from Serbainia (named so because it made my husband laugh when I was trying to think of names) They were given a large political contribution because they are a sister country. Then they vanished! >:) B)
Oh Nadia left Jed because in r/l it happened to our friend. It wasn't because of an age difference though, it was because she met a cute college boy, and they shared more interests. But in the story Nadia has always thought of Jed as a young man, because of his unusual height, like many of the towns folks do. And that bothered her that he would keep such a secret, and also that he was still in high school. For Some people, like Nadia and Eddy, the age difference bothers them.
I do like the burglars to come to see who, if anyone, will knock his block off! I read a story once that the burglar in Late Night, has never been beat and always gets away! I don't know if it's true or not, because I don't have that EP! But wouldn't that be Great if were true?!
''Oh, the beautiful Countess, she is not actually bad looking. ;) A vegetarian vampire must be a strange thing to be...'' I'm glad you think the countess is nice looking! Yes she and that other vampire Dayvid are Vegetarians! Isn't that weird? The first time I played this town I didn't know how to keep Dayvid alive, I don't have the EP that has plasma fruit, and he was never smart enough to walk to the fridge to show me he could drink the plasma orange juice, so Poof! off he went to to meet Grim, the big dummy! :o
Ah well I don't know if most girls like tall guys, if it's true then I feel sorry for all the tall models! I don't think about it because most everyone is taller than me! lol I do feel sorry for Rocky's teens though, because they can't kiss a girls lips being so tall---oh I think I remember maybe in a hot tub!
''Haha, in Serbainia bed pillow fights you... :grimace: '' hahaha yes! Looks that way! What a terrific glitch!
omg in this town love happens so quickly, it's like they all think they have only a short time to live or something! it is super fast!
''Careful what you say there, lest you become an actual frog!'' LOL well luckily no witches live in the house to cast that spell!
''is it a good idea to let the experimental teenagers go rampant with those? ;) '' Well Max said it has a safety button on them .... :o
''Oh yes, "The possible Unknown effects of forced vampirism in teens!".. who knows what that could be? Certainly not me...'' Ha! well Max might know! ?
''I think the mystery of what happened to the Teslas need to be unraveled! Surely, they must be somewhere.. unless... :open_mouth: '' B) >:)
Yeah Sunny is that young, she spent a long time not being interested in a partner and just liked to be pals, and of course, bite the unsuspecting townies LOL
Thanks for saying you think the teens are cute! and thank you so much for such lovely and interesting comments. here is an ice pack for your fingers, they must be all sore now from all the typing ;) hehe, I love it and appreciate it!
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