54 The Watcher Watches: The Families The title always makes me laugh, remembering Peter Sellers, in the movie 'Being There', say to Shirley MacLaine "I like to watch" ! :D Wel...
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Party Aftermath ;) ~~
The partiers awake at odd hours. Alfred, One of the 3 of 'The Golden Ones', is up first. He contemplates the weird dream he had. It was about the odd circumstances of the Tesla's vanishing. He gets an idea to research something that occurred to him, while speaking with Jin's daughter, at the party. He's off to find a computer to hack into Jin's computer. https://i.imgur.com/iLO9dTa.jpg https://i.imgur.com/qowhhAQ.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wI8CCDA.jpg https://i.imgur.com/iSnLjCb.jpg
Alfred finds Joy to tell her, "I'm going to take off early, sweetie, I need to talk to your Dad about Jin's sales receipt of a jelly bean bush sold to a Mr. Tesla." "Oh ok Alfred, I'll save you a seat in class!" Joy says. It doesn't sound suspicious to young Joy, everyone buys those cute little trees. But Joy is used to Alfred having deep conversations with Alfie. https://i.imgur.com/zsEVBY6.jpg Alfie is his mentor, his protector. Alfie knows of Alfred's coming greatness one day, when he will be aligned with his son, Reverie and Valiant Thor.
Chad asks Luc what he knows of Makani, since he knows they're friends, both like the arts. "Oh, He's a really great guy, he's into surfing and painting landscapes." says Luc. Luc's gf, Leelu decides to take over Chad's sleeping bag. She didn't like to sleep with the huge crowd of kids, some snore so loudly, besides Chad's sleeping bag smells so nice, like Chad! https://i.imgur.com/lVBVE3S.jpg https://i.imgur.com/gHiVurZ.jpg
Well, Chad is thinking of someone. aww bad timing! One wakes as the other goes to sleep. https://i.imgur.com/CGo4RF5.jpg https://i.imgur.com/rULOUGl.jpg https://i.imgur.com/URnhMtK.jpg
Tristan wakes all the teens, with his fantastic rock and roll at 3 am! Bjorn is very displeased about this! https://i.imgur.com/KJRKNYJ.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wtxrOoE.jpg
Cute Fawn and Bjorn play on the water slide. --- Hey Bjorn looks like Ari and Adan somewhat! I guess it's the hair! https://i.imgur.com/2vX32xa.jpg https://i.imgur.com/PvFrVg1.jpg https://i.imgur.com/PLTTe1P.jpg
Ari, Amelina and Aiden's son, and Fawn, Pip's daughter, have fun before heading to school. They are already engaged, like some teens in the 50's! The engagement was the result of an overemotional moment of Fawn's. Ari really doesn't want to marry until he is grown up. https://i.imgur.com/98ev5ZW.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wYwDgda.jpg https://i.imgur.com/V16R7b9.jpg
Sunny and Rocky like to talk with the teens, Sunny really likes Dante's daughter Tula. Tula and her bf, Tristan, canoodle and flirt, He's so cute! https://i.imgur.com/FlcJ6uB.jpg https://i.imgur.com/aP36S7q.jpg https://i.imgur.com/49CORUd.jpg https://i.imgur.com/FOKUtZx.jpg https://i.imgur.com/PIvDE20.jpg
Max's son, Quigley and Fern love to pillow fight. :smiley: https://i.imgur.com/QMdvLX3.jpg
Finally the teens say they have to 'be somewhere else', and that it was an Awesome Party! I guess Fire at a party, must be awesome! LOL https://i.imgur.com/xtlTTPR.jpg https://i.imgur.com/UyWWsCa.jpg
Waylan Wolff is one of the few good teens who managed Not to lose his nice sports car! Good boy Waylan! I should give you more nice things! https://i.imgur.com/W8kvBJ3.jpg
Bye bye, teens, have fun in school! But as to our house, the teens decline to get ready for school. Well, they don't actually decline, they just don't do it! :D I guess if they don't get in trouble for skipping class, Rocky, and the school board must think it's ok. Paulina decides to clean up the party mess, and dirty dishes. https://i.imgur.com/0iKVpaj.jpg
Fabian and Jed head to Max's house to find out what Max thinks about 'Forced vampirism on human teen's intellect.'' Max really likes Rocky's teens, he has viewed their timelines and they are always doing something interesting! They have not had a timeline yet where they were Vampires, so this intrigues Maxfield! "Well that has not been researched as yet, the only research has been done on those born of that occult! You and your brother could conduct such an experiment.'' suggests Max, "But I would talk with my doppelgänger, Alfie for help with the potion though, I don't trust any from the Alchemy Shoppe! One never knows who made them, and consigned them to Jin!" says Max. "Thank you Mr. Parrish" says Fabian. Jed only nods their goodbyes, he is in a hurry, he shares a thought to his brother, "Let's amscray out of here quickly, because I just remembered Dad said to not bother Max in the mornings!" "Oh! Yes! I don't want Max to think we are wrecking his love mood!" Heaven forbid! The boys are right! https://i.imgur.com/tlUD3Al.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Qpom6ef.jpg https://i.imgur.com/rOXVrPq.jpg https://i.imgur.com/UwKPTiI.jpg
Alfie already senses that the boys are on their way! https://i.imgur.com/K9ByNAu.jpg
''Hi Mr. Helmquist-Steinsson!" says Jed. Alfie is at first taken aback by the kids size, Max had told him of this height and growing problem the boys had, but he didn't say anything about the size of their heads and faces. https://i.imgur.com/XP1tEyE.jpg
"Mr. Parrish suggested Fabian and I come to you for a vampiric potion for teens, if their is such a thing! We don't know anything of alchemy, sir." https://i.imgur.com/DQEM7lE.jpg https://i.imgur.com/97W7aIb.jpg https://i.imgur.com/8TrN2cr.jpg https://i.imgur.com/0iDAdz8.jpg
"Oh, of course, son, I can create just the thing! Now these potions need to be in the possession of your Dad or Sunny. You are not to drink it on your own, or throw them at each other! This is very important! Hm?" says Alfie. Alfie is charmed with the boys impetuous creative process, he finds it amusing as long as no one gets hurt! He wants to make certain that Rocky and Sunny are aware of what the boys are up to, so he adds "I will send them to your Dad, as soon as they're completed!'' ''There is a reason vampires can't bite the younger ones, it's an adult decision." https://i.imgur.com/rmcOU3w.jpg https://i.imgur.com/inK0Sgm.jpg https://i.imgur.com/udzUCPq.jpg https://i.imgur.com/dfnoEvt.jpg
"Oh we didn't know that!" says Jed. "We just wanted to see if it would increase our intellect." "There is Intellect and there is Wisdom, son, the former is not that great without the latter.'' says Alfie kindly. "I'll also send over 2 potent cures, in case you change your minds. https://i.imgur.com/Wkdk58T.jpg https://i.imgur.com/O4DTTMq.jpg
''Son, you have a lifetime to make these types of decisions, there is no hurry." says Alfie, understanding the boys desire, understanding the urgency that teens can feel, when excited by an idea. https://i.imgur.com/ahuuBJs.jpg
<3 Alfie <3
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