268 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Just an ordinary morning. :D ~~
The twins don't really feel all that different, being vampires now, but perhaps that changes as time goes on. They do know from talks with Sunny, that 'the thirst' doesn't come until after they age up to YA, so for now, their favorite food is still cookies! ?
Today they are invited over to hang out at Emelie's. They are looking forward to that, never having been invited inside that awesome vampire mansion of Ayden's.
Paulina and Dot are quite curious of this whole vampire thing , and of this alluring change, they see in their boyfriends!
The girls both keep getting wishes to 'meet a vampire'. I guess already knowing several, isn't quite good enough!?
It's early morning, Fabian makes cookies then upgrades the stove, he thinks it should be fireproof.
Jed and Paulina play chess. They are all waiting for Dot to awaken so they can all go over to Emelie's.
Once they arrive at the old VanGould Mansion, they are quite impressed to see the inside!
"Wow! Nice digs!" thinks Fabian, looking around.
No one has come to greet them. It might be because they just walk right in, instead of ringing the doorbell. lol
The only door bell ringers are the ones that come to the actives house, for some reason!
Watcher finds Waylon doing his homework, upstairs. I can't wait to play him, he is my favorite of the Wolff family.
Ayden is enjoying breakfast with his daughter Emelie. This is the first I have seen a teen drink Plasma orange juice.
"Father, Could I please have my allowance so that Waylan and I can weekend in Transylvania?"
"Yes of course, my child, but I thought Waylon shied away of such places?"
Jed and Paulina enter the dining room, interrupting the talk.
"Oh excuse us! Hello, Emelie, Mr. Van Gould. This is my gf Paulina, I don't know if you two have yet met.' says Jed.
"Ah if only they had arrived a bit earlier, I might have breakfasted on fresh plasma." thinks Ayden.
Jed picks up slightly on the gist of his thought, and furrows his brow. He will be able to read people better when his powers become full.
Paulina heads over to meet Ayden.
"How do you do, Mr. VanGould." she says, and Ayden likes her immediately, since she is polite, which is a proper way for young ladies to act.
Jed pauses and looks at me "Is it ok that I'm seeing her in her PJ's?" Yes, apparently so, Jed, just be cool and go on with your talk.?
Jed talks with Emelie, he finds out is is excitable and a party animal, and they share some traits.
Waylon cooks his breakfast, Jed and Paulina are offered a plate, but since it's of horrifying quality, they politely decline.
"Waylan, I understand you gave up your occult, may I ask why?"
"It was mainly because of my Mother, she was so crabby, and clawing up all our furniture in outrage, when I confessed my love for Emelie. Mother said no self respecting werewolf would ever be with a VanGould. I was so upset I forsook my occult and left home.
Mr. VanGould finally took me in, at Emelie's persistent urging to have me here with her." explains Waylan.
"Wow, that sounds intense Waylon! I'm sorry to have brought it up!" says Jed.
"Oh that's all right, I'm very happy now." says Waylon, although he makes no mention of his long ponderings of his heritage, and his persistant longing to still howl at the full moon.
Before Watcher can find out more, Fabian decides to pull a 'Dante exit' and gets us all kicked out of the house!
I guess it's just as well, Emelie and Waylon are about to head off for school and I see Ayden heading off to work.
The teens can have a better hang out with vampires, later on today.
Back home we have a visitor. "Greetings! I don't know if you remember me, I'm Prince Albert."
"How do you do, please come in!" says Fabian, then calls "Dad, Sunny, Mr. InaCan is here!''
"Greetings Prince Albert! Nice to see you again." says Sunny.
"Ah Miss. Pendragon, I have come to tell you how much I enjoyed the Gathering. What a delightful and interesting event.
After thinking it over for these few days, I have come to you to ask to be turned, and become a part of your clan.''
Of course, Sunny is only too delighted to do the honors!
"Now don't worry Prince Albert, this will only sting for a moment!" *chomp*
"Ohhhh that's a rather nice sensation, actually" says the Prince.
"There! all done! How do you feel?" asks Sunny
"I feel .. well I feel exactly the same.'' he says.
"Sometimes it takes a moment, to kick in." says Sunny.
"Oh I don't mind waiting." says the Prince, then Sunny notices his incisors seems to be a bit longer.
"Oh! Let's have a look! Come on Prince, don't be shy, show me those teeth!" says Sunny.
The Prince, very pleased at all the attention, shows off his impressive fangs!
"Oh! Yes those are coming along quite nicely! says Sunny.
The Prince must have lost all his wealth. While talking with Rocky, he tries to mooch some money.
Rocky isn't into it, he declines to give him even one simolean. ?
Fabian, over hearing, comes in to ask the Prince what his career is. Fabian had thought everyone in town was rich, didn't Watcher make it so?
''Aha! Prince Albert is Party Dancer! No wonder he's a mooch, the poor guy, the bachelorette parties in this town have been broken for quite a while,'' thinks Fabian, "everyone knows that!"
Watcher gives him a new profession in the fortune telling career, so he can make ends meet, and so that Fabian's faith in the Watcher is restored! :D
Happy now, with his family funds increased as well, Prince Albert bids his farewells.
Rocky is excited, thinking of babies. I see He has his action set to woo Sunny, the tricky devil!
But there is no official baby wish as yet.
Sunny thinks she is too young, besides they aren't married yet, so her answer would be no, if he asked. ;)
Still, Rocky is ever hopeful!
no chimes for you! :D
Fabian has a wish to turn Dot! But since teens can't turn anyone, this wish is only written in his bio, for safe keeping.
Dot will need to decide for herself if she wants to be turned.
In the back yard, Jed gets a big thrill from lovely Paulina's suggestion.
"Oh Heck yeah!" he agrees.
He is so smitten!?
The teens wait for school to be let out, to go back over to the VanGould's to hang out with Emelie.
Fabian says "Dot, let's go hang out at Jin's Alchemy Shoppe, we can learn about all the different potions!
Jin is always glad for new arrivals. it was getting boring for her, to watch Jimmy and Jazzy smoochin all day!
She does love to people watch though!
Dot dances as Fabian reads this very strange intriguing book!
''Dot! You want to come see this? It's so interesting!'' says Fabian.
"No you go ahead, I'll practice my dance moves!" she answers.