@DivaDoodle Hehe, you mentioning this author with excessive descriptions and reading Stephen King reminds me of this advice that to be a writer, you have to read.. but I am a terrible reader.. It can take me a year just to finish one book... so I'm definately not a bookworm! :/ I wish I was though, to more easily pick up on ways to do great story telling...
Oh, so Mr. Tesla could have simply died from eating a jelly bean.. how strange. I have just ignored the jelly bean bush in my game, because it just sounds so silly... :P
I understand you live in California? I have only been there once (on my only visit to the US, actually..) and then I was in San Francisco. Many years ago, actually 10 years ago now.. I came to talk with this guy working as a janitor at the Alcatraz (yep, tourist! ;) ), and he talked about already then how dry it was.... And with the fires and everything, I can understand why you would like the fire fighter career.. All jokes aside, the heat, drought and fires sound pretty bad.. I hope you're not to much at risk for getting in an actual fire! :O
Aha, amscray was pig latin, I thought it was a real word! :P We have something similar, called røverspråk (transl: thiefs language). It works by adding the letter o after each consonant, and then the same consonant again. So the word 'scram' would become 'soscocroramom'....:P
Hehe, Prince Albert in a can.. pretty good job to get him in one in the first place! ;)
269 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Waiting for Emelie. ~~
Of course, Fabian is reading about potions from the alchemy book..
..yeah, shouldn't there be red smoke and bats flying about? What was the potion Alfie used, really? Hehe, I can imagine Jin talking in a strange way. :P
Hehe, I bet its a cool house Emelie lives in. I like maze like houses, with hidden bookshelfs! For one of my households I made a secret space in their house hidden behind a bookshelf, way before I got the supernatural pack that actually has a bookshelf.. I should play as that household soon, or atleast have their other family members pay them a visit...
Ooh, they float in the air when sleeping on those vampire beds! Thats.. interesting.. The beds look pretty cool, but also very uncomfortable if you couldn't float above them. ;) Emilie doesn't immediately strike me as the kind of girl that would choose to sleep on such a bed. :P
Hehe, Emilie wants to get married, to Waylon I assume.
Hmm, I don't think I get the Dante exit thing and why that is funny. <_<... >_>
Yeah, no smooching in the janitors closet! Come on, kids... ;)