@Sprottenham Oh the Gunslinger Dark Tower 1, yes that was a good series, but to me it wasn't so scary, just wonderfully interesting and compelling. But everyone is different in how scared they get, or their perceptions. The scariest for me, was the Shining, at one part, I jumped and the book flew out of my hands to behind the sofa, lol, the other scariest one was 'It', I think it's one of my favorites because of how he writes children, I don't know how he can write them so perfectly. but both are way to scary for me to read either one again. btw sometimes you can read some parts of the books online if you google it, like it will take you to Amazon where it says 'look inside' this book. It shows quite a bit! I wanted to ask, well our libraries can get books that they don't have, that you request. They get them sent over by other libraries or sometimes they purchase them, I was wondering if yours did that too?
Oh nice! a secret bookcase hiding a complete basement! ok now you Do have to show what strange thing you made down there! You can't just mention something like that and then nonchalantly go off to talk of other things! LOL ???
hahaha yes Dante is famous to me for that! Most all my sims will do it if their partners are there on the same lot, but he is the only one who actually goes home, hehe. All of them have free will but he is the one who takes the most advantage of it, frequently choosing not do what I have directed, the rare times that I do direct sims. He is such a great sim!
''I think I wouldn't be taken very seriously if I were to tell an employer that I spoke fluent røverspråk'' :D hahaha :D I can just see you saying it and the employers face! :D
Oh I bet it's lovely on the coast, is it flat or are there cliffs? Our coast has both, the cliffs at the northern end and then there are places of sand dunes and then more flat, where people like to sun tan and picnic.
Ah well that's Good! Well what about Tsunamis or hurricanes or earthquakes? But maybe that doesn't happen where you are?
Yes for some reason I think I played the ghost buster and stylist/ architect career too much. or something about it got to me. The music of the ghostbuster is good but then I get sick of it too fast. lol and the Doctor! gee, now there is Always someone getting ill when you are trying to be on a romantic date! LOL it never fails! I should play it again to see what happens if we just ignore them! Do they die? I haven't played out everything to all possibilities yet. The daycare career was interesting when someone didn't come back to pick up their kid! ?
haha yes Paulina has always liked to do those strong girl poses for Jed, since she first got here, :D it is so cute because she looks like a weak tiny puppy!
oh lol, I don't know if the massage was making her think of woo or not, they had already gone in the shower together, so she did already have that moodlet. She might just be thinking of her moodlet. They are all woo maniacs in this town. :D A lot of my time is just waiting on them to be done so we can go somewhere.
Lol sometimes the fangs look small to me, like a wee kitten, and sometimes really big! Dot's seemed to look small-ish, in that pic.
Well I think when you don't know the vampire well enough they Can say no! But so far I haven't seen it in this save.
Yes the positive moodlet does seem weird, I wonder if the developers put it in so that the victims would be more apt to allow it?
lol yes I like the cute toasting of the juice boxes! :) there is just so much cute animations! :)