@Silverofdreams30 I just read your story corner that an update is coming soon! Yahoooo! that is good news!
Hey that is ok to be lazy after work! I always loved the feeling of when work let out, it reminded me of school being let out and that awesome feeling of freedom! haha So a week of full days then temp work, sounds like you will have more time for fun and your creativity here for your story! Good! :)
That is very sweet of you to say you love all the updates and have been reading them everyday, wow thank you! You are so nice!
Yes I love seeing Max & Alfie together! I know they enjoy each other's company so much! it was fun to have them be the solution to the twins height problem! (and now I know to be more careful when I 'play with genetics') ;) :D
Yay! I'm glad to hear you're taking the screen shots and look forward to you posting them! Your sims are just the loveliest! :)