272 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Jelly Bean Clue ~~
Rocky, now governor of the town, needs to speak with the great detectives Jake Jones and Falcon Eddy. They meet him here at City Hall to discuss the case of the vanishing Tesla's.
"Yes, well Governor, there have been several possible clues, but not too very much to go on. We investigated the possible link of the jelly bean bush, Mr. Tesla had purchased at Jin's Shoppe." says Jake,
"As you know, it is exceedingly difficult when interviewing Jin! Very hard to know what is relevant and what is just made up in her head." interjects Falcon.
"We also questioned Grim, and he admitted he reaped no jelly bean death souls, in over a year! So that is a dead end. The search continues." says Jake.
"Victor is on the case as well, we've called him in as consultant on this case."
"Ah, yes, good idea to include the town hero. Thank you for the update, men.'' says Rocky.
"On a personal note, I hope you both, and Church and Faira can come to our wedding!"
"Of course Governor, if duty permits!" says Jake.
"Fantastic!" says Rocky.
Rocky heads home, it's time to to tell sweet Sunny that he thinks it's high time they tie the knot!
While Rocky's family has free time to do whatever they want ~~ well that's All the time, lol, but I mean with me not watching them, I scoot about town seeing what the others residents are up to.
Oh. Wickerman is here at the tattoo parlor, but dressed in his business man's attire. I wonder if he alternates between the two jobs.
"I just plain Do Not like the guy, Laz. He bugs me!" Wikerman tells Laz, referring to Rainflower.
"Oh he isn't so bad, Wikerman, if you just ignore all his hippie jargon." says Laz. "Oh, shhh, he's coming over."
Laz takes care of his client, Ethereal a bit miffed that Rainflower chose Laz's expertise instead of hers.
"Laz, I overheard one of Youngman's teens say she hoped she didn't turn out looking like me, :(
that happened a week ago, when I was just entering work in my sexy rock star outfit.
It's been bugging me, Laz, this girl so desperately needs to feel the Love!
Anyway, do you think my sexy rock star outfit would look even better with red high heel shoes?" asks Rainflower.
"Hmm" says Laz, "Let's take a look." "What about a new hair style?"
"No! This hairdo expresses great Love! The black and the gray hairs combining as one, like a beautiful marriage dance!"
"Hm." grunts Laz. He doesn't see it that way.
"Rainflower, I could let out the seams of your rock star outfit, to give you more room, it can't be comfortable to perform your music feeling like a stuffed sausage! It would have been nice if you were wearing it here, so I could see it better, than just in mind's eye!
But, I just don't think the shoes are the problem." says Laz. "of course if you really want them ..."
Rainflower does seem to like the idea.
"But I really think a new hair do would be best, Rainflower! I could make your hair really long to cover your bottom. " suggest Laz. "And really long hair cascading down in the front, as well, to hide your tummy."
"Or, you could just lay off the carbs ..." suggest Laz.
"OK I'll do that! I know that Cake is not carbs! Cake is pure Love! So it can't contain any calories or carbs!" says Rainflower.
"There will be cake at Rocky's wedding, tomorrow, see you there, Rainflower." says Laz, as the beauty salon closes for the night.
In the morning, Rocky is happy so see that Sunny is inviting all their friends to the wedding!
He is thinking of the people she is inviting, right now he is thinking of Annelise, Thalan's gf.
I don't think he knows her yet, but Sunny seems to know Every One!