@Sprottenham Oh I would read one you haven't yet seen in film, to not lose interest. I think you said you had not seen IT, ''IT'' definitely is better in the book than film. "The Stand'' is too, but it is Huge, so get a shorter one, lol. there is another author you might like, Peter Straub, and he has a very nice veery Erie book called 'Ghost Story'' and it isn't that long either.
Yes! the Witcher's parallel times lines are confusing! thank Goodness Mine aren't! LOL :D :P
Oh I know that whole internet service is so expensive. We have a company that will have deals and lock us in for a few years then we have to renegotiate a new deal after that contract is done. I wish one of my boys would work for the cable company here, then we could have it for free. :D
''A bit of an enigma, keeping things hidden.. in a secret dungeon in the basement. :naughty: '' oh that would be Good! hahaha
''Hahaha, what!? And he even has that speech bubble with high heeled shoes.. come on, man! :P '' LOL no you come on man! Feel the love for this poor fool! ') :D he makes me laugh so much! And thinks cake has no calories or carbs, LOL
''Cake isn't food, by the way'' :o Are you Sure? My sims think it's one of the most important food groups!
I think it was Sunny knowing everyone,...(She probably has bitten most of them, too) that made it so crowded with uninvited sims wanting to be there. But I think it was the same amount that they had at the twins teen party, and we had no lag at the house. Odd.
Oh yes, I used retuner to set the wedding cake to serve 50, just so everyone who wants some can have it!
Ah thank you, I saw that she had parents too, in the homeless people section, so I made her over. Alice Blainestreet.
hahaha If I had the singing career EP then I would have Rocky sing his song to you, in his probable awful singing voice! :D
Thank you! Yes they thought the wedding turned out very well, and everyone was nice enough to say it was a good time! :)