274 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ HermAphroditie ~~
''Dad, How well do you know Mr. Tesla? I mean, I know there's an ongoing investigation, but what do you think might have happened?" asks Jed.
"I don't know son, although I do hope nothing terrible happened to them, my mind right now is troubled because I'm now being held accountable, for the big donation that I authorized our Town Hall to give them." Rocky admits, just as Paulina joins their game of foosball.
"I would say follow the money ...." Paulina pipes up. This is the very first time either daughter has said anything about their missing parents.
It soon becomes clear, there is no love lost between the daughters and their missing parents! :o
The VanGould's
Ayden VanGould is upset. He thinks the investigation of the missing Tesla's is stupid. To Ayden they have all simply been duped, by a genius con artist, out of not only the town's funds, but also out of His now diminished bank account, as well.
Never mind! There are much more pressing issues right now, namely his daughter Emelie and that, that boyfriend of hers, Wolff's son!
Ayden's mood of exasperation, leaves him utterly exhausted, and he heads to bed.
He has a restless sleep, and has nightmares about that fateful night, so many moons ago now. The vanishing, the full moon, the night of lunacy and that, that Teen, Waylon!
Waylan comes home and is greeted by his beautiful Emelie.
He has loved her since the 5th grade, when little wolves were not supposed to send valentines to little vampires, or so his Mother tried to explain to him. He learned to hide his feelings from Mother , well until years later, the night of his confession, and Mother's angry outburst, and Waylon's leaving home. But that part of his story was already told.
Waylon doesn't know it, but wolf blood is still in his genes, even forsaking his occult can't change what he truly is. And that fateful night of the full moon was making every one in town act so looney, and on edge, and reckless!
The towns people shuddered in fear, as a deafening wolf howl rolled over the land.
All kinds of strange things happened that night, so many moons ago now.
A certain old Crumplebottomed witch went wild, throwing curses and spells into the air, to fall upon unsuspecting victims!
A naughty mischievous Fairy played pranks of inner beauty causing ugly disfigurements, Zombies trashed the perfect gardens community lot, thirsty vampires hunted and recklessly turned humans, as did certain lone werewolves, sharp teeth gnashing.
Everyone agreed it was a most wild and fearsome night, and that ''Something needed to be done'' to prevent another like it!
Max and Alfie worked hard on such an invention together, and they were quite successful, naturally!
Waylon and Emelie wake to their toddler's cries for Mama and Daddy.
They rush to comfort little Izzy, A beautiful little Adonis, or Aphrodite, ... well I guess I should say 'HermAphroditie'' ;) as the child has both genders, not so terribly uncommon, but this child also has 2 occults, vampire and werewolf. Izzy is only person in this town who has 2 different occults.
By the time they reach their toddler, Izzy has aged up to child! ??
"Oh! Oh! My darling baby! Whatever are you doing out here?!" says Emelie rushing forward to hug sweet Izzy.
"Oh dear! My precious child! To think having a birthday on the stroke of midnight, And without a cake! Oh my poor child!" Waylan hurries outside to his child.
There is much hugging and kissing going on, and then Izzy asks for a bedtime story because it is so very late!
Waylan thinks their child the most handsome in all the land! Truly, no one has ever had a child so beautiful, inside and out! Izzy chooses the parental bed, enjoying the pink decor so loved by Mama.
Dad reads "One wolf, two wolf, where wolf? There Wolf!" and loves how Izzy's eyes look just like Emelie's.
Morning comes and Waylan is so happy to see his darling, "It's a beautiful morning, all because of you, Emelie,"
"oh Waylan." she murmurs.
For the moment, Ayden has set is annoyances aside. He is getting all gussied up, he is going to try to see Victoria today.
I see from his LTW that he wants to be a heartbreaker and have had 10 girlfriends! No wonder he seemed like he was such a playboy! lol
His stats say he's had 4 romances and 2 cheats, his reputation is 'exploring his options'.
Ayden runs to meet his 'lover', although I never saw them be romantic.
"Victoria, I think it's high time we were exclusive." Ayden says
"Oh alrighty then, but I would like to bore you to sleep!"
"No Victoria, I just woke up an hour ago, I don't wish to sleep, kiss me instead!"
"Sorry Ayden, I have to go to work!" and she runs! Ayden finds this most annoying, she always has some excuse why she can't kiss him!
Ayden makes her stop in her tracks! And reads her mind!
"AHA! No job! Just as I suspected!" he says.
"Oh, I'm sorry that I lied, Ayden, let me make it up to you!" purrs the Miss Vamp.
Well that was highly improper for these two proper vampires!
Ayden decides to tell her so! hahaha like he had no part in it!
"Well! At least I'm not improper like your daughter!" says Victoria.
"How Dare you say anything bad about my Emelie! She can't help it, she's in love with that boy!" says Ayden, very insulted.
"Listen here you! I know proper Vampire Love! It is Not Proper if it's shared with a mangy cub! I doubt I can even visit your mansion, it probably has fur and fleas on all the furniture!" says Victoria.
"Desist! You have gone too far! You are insulting my Child and my Grandchild now, and I'll not have it! I cannot be with you, Victoria, this was a mistake!"
Then, the weirdest thing happened! Victoria starts to smoke, whips out her umbrella, and then disappears!
A very strange, yet perfect timing for an error!
Ayden started to laugh at her inappropriate outfit, but then is shocked by her disappearance!
'What just happened?'
No need to worry, Victoria just glitched and is fine, and is now his ex gf.
Ayden runs off to work, super fast! He loves working, he's a workaholic!