@Sprottenham you're welcome re " Pater Straub, there is also H. P. Lovecraft, those stories are very creepy! :# ?
ahahha I don't know why they love cake so much! The wedding cakes don't work for me unless I use the alter for the wedding. So it is a one time alter then automatic cutting of the cake, type use. I've also set birthday cakes to feed hordes, It just makes me sad to see a disappointed little sim when the cake runs out.
Well yes, I will play with this one hermaphrodite, Izzy/Aziz. I have played this char before and little Izzy is actually that sim, from a long ago adult Waylon and Emelie. As soon as I plunked him down into my current game, the currant Emelie and Waylon woke up and rushed to hug him. They recognized him as their child immediately. It was really weird and beautiful. <3 The whole 'birthday at the stroke of midnight' was just story, it didn't really happen.
Oh dear well the Tesla case and another hint of a clue, haha--I do have the ending already set lol it's the in between that gets a bit tricky.
I did like when you injected suspicion in your story about the limo driver! I thought it did fit! You can always circle back to it if you want to. I thought it was adding interest.
Ah well Waylan was a werewolf who then forsook his occult, when he was so very angry. But even forsaking his occult did not remove the occult from his genes, and that occult was passed to his child Izzy. Right now Waylan thinks he is human, but does miss howling in the night. thank you about the band Sonata Arctica, I will have to go have a listen!
I have never ever completed the LTW of heartbreaker. Just the thought of it makes me mad! lol So we might see Ayden going through many relationships. I hope he doesn't screw up his LTW by falling in love until the very last GF, but it will be his choice if he wants to complete his LTW or settle down. I think it would be easier for a teenager with that LTW, because during those bad moods they frequently wish to break up!
LOL I think Dallas didn't like Ayden visiting his umm harem? They all just act like that in that fire station. I was so surprised that TheReal refused Ayden's kiss, that was a very unusual happening!
lol Tristan does think he eats enough. Ayden just is sometimes an over protective parent at times, though he needn't be. He really has a lot of wishes with Tristan.
I really like having Emelie and Waylan as teens, yes they are the only teens in the town to already have a child. We can think of it as Consequences finally happened!
Oh well, the non active sims will just sleep in a sleeping bag, if they have one. I don't know who gave him the sleeping bag. When he would come over to Dante's house they even had a room made just for him. He came over all the time. everyone in that house just loves him to bits.
That's so sad about your old lady with back pains. Good of you to make her sleep in a nice cosy bed!!! :)