277 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Chad ~~
Ayden was searching for his grandchild, and felt a pull to the mansion.
''Oh my darling child, Here you are! You are safe and not dead! I'm so glad!" he says as he embraces Izzy warmly.
"Grandfather, that meteor was so frightening today, being trapped under that humongous rock!" says Izzy.
"Yes my child, you were so very brave to go through that ordeal! Luckily there were so many on the scene, and Alfred spotting you in peril and running to tell Victor, who could save you! I hope Rocky gives them both hero trophies in recognition!"
"But darling child, why were you on the playground instead of in class with the other children and teachers?" asks Ayden, wondering why his grandchild was the only near fatality.
"But I was in class, Grandfather! I was reading my book report in front of the class, when all of a sudden I became surrounded by magical diamond-like sparkles, and then I was whooshed outside, and then the meteor fell down upon me!" says Izzy.
Ayden's thoughts flash back to his talk with the Crumplebottomed witch, Beatrice, and her awful spells! He will need to talk with Victor and Dante and many of the others, about what she told him. Ayden wonders if the entire town has been effected by what she has done!
Ayden encourages Izzy to speak more of this day, to talk it all out. And says "I am always here for you Izzy. It is good to talk about this day with me and others, it will be helpful to you."
Meanwhile Waylon and Emelie were terrified for their child during the entire fieldtrip! The fieldtrip chaperone wouldn't let them leave, to try to find Izzy, but luckily Tristan kept them up to date on the happenings via text. They were so glad when it was over, and they could return home! Neither learned one thing on the field trip, being so upset!
There was a school friend, that was very worried about Izzy, and zoomed over to the mansion, right after school.
"Hey Chad! Hiya Chad!" says Emelie and Waylan as they pass him to go inside the mansion to talk with Ayden.
Chad is waiting for Izzy.
"Izzy, I am so glad to see you Alive and unhurt! I was really worried when I heard you vanished from the school, :o and Alfred said he had seen you underneath that meteor just minutes before!" says Chad. "I was frightened nearly out of my mind, worried about you!
The fear made me pass-out and I woke up in the nurses office! The nurse told me I was delirious and in shock, I had been having all kinds of weird dreams when I was passed out." says poor Chad, visibly shaken.
"What were the dreams Chad?" asks Izzy
"Well they were about You! ... but you were my age in the dream!... and I think we were married!! :o Sorry if that freaks you out, I don't blame you, it really freaks me out, but in the dream it seemed so normal." says Chad, still in a bit of shock and confused about his weird dream, where he saw Izzy as a teen.
''That's ok Chad. Grandfather says we should talk about today, the talking is supposed to help us." says Izzy, heart warmed that someone would care about him/her/shim/they/us.
"What else happened in your weird dream, Chad?" Izzy asks.
"Well I don't want to say, because I know you think mushy stuff is yucky." laughs Chad, nervously.
"Ya I do!'' laughs Izzy "Just tell me the normal parts."
"hm. Ok, well we went on a long walk, in a beautiful forest. Then you gave me pink flowers."
"Oh yeah, I do like Pink flowers!" says Izzy.
''And then suddenly we were on a date, and then we kissed, But not the gross yucky kind, it was like ..."
"A Cinderella kiss?" wonders Izzy.
"Yeah." says Chad and looks very embarrassed.
"That's ok Chad, I don't think it's too totally yucky. I do like Cinderella!" says Izzy, and hugs him.
"Yeah. ... I don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm just glad you're not dead! Let's play catch!"
Emelie and Waylon come to talk with Izzy and Chad about the strange day. They are both good friends with Chad. Chad has the nurturing trait so it makes him super likable to kids and teens alike. He's very easy going and kind, a good listener too.
The family is aware that Izzy's feelings are a bit hurt that none of the school kids came to Izzy's party. They were probably too shook up from the meteor to remember, they guess. The family stays close to Izzy, who is playing video games in the living room, they chat and have fun.
Grandfather orders pizza, and they all have a good time eating dinner together.
The dinner is joyful, Izzy decides to sit right next to Chad. Everyone enjoying family time.
"Tell again about your dream, Chad, When you fainted." says Izzy. Everyone looks at Chad in interest.
Chad, a bit uncomfortable, tells the strange dream. He's a bit embarrassed, but Izzy asked this of him, so he won't say no.
With diner over, Chad gets up intending to speak with Izzy, but Emelie starts telling him something, so he sits back down.
"Chad, that meteor might not have been a natural phenomenon. If witches magic were involved, those sparkles could have hit everyone in school!
Tristan texted me about this today, he and Alfred were discussing this very thing. " says Emelie
"Also it was Very strange that only Waylan and I and the one chaperone were on that field trip, no one else from school!" says Emelie.
"Yes that is very strange! I've been wondering Emelie, Is your house still protected from your Mother's spell a century ago? hm, do you think that's why Izzy was found here at home and why Grim couldn't get inside?" asks Chad.
"Yes, I do know this mansion is still protected. That's one of the reasons Daddy wants Tristan back home.''
"And that's what Waylan and Daddy are talking about. Daddy thinks you should live here with us."
''oh gee, what next?" thinks Chad. ''the day is getting stranger and stranger!''
Ayden comes to talk with Chad. "Chadwick, I think your dream was a foretelling. I want you to go see Dante, and have your fortune told, or you can go to Max, and ask him to look at your timeline~~but he is kind of confusing to listen to. " says Ayden.
"I want you to know that you are welcome here, welcome to join our family."
Chad doesn't know what to think! Today has been much too strange! Stranger still is this family's reaction to the meteor, their 'knowing', and their reaction to his strange dream! He feels a bit faint again. All he can muster is a polite
"Thank you Mr. VanGould, that is most generous!"