@ergo_slum lol I can't believe how easy it is for Ayden to get a GF! I don't know why these girls think he is just all that! :D It must be all the bowing and gracefulness of the guy! it's pretty cute! But I would never be attracted to a guy who was a playboy, and always tried to bore people to sleep! :D
YES Please please please post me a pic of all ages of Ayden's progeny, if you can! Because in all my imaginings I just can't believe that he could have such nice looking kids as Emelie and Tristan! Their Mother must have been just so very pretty! I wish someone knew how to do reverse genetics so I could see her! :)
oboy. yeah it's a bit complicated! ?? I'm happy you can't wait to see what happens there, but it will be a while longer. Izzy isn't into having a teen pregnancy, unlike his parents, that lusty Waylan and devoted Emelie! Well, consequences were bound to happen to those two! ???