hahaha But what if your sims Are making sense, and are trying to break out of their character? LOL
Well, yes of course, it could be that I just don't understand their logic, as I operate with real world logic and not sim world logic. ;)
About that video clip, whoa! I have watched that series, but then they all spoke in Norwegian, and now.. there's an identical scene, and the actors voices are the excact same, so it isn't dubbed, and it even looks like they are speaking english by looking at their mouths. Whoa, did they really record every scene twice to also have it in english, or what did I just watch?? But yeah, it was funny show and I liked watching it.
But Bill just stood on the lot for a long time, not doing anything but walking around clapping every so often!
Haha, Bill didn't sound very bright. So you just replaced him or something?
314 The Watcher Watches: Laz's House ~~ Marriage ~~ Oh my the cave girl wants to get married and Branch accepts, but of course, not without naughty thoughts.. So lets hope she doesn't get jealous. A jealous cave girl might be an unpleasant experience. ;)
Hmm, well, the cave girl seems to be pretty open minded about the eccentricites of Branch, so.. hmm.. match made in heaven? :P
Of all people, Branch wasn't one I would expect to get married, really...
Even Dayvid seems to accept Branch getting married. This guy has much more luck than he deserves, both at work and with romance...
And Branch consummates his wedding night with Dayvid instead of Alice, and they both fall asleep!
That's just not right, but then again... its Branch..
Your game is unfair, Branch is getting away with near everything, and Laz and Ethereal gets nothing, and has to go to work.. :P
Laz's movement as a werewolf is totally weird to look at...
Haha, if I went into a salon and found this werewolf thing jumping about and scratching things, I would probably be a bit 'EEhhhhhh' and slowly back out of there. ;)
Welcome Stuart Snowden Howard-Smith III.
Hahaha, what a beatiful name. ;)
Its a bit of a mad world you have there, but thats what makes it amusing. ;)