@Sprottrenham haha I like to know what your sims think of you! ? It's so fun! Most of mine think of me as a benevolent doer or helper. I think they might 'know' that they can live as they like and I won't say no or try to stop them from whatever nutty thing it is they want to do.
like Wikerman refusing to come do his job as the tattoo guy, I could have reset him and made him resign the business career he acquired by himself, to make him obey. But I prefer all of them to take their free will to the highest degree, and I watch to see if they will do it! haha
I'm like the pushover guardian auntie "But what can I do? He's a rebel!?♀️? LOL
haha I worked with a nurse who was like Branch, having no clue of how close she got to people when speaking. We would have to put a hand up, chest level, or risk getting her breath in our mouths when she wanted to tell us something! :#
Yes CaveGirl and BadRobot had some green in their like bar, everyone else was in the red.
Yes I had to send him home! BadRobot has the mean and hotheaded trait, not all simbots are like that, you can reprogram them to the traits you want. But he was infecting all the other sims he came in contact with. so now those sims know about fighting---I don't really like that fighting.
Preacher 'remembers' and because of having fought before on 3 occasions, he has a short fuse now. He could sense that BadRobot was going to attack him, and before the robot could lunge, Preacher did it!
On a sim who has never fought before, like Branch that first time, Branch just stood there when BadRobot made his lunge. But at the wedding Branch didn't even want to hear the verbal attacks from him, and before the robot opened his mouth, Branch jumped on him! It's very interesting how experience AI works.
Yay! Thank you for that link! I love having a law against dying!???? I look forward to your mining town when you make it!
Branch was too scared of the unknown to die for Alice's cause. He even has deathflowers he's grown on him, so he would only be dead for mere seconds, but he I still didn't want to do that!
Well the Robots purpose was because I had never explored Simbot's before, and wanted to experience it. I wasn't intending him to be the one that fulfilled that hideous LTW, when making him. But this Robot caused his own doom by having the hearts for his maker which the game labeled his father, so he had to go. I'm still not over that glitch of the hearts for Branch, it should not have been able to have happened. But I have heard of some other horror stories.
Yes Klaatu is because I want to experience simbots! :) And this one is very nice!
I thought the swimming would kill BadRobot too! the wiki said it would! arrrgh! just so so sick of him and his meanness!