@Sprottenham hahaha that is actually programed in, Our sims looking over at us! It used to happen even more frequently in sims 2 and they would even complain, having a fit, if you directed them to do something they didn't want to! :D
Oh I agree about CaveGirl and the electric guitar! That would have been unsettling for her, no doubt!
The Roku attaches to my TV and gets me TV channels, Netlfix and Prime movies. Then when we go on vacation we just take the little device and we can have all our same shows in Mexico or where ever. It's handy dandy, but it shouldn't listen to me and talk back!! :o
I would never get an Alexa either. Did you know one of my boy's TV shows made a prank that was experienced all over my country! The show had the cartoon characters say 'Alexa say ****', 'Alexa make a note of ****', 'Alexa add to our shopping list ****'.'' And the '****' they were saying was the most Rude words, ever! LOL Everyone who owned an Alexa that was watching the show had their Alexa affected, repeating exactly what the cartoon show was dictating!!! :# :D
I have noticed that my good sims will never go and fight a burglar, even if they have the brave trait and I direct them to fight. Its funny to discover what they will and won't do.
Yes it seems to just be the initial reaction to Simbots that they don't like. When the simbot tries again they seem accepted and they can make friends up to best friends. But they will still get the negative reaction when greeting that best friend at a later date!
I'm trying to find out if Klaatu can find romance with Vance, because he sure seems to like her a lot!
Yes the simbots can woo but not have babies.
Vance has a tougher time than most because Klaatu was made with a gender preference of -50 to both males and female. But persistent flirting and kissing can eventually change that to a positive number.
hahaha Well it all started when I clicked on the science building I saw there was an option to make out in a test chamber, when they were touring. Then Jed and Fabian arrived! how perfect! To help out Vance with their new experiment attached to the test chamber!?
I'm so glad you like Klaatu and are looking forward to her learning about enhanced emotions! ?