@ergo_slum Aw I'm glad you are liking Klaatu! She is pretty cute! I'm still waiting for her to sleep in pajamas and for her gender preference for Vance to go up to positive 1. Then I will know for sure she will be able to more enjoy romance. It shouldn't be too much longer, each flirt Vance does, brings her closer. :)
So far Peanut hasn't acted bratty at all! He seems sweet and nice and more like my Peanut from last time here, who married one of Dante's many daughters.
Oh that is a good idea to get Daydream and poor Eddy over here! I just know that poor Eddy would Love to converse with Rainflower once again! And get to meet a Simbot! :D
Thank you for saying these are fun updates! They are really fun to play and watch! But hardly anyone makes a wish! I have a family who likes everything just how it is! LOL