@DivaDoodle Ah, of course, that does make sense - if someone is from a place where nobody dies, they won't know about death.. Its just a little hard for me to wrap my head around. ;) I mean, if nobody dies, they would have to either move away to somewhere else, or not reproduce, or else they would be overpopulated...
About Daydream and her hair, don't change a sim for me.. if you like how she looks, keep her that way. Or more importantly, I think you should let her decide. ;)
340 The Watcher Watches: Dante & Tulip ~~ Beau & Bébé Lothario ~~
Broccoli at a kids birthday party? Poor kids! Where's the cake? ;)
I like Belinda too, she is sweet. :P
Aww, Danny, come on. ;) So tenderhearted he cries at birthdays.. :P
Congratulations to the kids on their birthday! They're looking good as teenagers!
I think they are wrong abot Bebe, she is not that child like in her face, she did loose some of the puff around her cheeks. :P I think she aged up nicely.
341 The Watcher Watches: Dante & Tulip ~~ Tana & Ace B day Party! ~~
Oh, Tana aged up to a sweet girl, too. Tana is my favorite of those kids for her rebellious nature. :P
All your sims are very pretty!
Oh no, we got a stretchy Ace! Haha, I think that bit has to do a little more than just tickle.. they get all the growing pains in one jolt! :open_mouth:
Haha, ok, they "choose" who they fall in love with so immediately..
Oh, that's very inappropriate of Ferns parents, to woohoo in the hot tub while Bebe is still sitting there..
342 The Watcher Watches: Dante & Tulip ~~ The Choosing. ~~
Tana does the party animal cheer. Is she a party animal?
Haha, Ace's weird thoughts. Its not easy being a teenager and unsure about the way of things. :P
I like that Tana is still wearing dresses with skulls on them.. (this forum needs a skull smiley! :P )
Ah, they discovered the wonders of kissing, that wasn't so bad, was it? ;)
Oh, poor Ace, he is worried about going to school.. well, its a scary world out there, but who know.. it might just be alright..
The treehouse probably tops the list for most inappropriate woohoo spot, because its a kids playground... :P
Yeah, that's unexpected of Tana to drive slowly, but that might change once she begins driving on her own... :P
Aww, yes I am sure Tulip will love Tana all the same if she has another baby. :P
Great updates and very nice teenagers! ;)