Ah, so Dante and Tulip came in when he was already there... that makes him a little more innocent, or maybe not.. a bedroom is still a strange place to do homework. ;)
348 The Watcher Watches: Dante & Tulip ~~ Toddler Sven ~~
Oh my.. Tulip is usually a cute sim, but her mad face is interesting. She's all black in the eyes! :open_mouth: Haha, but that sour mouth she makes. :P
Heh, that Amazon she could probably just sit on top of him if she wanted to, and there would be babies... Oh, what did I say... but it looks like Aiden can talk her out of it. Now that their other children are getting older, why would they need more? I'm with Aiden here. ;)
Oh, so that is Dantes best smile, hmm? Doesn't he know that a smile is made with more than just the mouth, that the rest of the face has to be along for the ride, too? :P
Oh yeah, they are vampire eyes, of course, that's why they're black, pardon me, I'm not to tuned on with the supernatural. :P
Hmm, maybe they didn't want Sven to age up, and instead keep him as a baby. :P
Your sims really have a strong will, but I have seen this sometimes to with babies.. sometimes they just don't want them to age up. I think once I even had a birthday party ending and the baby still hadn't aged up, but that was also in part because other guests constantly kept picking up the baby and blocking the parents from doing it!
Oh, or one can always use the shift click method, but this happened to me before I knew about such cheats... :P
Nice kid, but strange how pale his skin looks in CAS. It doesn't look like that on the in game pictures. Did you change the skin?
349 The Watcher Watches: Dante & Tulip ~~ Hm. Parent Re-Training may be in order. ~~
Hey, at least Sven is drawing a house! When one of "my" toddlers got crayons (Aaron from the angels story) he only made circles and doodles.... I think Sven is doing pretty good. ;)
Sven probably has a big head, because he is very smart! :P
Oh that toy, it probably came in the mailbox. ;)
Sven looks like a bright baby indeed.
Oh, Tana reads a baby book.. I wonder when they do that, if they know what they are reading and if it is a sign of something. ;)
Yeah, that's a peculiar looking chess table.. custom content, I assume, because I have never seen that anywhere.. looks like some strange thing from the future...
They even move their pieces up on those other boards.. what kind of chess is that? :P
Wait, who taught Sven to use the potty? How does he know that already? :P
Haha, magic potty appears and moves around to let parents feel the stink! ;)
But yeah, I find that even family oriented sims can be really poor at emptying the potty..
Haha, they're so funny getting angry at the potty. Oh wait, is Dante doing a cheer? Haha. :P
If you want babies, you're gonna have to deal with the stink! Amusing update. :P