@Sprottenham hahaha Well I wouldn't actually mind the vampire looking pale, but the game tries to make them look dusky grey. :o that is something that Aliens might look like! LOL
Oh that is how I have come to think of certain store items, too, like the popcorn machine and cotton candy machine I wanted so bad but when I got them the incessant whirring sound they make drives me mad, so I don't use them. The sauna I do love, they can steam veggies, take a steam together, a mud bath, a rehabilitating hydro therapy and they can woo in the steam bath too. It helps with their energy levels which is always nice! So I do like that one. I bought all of Sunlit tides instead of getting another normal EP because I just Knew I would love it in a tropical paradise setting, and I read too many negatives on I. Paradisio. It is actually my Favorite world! I just love all the island looking sims with Hawaiian sounding names! And it is the world with the many outside lounging beds, just like when we go on vacation to the tropics! hahahaaa But there are drawbacks to not having all EP's, I can't choose most all player based worlds because of my lack in having the required EP's!
Awesome I love your take on rebelliousness! errrr, How does your Boss respond to that?! ;)
Yes, unfortunately the Bonehilda tansformed into that lady with skin right before my eyes. I don't know why I have such a problem with her. Most people find her just fine as long as no babies/toddlers are in the house. I'm so jealous!
Ah Ace wants to be with what he considers his real parents, Dante and Tulip, who have always lavished love on him. Plus he really likes living with Tana, whom he has always felt very close to, since they were little kids, way back in the beginning of the town.
Sorry for the confusion, Dante hypnotized to understand Cabana's true feelings, it's like a mind reading.
haha yes my sims tend to go ahead and do what real people might only think about doing in their fantasies! :D
Yes Dot was Very interested in watching Bjorn kiss for the first time! what a nosey teen! LOL
Oh yes the problem was my lack of Saving during the party. so when my game crashed to desktop, while watching that cute sweet Joy playing in the sprinklers, I had to write it all as a dream, because teen parties, as much as I love them, are too exhausting for even me to try to see what is going on with everyone there, if done twice!!! :D I might do it if it involved teens in my active family, though! ;)