This is a reply to your post of December 18th. Sorry for the late reply, I read the post and thought of something, but then somehow I must have gotten distracted, and then came the holidays and I had to spend time with family...
...but yes, in a way, I am living the dream, or at least, if I were a sim, I have fulfilled my lifetime wish and received many happiness points. ;) Now I just wish my Watcher could give me a mid-life crisis, so I can get another dream to pursue. >_> <_<
Oh, it is good to hear that you and your husband also got to live your dreams. I don't have to much to do with mom's and babies (I'm not really a people person...), but I do use lasers in my job, however indirectly, as a measurement tool. ;)
I see there is a sale on sims 3 packs and stuff now, so I might actually get the town that has the sauna, later. :P
Alright, now I have been out of reading here for some days, lets get to it. ;)
353 The Watcher Watches: Dante & Tulip ~~ Dimitri ~~
Haha, even toddlers have a vampiric sleep pose. :P
Oh, Tana is my favorite here, she is so sweet. Yeah, parents smooching, isn't it funny? :P
She's got some interesting chess playing faces, too. ;)
Hehe, good idea, shower woohoo. ;)
Mmm, yes, that sauna looks nice, and so revitalizing. ;)
Hehe, Tana really does have those skulls on all of her clothing. ;)
Congratulations on the new baby! ;) Well, Dante might not be good for much doing the baby dance when Tulip is having a baby, but atleast he is a good father. :P
Oh, what could the teens have been doing upstairs hmm? :P
354 The Watcher Watches: Dante & Tulip ~~ Visitors ~~
Hehe, who gives birth in a park? I think it was good that she didn't.. :P
Haha, well I don't know about Tulips suggestions to Tana.. the pond is probably better for other things than giving birth. :P
Yep, Jovan is looking very excited, indeed. Hmm, did he get a dagger tattoo from being betrayed?
Haha, hmm, Bob must be a bit special, since he can be the medium for what everyone else feels. :P
Happy birthday to Dimitri! Oh, I am sure he will do alright in your town with that pink hair. He sims to fit right in!
"Oh, how could we miss the cake..." thinks Violet and Bob.. cake might not be food, but it is very important anyway. ;)
Haha, oh yes, a trashy way for Eliza to end the relationship with Jovan, indeed. No wonder he feels like trash... good job of translating simlish speak there. ;)
355 The Watcher Watches: Violet
Hehe your sims think about love a lot. ;) Violet looks cute when she writes the love letters.
Oh, Victoria doesn't want to be a vampire anymore? But Elvis seems to like her a lot anyway, so I don't think it matters.
Oh, I like that Ethereal, she is always cute and nice.
Hehe, so the new couples now will be Elvis and Victoria, and Violet and Jovan. :P I guess Elvis didn't care about the love letters from Violet. ;)
356 The Watcher Watches: Violet ~~ Jovan's House ~~
Smart move there, Jovan. :P Invite the girl into the bedroom first, but knowing your sims, it doesn't matter which room. ;)
"I Like you too, Jovan! And meeting Jason pulled at my heart strings! And I long for a loving family life too! with Jason and you!"
"They feel very close, like kindred spirits, and fall asleep in each others arms."
Aww, that's cute, but where's the woohoo? I feel cheated! :P
357 The Watcher Watches: Violet ~~ Elvis the Hero? ~~
Aw, Victoria became human, and there's the good times. Hmm, how often do your sims need to replace the bed springs, I wonder? :P
Nice new hairstyle for Victoria, it lets the neck show. Haha, its probably weird, but in real life I find that oftentimes the most attractive part of a woman is the neck. I don't know why, it just is that way... maybe I am secretly a vampire! :P Beware....! :
Hehe, so which house that Jovan invite Victoria to live in? ;)
"Yes! I'm more serious about her as each moment goes by! It's serendipitous how we met and fell for each other so quickly!" <-- Serendipitous! What a word! Another one for my list, along with nefarious and preposterous and other words like that. :P
Hmm, this Eliza in your story doesn't sound like a good person...
Oh yes, that sauna and the mud bath. I want to get that now. :P
"She knows she will have to confess this compulsion to her lover, sometime soon. It's a compulsion that brings her great happiness. This compulsion has turned into a great skill, that makes her so valuable to her job!" <-- Huh, what? Randomly getting up at night? :P
358 The Watcher Watches: Violet ~~ Treasure Hunting ~~
Oh, ok, I get it.. she is stealing things in the night.. bad Violet! She must be a criminal...
Ah, Violet is talking about wedding bells. I always like it when it is possible to make sense of what they are saying! ;)
But it probably wasn't to nice of her to speak about Jovan, however, he is now with Victoria, so....
Oh come one Elvis, don't ask her for a kiss, that can only go the wrong way....
359 The Watcher Watches: Violet ~~ Morning with Jovan ~~
Hehe, they can talk to each other four rooms away. Paper thin walls in that house, I imagine. ;) Ah, good, Violet is moving in with Jovan (and Billy? He lives in the same house?)
Hmm, that's interesting how Bébé looks in Jasons direction.
Oh, but tag is a very serious game, don't you know. :P
Hmm, that Ashley is a little disobedient.. yeah, she could probably need some discipline.. now I wonder how she would fare in the law enforcement career. ;)
The ducks painting from Jovan is a nice painting! It looks like something I could happily put on my wall! :P
Oh, poor Jason felt he had to skip school because Bébé was looking at him... I wonder why that could be..
360The Watcher Watches: Violet ~~ Annie's Promotion ~~
Oh, excuse me, but who is Annie? Maybe I have seen her before, but I don't remember.. haha, but it looks like she did the right choice of not accepting the 7000 simoleons. ;)
Oh, she is intimate with Billy.
Ok yeah, Bébé and Jason were friends before she aged up I assume, so of course, they can still be friends.. she should probably have talked to him then, instead of just staring.. :P It is nice that she came over to visit, then..
Oh, that was the last post already, hmm. I want to see Bébé being friendly with Jason now. Your story and sims are very cute. I hope you had a good christmas (though technically it isn't over yet, because as everybody knows, christmas lasts all the way until easter! ;) )