@Sprottenham HI hi! :) Love all the references to the oldies music! Thunderstruck is ACDC (or Akadacka! <--- lol my youngest delights me when he tells me what his Aussie pal calls things! He plays online games with such fun people!)
Ah that is a good lyrics from Iron Maiden! one of these days I need to do a chapter on good old Wickerman and his Anya. But seriously mad cow?!!! :D Well maybe she does have mad cow disease? LOL mad cow, old horse I love all those funny sayings! :D
Yeah that was what I was thinking when he told me Rico reminded him of himself! I was thinking wow Lucky guy! hehehe
I Do think Diana was really hearing the xylophone being played by one of the toddlers at the park. nevermind we can't see the xylophone or toddler! :D My sims can see through walls and use items that are only there in another season! Once I saw them use an invisible bed! :o I think that happens when I add things in between seasons, or something It is no doubt my fault for not adding the items when I first set up the festival fairgrounds! :D
I love all your comments! Oh I need to answer some questions! Ah yes a fireman can be a pyromaniac or create the fire at will! Luckily it doesn't seem to burn anything, and doesn't last that long! I always thought it was so clever that EA made that an invisible trait because IRL there are some firemen who are pyros like in the movie, was it Backdraft? People who just loooove fire, well why wouldn't they want to be a fireman?!!! lol
Thanks for all your comments, I love to read them! I have what happened next, but Beau is on my naughty list now, so I haven't posted it. He seems to want to keep changing his story as soon as I post about him!? LOL he is keeping on my toes! :D