@Sprottenham Hahaha Yes I do remember! The mad cow was your words and so totally funny! ?? She has always loved and been too ultra woo crazy, I swear she was even more like a playboy than the towns playboys were! She put them all to Shame! They probably all envied her prowess and secretly took notes! ? Of course that is just my view, I don't have double standards for males & females, I know, it's not a popular stance or opinion here???
''I noticed that my sims have started to think there is always a tv nearby whenever they go to drink juice from a juice bar, when I can see or hear no tv at all.... and for different saves even, so I don't know what that is...'' O WOW I just love hearing this! I love all the mysterious stuff that we notice that happens in this game, for sure!
Yes Beau has changed! Even as a kid, I never saw him interacting with girls or anyone but his family, he has always been quiet. So this was a total surprise for me, having the Lotharios be my active family now, that's why I'm noting it in the chapters!
Yeah Hungry like the wolf is an oldie, the song just popped in my head when I was writing what I was seeing Beau do! hahaha
''Ok, so Beau went for a different girl, I don't think that makes him deserving of being on a naughtly list.. he's just a teenager, he only went for the girl he likes best, I would assume... :P'' OK! Fantastic! I do like having a man's point of view here! Thank you!
I am eager to see more of what he does, or allows others to do! I just can't stay up and watch as long as I used to be able to! LOL I love my naptime! :D