@DivaDoodle Oh, those where my words! Ok, I'll admit it, even if I can't remember excactly who said it first! Ah, and as for having different standards for men and women when it comes to woohoo, well I probably do, because they work differently, but I feel this is also a very complex matter, and it would probably be to much to write an essay about that here. ;) I probably could, but I think its best not too, lets keep it about the sims!
Ah, so I have a mans perspective on Beau.. well, I don't know, maybe he let the other girl down, but.. that's part of life to be let down, it happens to all of us, so should I think he is bad? I mean, as far as I can tell, he's being honest with himself, and I think thats the best thing one can do... Of course you might say he should have had a talk with the other girl first, depending on their relationship.. but he is still young, such things are (probably) learnt with age... Nobody can walk through life without hurting a person or two, or getting hurt once or twice themselves, unless they live in a cave.. These are just my thoughts! Of us you are probably the most experienced person, so you should be the one lecturing me here! ;)
I'm not at all an expert in romance, for me it has been mostly just let downs! :P
372 The Watcher Watches: Bébé & Beau Lothario ~~ Matchmaking? Watching Beau ? ~~
Oh, haha, those teen mood swings. I remember when I was a teen, I was told that teenage years would be difficult and I would have plenty of mood swings and that you would have fights with your parents and blah blah.. well, I didn't really get any of that, as far as I remember... :P
Hmm, Youngman's loophole, what is that? :P Ok, so I understand that being a Lothario means to be a womanizer.. so it could of course be that is what he is doing, I don't know.. that would make him a bit naughty if he just goes around flirting with many girls at once...
Haha, the faces they make when they sit at the table to enjoy their music. ;)
Then says "I really need to exercise! I'm not bulky enough!" <--- And many a teenage boy probably had that thought....
Hehe, so Beau has the charismatic trait, I'm sure that's good if you want to be attractive. ;)
Jason and Bébé look so cute. Bébé was always a cute girl ever since I was first introduced to her snorkeling in the bathtub. :P
Haha, Miranda just broke the trampoline! ;) Talks and thoughts about strange beds can probably do that... :P
And then the trampoline sprung back on her, and she goes high into the air! Ow, that probably hurt...
Haha, so the magical stuff he made with bed makes it sound like birds, hmm, I haven't seen that, but does this strange gun thing come with the science career? :P