@Sprottenham No worries, I never think you are late, just always happy to see you!
''but that's the fun part, analyzing them as if they were real people! :P That's why I play, to see them come alive and be something on their own.. I want to feel like they are not creations coming from my head, but something with actual selves. :P Hehe, and all your sims are nuts. ;) ''
haha, I don't compare them to real people at all, to me they are a different species entirely and live in an alternate reality where pretty much anything is OK! ? I am just the Alien who has come to their planet and likes to observe and record them, their likes and dislikes! I keep a lookout for the for the extraordinary sims, the ones who don't do the usual sim stuff, they are my very favorites.
''but to live life without regrets, I think is impossible.'' Hm It might just be a frame of mind.
''But is it something to regret, if you feel like you've learned something? Gained something from it? '' No then it is not regret, I don't think. if you became the better You for it. Well that's how I look at it.
'Regret', to me it's a 'wishing you had not done' or a 'wishing you had done'.. So for instance my thinking "if this very horrific thing had not happened to me, then I would not have sought help and I wouldn't be the Me I am today" so that is not a regrettable instance because it catalyzed my growth into a better more empathetic human being. It could have gone another way, I could have chosen not to seek help and become a bitter mean unsympathetic, I don't know, what is the worst thing, a murderer? then that would have been something to regret.
Hahaha :D Yes of course we need a dictionary! This is "Dante's Exit", this is "Youngman's loophole" and this is a "Lothario"! :D Feel free to ask!
Yes I try to post the sounds or effects of the bed so people who don't have ambitions or the Mad Scientists gun can know about it. That is actually what someone else posted a long time ago and it made me go buy Ambitions, Immediately!??
hahah somehow I never visualize the poop hits the fan Oh God! LOL EW, I do visualize other things like doing to H'ell in a handbasket, i always see this pretty handbasket, with a picnic lunch and the person is enjoying themselves not knowing where they are headed!
''Well, I don't really feel to bad for him here, come he's there and two girls want him! What kind of guy wouldn't want to be in that situation as a teenager, not gonna lie, I know I would have!'' Yeah his reluctance seemed alien to me, but why he doesn't say no is weird, if he doesn't want to.
''Hmm, I think Bonnie isn't so nice.. plotting her next love tactic.. I think she lacks the true feeling. :P '' Oh Interesting! I felt kind of sorry for Bonnie, I think she wanted Beau to be 'hers' but didn't realize it was a lost cause, and just tried what she hoped would work, to get him away from Lani.
The heartbroken I didn't believe for one second, lol, she never showed the heart thought about him. And now she is being mean to tell everyone at school how mean he is! LOL poor Beau has to live this down now.
Yeah, Danny lived 'both sides' so he can give Beau good advice from his experience. I remember my Dad saying to me and my sisters 'All teen boys are horrible and only want one thing.'' :o :D I think Danny said it better!
''Yeah, guys aren't supposed to be sensitive'' yeah I think you're right, it must be a guy thing.
But it's easier to be around sensitive and verbose or loquacious sorts for sure. I remember feeling uncomfortably mystified with the mysterious strong and silent type, well you know me, I like to know everything...
'Hm, What's he thinking? He looks dreamy, Is he thinking about a girl he likes? Is it Me?! Wait a second, Is he mad? Is he plotting to blow up the world? Oh! he has a furrowed brow, what can it be?'
"What are you thinking?"
"Oh I'm just trying to remember if there's beer in the fridge." :D
''It would be really lovely if they could remain friends until both of them walk around with a cane.'' Oh I Hope so! These are the first BFF I have in town. I'm hoping it will continue to draw them together for comradery.
Hahaha I like to google lame jokes to get the jokes my sims tell. :D
Yes Beau is going through feelings and thoughts that are new to him, like jealousy and wedding bells! I think Beau might be the passionate one, feeling each emotion very strongly and Jason is the sensitive one reacting to what is going on around him and his feelings. I don't know if I can describe the difference I see, very well.
''Hehe, those houses there on the outskirts of Moonlight Falls is placed really far apart. I almost wouldn't call that a neighbourhood. ;) '' That's as close as I could get them! LOL
Yes Countess is going to have a baby! I'm so happy to see Timon and Thalan, I miss Alexakry so much, it's nice to see her sims!
Analise Vogelsang I worked with a woman with the name, lovely name and lovely friend.
I don't know why the water doesn't show up in their swimming pool! It IS there! :D Yes this house came with the unique swimming pool, I got it off the exchange! NO unfortunately no one can skinny dip because I don't have that Ep!!!
''Oh yeah, the benefits of being a fairy, you can just steal toys.. Branch probably thinks he paid for it, before he left. ;) '' I don't think Branch would be against not paying for something! ;) :D
Who is that nice looking chef?! Wow! Thank you! What a great pic!
Oh sorry it was short, I was already tired! Hahaha I will post the rest of the night next, I needed to save, then probably reset of the town.
Thank you for the great comments! :)