The title always makes me laugh, remembering Peter Sellers, in the movie 'Being There', say to Shirley MacLaine "I like to watch" ! :D Well I must admit I Do like watching my sims, just to see what they do! I usually only direct them to help fulfill wishes, although sometimes I admit to doing this creatively! haha
So my family, how did it begin? Starting in Moonlight Falls with Dante, Violet, and Argus, it was plain so see that Violet and Argus were getting to be an item. Dante was best friends with Belinda Crumplebottom, and they decided to move in together to my favorite house. (actually, the only house I like here!)
Belinda wanted a child with Dante, and it pained him to let her down as he felt he was too young, and he wanted a more traditional family when he matured. He loved Belinda as friend, and even though she was so kind and lovely personality, she was not 'the One' for him.
Belinda was swept off her feet by Don Lothario, they fell in love and married. When ever he would scare her she would retaliate by casting a spell on him! :D They enjoyed each other immensely! She has not had a child with Don so far though, she thinks an evil father would be, well, evil!
Moving Forward : Dante
Dante met a beautiful Faery named Tulip. The attraction was instant, and soon they fell in love. The more he was with her, the more he became convinced she was the One! And so, he convinced her to marry him. I say 'convinced' because She was a bit afraid that he was a Vampire. But, she did love him and she did say Yes! Dante was in heaven! He never drank from her, he only drank plasma orange juice. Their marriage was loving and solid, and then Dante wanted a child.
Tulip always dreamed of babies, but would never get the wish for it. The Watcher (me) became convinced she was worried that Dante might bite the baby! :o One day as they were on a date, Dante started spamming me with wishes to turn Tulip! Even though I usually fulfill wishes, I kept clicking his wishes off. He Spammed me 7 times in half an hour! He wanted desperately to turn her! mmm maybe Dante knows something the Watcher does not! I decided to let him fulfill this wish! I wanted to know! For Science!
"Are you sure, my love?" And Dante slips her a Potent Cure Potion, in case she wants to change her mind. "Yes, Dante, I'm sure." her voice was so enchanting, sounding like Elvan wind chimes to his ear. and it was done!
A few days later, Tulip went through the transformation!
And she got the wish to have a baby with Dante only a few minutes later! In fact she got many baby wishes! How did Dante know this would happen? I am so glad he told me with his thought bubbles and spammed wishes!
They are marvelous parents, there isn't a more devoted father, in fact Dante loves all babies & kids! 1st child Tula then and now
Tula's boyfriend Tristan--they live across the street in the family's other property, a 'Teen house', with a Chaperone
@ergo_slum haha yes Tulip has always been rather no nonsense, even when she was a fairy the only nonsense she liked was her own! :D I don't know if she misses being a fairy, it doesn't seem like she does. She was very ready to forsake her fairy occult when Dante asked her. some sims will get really mad when someone asks them to forsake their occult, but she did so willingly. The only reason I did this was that Dante had been spamming me with wishes to turn her to vampire, like nagging me with it, each time I clicked his wish off, another would appear. He gave her a potent cure vial, when he asked her if she wanted to be turned, just in case she changed her mind. It's still in her back pack, too.
Well so far in this town, Izzy is the only one with 2 occults. every time I think of this, I hear Cher's song ''Half Breed" going through my mind! Yay Cher! <3 Anyway in this story, It's Izzy's big social stigma, over shadowing Izzy's hermaphroditism, fully male and fully female, which is more accepted by the town's people than his dual occult. Was that a run on sentence? lol :D I'm still trying to wake up!
haha I was waiting SO sooo long for Branch to get home, and then he just goes to bed without giving us any of his Branchism! The brat!?
Oh it's so so fun and interesting to be able to do this in the game! Yes, the game recognizes Izzy/Aziz as the same person! So, Izzy/Aziz and Chad are committed partners (gf/bf & bf/bf) with super high relationship and no cheats,(although I was Wondering if either one would go for cute Bastian or his twin Bjorn or Makihana) and I now fully expect them to get to Eternally Faithful! ok! Here is the very ?scientific fancy magic Mumbo-Jumbo: I have Aziz, which is Izzy gender switched, saved to the bin, so it really is herself/himself, (since I can't make any sim look like another due to being sim maker challenged!) LOL When I'm ready for the werewolf form, like when Izzy howled at the broken TV, I just pause the game, go in CAS, and choose Izzy's 'Aziz' persona, and this maintains all Izzy's wishes, friends and relationship to Chad. :) I was really surprised though, when Chad responded to Aziz romantically, because when I had previously had them ask each other, a few days ago, if they were attracted to each other, it was rather low, for both of them, so I never thought it would happen, that they would be romantic with each other. I now wonder if the more they are together romantically, how much it will change their gender preference numbers. I wish I had thought to check right after, but I was just still so surprised to even be able to think!? It's interesting that Chad dreamed of Izzy not Aziz, in his sleep right after his romance with Aziz! These little sims are just so amazing, and interesting, I always feel like I'm photographing a documentary of unusual beings in this town! ??? But record it I must! For prosperity and Science!?
ahahah yes my husband has been begging me for more cow plant like he is shouting more Cow Bell!? I haven't yet had one in this town, but he is remembering Riverview and my scientific family had one! They were the best ever and his favorite! But probably because they had the cow plant! ? I think I read if a sim has certain traits like Good, Brave, Daredevil, maybe some other traits as well, the cow plant will spit the Sim back out. The plant takes a long time, like 3 days, to offer the cake, but my sims have always liked to autonomously feed it, like Tristan wanted to do. In Riverview, I even had to put a locked gate around it, to prevent the sims from feeding it, to get the plant to offer the cake!? I have never had the plant actually eat anyone, without spitting them back out! not even the mail man! I wonder if it is like my jelly bean bush and no one will ever actually die? I have seen stories of it though! but I don't know for sure, never experiencing it!
Maybe I should always have an active house keep the dern plant, and then when I move to another household that new household will receive this same Cowsy Wowsy as a house warming gift! LOL :D
Thank you I'm so happy you liked the updates! :) Happy weekend!
Haha, I love how no nonsense Tulip is. I wonder if she ever misses being a fairy. I'm sure she doesn't regret becoming a vampire at all, but I think I'd miss the ability to fly and pull awesome pranks once in a while. Especially now that she's met Izzy, who manages to be both vampire and werewolf. Hmmm....
Yes!! I always get a kick out of watching werewolves brawl. Kick his butt, Aziz!
Hi Branch! Oh, so watching Sims woohoo or make out is cool, but watching them brawling isn't, eh? You're a lover not a fighter? You're so weird, Branch. You do you, my freaky friend.
Awww, Aziz and Chad! I gotta ask: how is the reputation system working for Chad with Izzy/Aziz? Does the game recognize them both as one person for Chad or is Watcher pulling some fancy magic? :)
Oooh, the mysterious cowplant! I've been debating getting one for my Sims, but I'm reluctant to introduce the possibility of being devoured by a plant. What a humiliating way to go! :)
Haha, Emelie calls her brother "Stretch!" :smiley:
286 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ The Cow Plant. ~~
At 3:30 in the morning the famous lovers, Dante and Tulip are up to their old trick, the Great Escape! Both so pleased with themselves, especially Dante! He knows Watcher won't stop him!
Now they can go home without fanfare, and love without interruption! Besides, it's a school day and they want to make sure little Tana is well taken care of, and is fed and knows how much she is loved! They both glow brightly thinking of their little one! Bye bye Dante! <3
The sun comes up, and the household gets ready for the day, school for the teens and work for Ayden. Not his usual business meetings, other business. He doesn't like it that Nadia didn't come to clean yesterday! "The nerve and the gall of that girl for not being a dependable worker! Just because she is my girlfriend doesn't give her the right to take a day off without sending a replacement! Oh the impropriety of it all!"
He doesn't want to fire Nadia from the job, the house doesn't really get all that messy, but Ayden does admire Nadia's honesty, she never once tried to steal any of the old heirlooms from centuries ago. "No, I'll just fire her from being my girl friend, and keep her as our housekeeper, I don't wish to contribute to the unemployment in town!" He calls Nadia to meet him.
"Nadia, I really like so many things about you, but I like you as our housekeeper the very best. I hope we can remain good friends." he says.
"Well, I will stay on, as long as I can continue to try out my recipes of cooking you in the hot tub." Nadia says.
"Well of course you can! I'm not a monster!" says Ayden, and they part as friends. No hearts broken. He is getting quite good at this!
He remembers his wish about Rosalinda, and calls her to meet him. "Rosalinda, my beauty, I would love to continue where we left off at the wedding." Ayden says, presenting her with flowers to match her outfit. Rosalinda thinks this is a grand idea! And is very receptive to his flirting.
Ayden asks her to be his girlfriend (#7) and she thinks it's a wonderful idea! Ayden now has the reputation of being 'a playa' lol. I guess he will need the clean slate award, but we best wait, in case it erases his past girlfriends. He only needs 3 more to complete his LTW!
"Rosalinda, will you accompany me to my house, I want to make sure my children have gotten off to school alright?" asks Ayden, "Oh certainly, I'd love to see your mansion." she says. Ayden sees that the school bus is here. He hopes the teens are dressed and ready! He rushes inside. "Morning Father!" says Tristan on his way out. "Ah such wonderful children I have!" thinks Ayden. "Have a fine day at school, my dear boy." says Ayden. "Tula and I will be getting photo's for her school report, instead of classes, Dad." "Ah, well that's fine, my son." says Ayden.
The teens file out and greet Ayden, it is comforting for them to see the head of the household each morning, and be wished a pleasant day. Rosalinda looks on.
That's a fine brood you have, my dear" she says, thinking that was all of them. Izzy is wondering about the new Lady, kissing Grandfather. "...ah she must be Grandfather's new girl friend." He surmises.
Rosalinda is very enamored with Ayden, and very demonstrative, which he likes very much.
Everything seems perfect, until Ayden discovers she has a penchant for stealing, Oh dear! Ayden wonders if there is a potion to cure kleptomania? Ayden decides to give her many gifts, so Rosalinda won't feel in want. Maybe that will dissuay her want of other's possessions. Ayden doesn't understand kleptomania.
Meanwhile Tristan and Tula are on the playground and plan their outing to the witches' house! It doesn't help their thinking, having woken up with mood swings! :o They decide they will just go over and explore the house while no one is home! They are torn between trespassing but being safe from the witch, or greeting her and possibly having a curse or evil spell or good spell gone wrong cast on them! They are so giddy with their plan, and its excitement!
"We should go, Tula, before Beatrice gets back to her house!" says Tristan. and Tula thinks he is wonderfully clever!
The front door is unlocked, and they go right in. "yoohoo, is anyone home?" "oh this is a very strange house, Tristan."
They tiptoe up the creaky staircases all the way up to the dark and mysterious attic, searching every nook and cranny!
"Tula! I found a jelly bean bush! And omg in the corner is the Cow Plant!"
They marvel at the beast! Tula very excited that she will have a proper photo for her report!
"I'm going to feed it a fish, Tula, so it won't try to eat us!" says Tristan. He whips out a large fish and plays with the cow plant, to make the fish seem alive! The cow plant really likes this and makes all kinds of strange growly noises as it snaps in effort to get the fish, it's jaws chomping loudly!
Finally Tristan throws the fish high into the air, and the cow plant chomps it and gulps it down! This is when Tristan notices that there is some strange milky substance that sprays from the plants udders. Tristan collects a sample of the sticky substance. He will give it to his scientific friends Jeb and Fabian, to do experiments on, to see what the stuff is!
"Come on, Tristan, it's too creepy up here." says Tula and heads downstairs. "Ok sweetheart. Bye Cowsy Wowsy." says Tristan, and he can tell that the strange plant likes him and feels that Tristan is it's friend.
On their way out, they pass Len, the maid. "You can clean now, the cow plant is fed, Len." says Tristan. "Oh...that's ok, I'm fine right here, hanging out on the front porch." says Len. Len is no fool! He suspects Beatrice bought the jelly bean plant and the cow plant for His sake, unless she wanted to get rid of her boyfriend Vance. In any case, Len's not going inside!
Tristan and Tula drop by science class to give Jed & Fabian the milky samples, then head home, so Tula can put the pictures in her report. They see Nadia hard at work. ''Hi kids!" Nadia likes them. "Hi Nadia!"
Tristan is so happy with their successful sneaky coup, Tula too! Tristan offers help with her report, but Tula doesn't need much help, maybe a bit of editing, she is a very bright student and often on the honor roll.
Upstairs Ayden and Rosalinda haven't left the room at all. He either really likes her or is worried if he leaves her alone she might swipe something! LOL He has a bit of a snack, both to deplete her energy bit, and also because he knows Watcher will be mad if he tries to almost die again!
Tristan and Tula have a wish to see a movie. They go on a date, they like action adventure movies best. But I'm not certain how much of the movie they actually saw.
Emelie calls her brother Tristan to say "Hey Stretch, we are all over at the library, because Izzy has a book to read for school, "Demand Excellence or expect Mediocrity." Tristan says " Oh, that sounds good, we'll come meet you, then we all can all go out for a nice dinner. Dad is very busy today, and already had a snack." "okay, see you in a few." says Emelie.
Finally Izzy is finished with his book, and they all can go to Amelina's Bistro for dinner. Zack Durwood mistakenly takes Tristan's place, so Tristan heads next door to get a juice drink. No wonder he's so slim!
Tristan sees Fabian, he wants to ask him if he and Jed found anything in the cow plant sample. He will wait until his dance is over, with Patty, Zack's girlfriend. Meanwhile he drinks is juice and has a dance with his own pretty girlfriend.
285 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Where wolf? There wolf! ~~
Of course being the head of all vampires and such an admired and loved being, does come with the consequences of losing some of ones privacy! Dante usually makes his famous quick exit so he and Tulip can go back home, to enjoy their serenity, but this evening his daughter had already invited them to stay over. So the famous couple must endure all the love and attention from Ayden's household. The interlopers give Dante a full 2 seconds after his woo with his lovely wife, before they come barging in.
"Daddy I wanted to discus my extra credit report on jelly bean bushes and cow plants," says Tula, "I know where to get a jelly bean bush, but where do I find a cow plant?" Dante answers, as patient as ever "Ah, there is only one cow plant in the entire town, my daughter, it belongs to Beatrice Crumplebottom. Please be careful if you want to view it, it's so very dangerous! So is Beatrice, but only because she has faulty spells, and faulty thinking, so take Tristan with you, don't go there alone!"
On the other side of the bed Chad is bothering Tulip. "That's right Mrs. Morganthe, I am so in love with Izzy, and I hear wedding bells in our future and children too!" says Chad to the poor suffering woman. Emelie waits her turn to talk with their honored guests.
Tulip is not as patient as Dante. "Oh for heaven's sake! This boy is just too much, already talking about having children, at his age! The very idea!" she thinks, as she gears up for another hypnotic session to calm down Chad's romantic and hot blooded thinking. "Yikes.'' thinks Chad, starting to shiver. "Not this again!"
"It's for your own good, Chad, think of it as a cold shower!" she quips. "Yes, Mrs. Morganthe.'' Chad says dutifully.
Izzy loves to hear about everyone's interests! He wants to know more about Mama's art. And Tristan always loves to talk with his Godfather, Dante, usually discussing how best to give Tula all the encouragement she needs. Dante loves Tristan as though he were his own. And the feeling is mutual. They are so much alike, in both thought and deeds, and are BFF.
"Yes, Father is training me well to take over as heir, I know all the business's already, and I'm now learning about the real estates." says Tristan. "Our only disagreement now that he finally allowed my sister to marry and give her child his rightful name, is his constant flitting from one girl to the next. It's embarrassing Godfather, why he can't seem to stay with One through thick and thin, like you do?" And of course Dante is very happy to hear how Tristan and he think alike! His aura shining bight.
"We just have to accept people how they are son, especially family!" says Dante. They go on to discuss Tristan's music and choice of career in the music industry, and how it might be difficult to manage his time between his love of music and keeping an eye on the properties and business. "You know, my dear, once you take over as heir you can delegate the business and properties to Waylan and Izzy. That will give you time for your music and my daughter. After all, happy wife, happy life." "haha I like that saying, Godfather!"
Tula asks Tristan if he will go with her tomorrow after school, over to visit the old witch, "Just so I can get a picture of the dangerous cow plant." "Yes we can do that, we'll need to be on our guard, she's a bit deranged. Remember I was telling you, She said she had been conjuring a witches potion which exploded, right before the meteor hit the school. Father was telling me about the suspicious circumstances and how he feared Izzy was going to expire." says Tristan, thoughtfully.
"Well we are both Brave but not foolhardy, Tristan. We'll just take a quick picture and leave!" says Tula.
Waylan gets the call again from Laz. "Hello my friend, why don't you come on over and bring Izzy with you. Just a few fun hours of mentoring, and hanging out, Waylan." "Sure thing Laz, sounds like fun". and the two head out. They join Laz for a game of 'The Hunter Wolf.' It's fun and it's like a basic primer for young cubs. Izzy enjoys the game and does quite well. Waylan watches, he remembers playing this game with his Dad, when he was a young cub.
They play, and learn and chat for quite a fun while, Izzy being so good at it and so very into the hunting! Then the TV breaks! This causes Stress in Izzy and he transforms with a horrific howl, into Aziz, the werewolf!
Laz takes this opportunity to play fight with Aziz, it will be good practice for her! It's really funny, when ever Laz is jumped on by Aziz, this normally very deep voiced man, will make a high pitched yell type yelp! ? It makes me love Laz all the more!
Branch comes home to this ruckus! "Not again!! Werewolves!" he thinks and shakes his head, as he heads to bed.
With a final bootay kick from Aziz, Laz surrenders with another little girl yelp <3 .
"You did really well, Aziz!" compliments Laz. "hehe Thanks Laz!" "You better get going, your Dad is waiting outside. Oh, and calm yourself, Aziz! People don't like looking at stressed out werewolves, plus it is best to feel calm and in control of yourself." "Ok, but know if I can just yet." Aziz says.
Aziz lopes out to Dad, "Good job, darling!" Waylan says. Aziz applauds her great outing with Dad, before getting into the car.
"Thanks Dad, that was so fun!" says Aziz, adrenalin still running through her veins. "You're welcome, my wonderous child!" says Waylan.
Chad comes over right away, alert to the itchy stressed out feelings of his sweetheart. One look at Aziz's face and Chad hopes she won't do that frightening howl, or scary growling! "I'd like to help you calm down Aziz, if I can." He says, trying to make his voice sound serene. "Thank you Chad, I don't know why my adrenalin is still so high right now. I guess the play fighting I did with Laz was too exhilarating." says Aziz. She feels like biting him, just a little bit, like if he were a squeaky toy. He Looks like a soft plush squeaky toy, to her.
"It's ok sweetie, calm down, everything is is ok, just breathe." says Chad, giving her a hug, and continues, petting her face. "There, there, good Aziz, gooood." Aziz finally stops trying to gnaw his hand, and just luxuriates in the petting.
Aziz really likes it, and rolls to expose her belly for a belly rub, like any little happy cub would do. "Who's a sweet calm little fur baby? that's right, you are!" murmurs Chad, speaking as one would to their sweet puppy. He thinks it's working.
:D "Who's a good girl? Goooood!" finally Aziz seems much more calm, and Chad can tell she is ready for sleep.
But when she gets up she looks at Chad differently.
Aziz looks a little bit scary, with those sharp teeth, but Chad knows his true love is in there, somewhere. And when he closes his eyes, it is exactly like kissing his sweet Izzy's soft lips.
Aziz loves Chad. And Chad loves Aziz right back. ''Ah, well, of course,'' thinks Chad, ''they are the same person, they just have different forms.''
Chad thinks the Aziz form is pretty, for a girl, and when she's not showing her fangs, she hardly looks scary at all. But her hunched over, stalking walk is a bit unnerving! The little hairs on the back of his neck are starting to bristle.
"Come on sweetie" he says bravely, then sees her teeth again.
Chad holds her hands, until he can feel Aziz slipping into total relaxation. She closes her eyes giving in to sleep. And the werewolf part slips away.
The stars light up the deep velvet sky and all in Ayden's mansion have a peaceful slumber.
Ayden must have insisted that their honored guests retire formally. Well, it's only proper!
284 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Leisure Day ~~
Those other teens decided to stay the night, and they Finally found the sleeping bags, so they might be a little bit more intellegent that I thought! lol In the morning, Makani has come to Izzy's room for some reason, I think to play with the fire? Once he sees the room is occupied he takes his leave. But vampire/werewolves easily wake at the slightest disturbance in their space. Chad is the only one who is so very peaceful, he never disturbs Izzy's Chi or Wah or serenity.
"Morning Makani! You are welcome to stay for Leisure Day if you wish." says Izzy. "Oh that's so nice! I usually don't have much fun on this holiday!" says Makani. "Well we all just usually kick back on this day." says Izzy, "It's a good day to recoup from a party!" and that sounds fine to Makani.
Even though it's leisure day, some students are very serious about school and finish their homework! Other's are still sleeping, it is still quite early! Waylan comes in and is happy to see Izzy hard at work! "What an excellent child I have!" he thinks, and joins him.
Ayden wants to get to know the new teens, and discuss matters of Etiquette to all who will listen!
Everyone enjoys getting to know one another better! Chad discusses his favorite color with Bjorn. Waylan discusses the need for rain, to Mira. Tula and Mara catch up. And Bastian holds people transfixed with his talk of the other dimension he lives in with his twin, Bjorn, as homeless sims! Peanut is showing Watcher what a good boy he is now, doing his homework! It appears he really has mended his ways and he has turned a new leaf!
"Your parents are very much in love, Izzy. It is so nice!" says Chad. "Yes, they are really lucky! I've always liked to see them kiss, I know other kids don't like to see it, but it makes me feel safe and happy." says Izzy, then thinks "I wonder if this is how I came to be? I'll ask Dad later."
Izzy feels very comfortable talking with vampires Mira and his uncle Tristan. Tristan keeps his promise to Ayden, by encouraging the virtues of being a vampire. "Izzy, being vampires makes our sight so much more acute, in fact all our senses! Why we can even gaze at stars and instantly know all about the individual solar systems of each star!" "Tristan is right! Have you tried that yet, Izzy?" asks Mira "No, but I sure will now!"
Tristan leaves the room and Mira and Izzy are tongue tied and just looking at each other. This goes on for a long time, no words, just looks. Maybe it's a staring contest. She is very cute to me!
Mira wins, Izzy looks away first!
Bastian comes in to chat for a bit, then compliments Izzy and says that he finds Izzy blindingly stunning. "That is quite a compliment, Basti, thanks. Um, do you mind my asking if you have a gender preference?" "Not at all, I don't have a gender preference. I like to look past gender and occults, and look at the aura and the being, the mind and soul, instead." says Bastian. "Well that is certainly a refreshing way to look at people! I don't think I have ever heard of that, but it sounds way less complicated, for sure!" says Izzy.
Outside Chad is talking with Bjorn, his coward trait is showing a bit. "I want to get married someday, to Izzy, it's my destiny." says Chad. Bjorn thinks having a destiny is interesting. Emelie comes up "Bjorn what is that over there?" "Where?" Splat!
But a water balloon fight seems to strenuous on leisure day, so Chad talks about teddy bears. and Emelie decides to lounge on a pool chaise.
"Daddy! Hi!" says Tula, giving her Dad a big hug. Dante and Tulip have come to check on their precious daughter. Dante is especially close to her.
"Yes, Daddy, the whole family is very nice and I'm keeping up with my studies. I'm still improving my cooking s well!" "Well soon you won't need to cook, you will have new tastes when you age up, like all good vampires do." says Dante.
Ayden makes sure to let Dante know he is taking good care of his daughter. Tulip and Emelie come in to get their turn to chat.
Others meander in, and Ayden decides to delight them all with a recounting of how it was in the olden days, when he was the only soul in town! It looks a pretty frightening story!
Chad seems to want to tell all who will listen, how he aims to marry Izzy one day, as Ayden's story group gets larger. Tulip doesn't like Chad's marriage talk! She's of the opinion No teens should marry! It might be a bad influence on her precious daughter if she lives in a home where it is OK if teens are allowed to marry! She tries to hypnotize Chad into calming down about this marriage subject! :D
Many are very taken with Ayden's story! Tula looks to her Dad, to see if he is scared, but no, he is very brave and only shows his interest. This is very comforting to her.
The story is much too terrifying to poor Chad, and he faints.
Even when the lights come back on, and he revives a bit, he is still visibly shaken. "My gosh, Chad, are you ok?" says Izzy. "Oh, heh heh, yes I'm alright." The hug makes Chad feel a bit better.
Tulip is glad the story is finally over with. It wasn't so interesting to her, her main interests are Dante and her children. Their blue glow of being the Masters of Mysticism often surround them in times of emotion. They are so in love.
"Izzy, have you thought any more about us becoming a couple?'' Chad can't help but asking, his destiny and their marriage being on his mind All day. They share a moment, and Izzy kisses him. "Well I don't know how we will work out when I'm in werewolf form, but in this form, I do want to be your partner, if you are willing to take that chance." says Izzy, as kindly and truthfully as he can. "But there will be times, Chad, when you see me as Aziz, and not as your romantic partner. I'm afraid that when you look at me, I'll remind of that loss." Izzy says sadly.
"No Izzy, when I look at you, all I see is joy. Complete joy."
I think if you use the MC 'go home' it can still have the party be thought of as awesome. It has to be done before the party giver goes to sleep, and after some one plays the guitar, I don't know know if it works each and every time!
@Silverofdreams30 Hahaha yes they do like doing homework at parties I noticed too!
I have troubles with the teens parties that some teens never want to go home! :D So I just saved and quit because I was too tired to wait up to see if they would ever leave! LOL
Oh jeez, this is why I'm so reluctant to throw teen parties! In my Jeb Wilson save, when he and his wife went on vacay, his twin teens threw an all-night rager that lasted over 36 hours! I really needed them to leave, so I had one of the twins tell everyone to scram and then those hooligans had the audacity to complain about what a terrible party it was! Ingrates! Listen, hormonal Simlets, when half of you are passed out and the other half stink from not showering in days, it's time to go home. :)
@Silverofdreams30 Hahaha yes they do like doing homework at parties I noticed too!
I have troubles with the teens parties that some teens never want to go home! :D So I just saved and quit because I was too tired to wait up to see if they would ever leave! LOL
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