The title always makes me laugh, remembering Peter Sellers, in the movie 'Being There', say to Shirley MacLaine "I like to watch" ! :D Well I must admit I Do like watching my sims, just to see what they do! I usually only direct them to help fulfill wishes, although sometimes I admit to doing this creatively! haha
So my family, how did it begin? Starting in Moonlight Falls with Dante, Violet, and Argus, it was plain so see that Violet and Argus were getting to be an item. Dante was best friends with Belinda Crumplebottom, and they decided to move in together to my favorite house. (actually, the only house I like here!)
Belinda wanted a child with Dante, and it pained him to let her down as he felt he was too young, and he wanted a more traditional family when he matured. He loved Belinda as friend, and even though she was so kind and lovely personality, she was not 'the One' for him.
Belinda was swept off her feet by Don Lothario, they fell in love and married. When ever he would scare her she would retaliate by casting a spell on him! :D They enjoyed each other immensely! She has not had a child with Don so far though, she thinks an evil father would be, well, evil!
Moving Forward : Dante
Dante met a beautiful Faery named Tulip. The attraction was instant, and soon they fell in love. The more he was with her, the more he became convinced she was the One! And so, he convinced her to marry him. I say 'convinced' because She was a bit afraid that he was a Vampire. But, she did love him and she did say Yes! Dante was in heaven! He never drank from her, he only drank plasma orange juice. Their marriage was loving and solid, and then Dante wanted a child.
Tulip always dreamed of babies, but would never get the wish for it. The Watcher (me) became convinced she was worried that Dante might bite the baby! :o One day as they were on a date, Dante started spamming me with wishes to turn Tulip! Even though I usually fulfill wishes, I kept clicking his wishes off. He Spammed me 7 times in half an hour! He wanted desperately to turn her! mmm maybe Dante knows something the Watcher does not! I decided to let him fulfill this wish! I wanted to know! For Science!
"Are you sure, my love?" And Dante slips her a Potent Cure Potion, in case she wants to change her mind. "Yes, Dante, I'm sure." her voice was so enchanting, sounding like Elvan wind chimes to his ear. and it was done!
A few days later, Tulip went through the transformation!
And she got the wish to have a baby with Dante only a few minutes later! In fact she got many baby wishes! How did Dante know this would happen? I am so glad he told me with his thought bubbles and spammed wishes!
They are marvelous parents, there isn't a more devoted father, in fact Dante loves all babies & kids! 1st child Tula then and now
Tula's boyfriend Tristan--they live across the street in the family's other property, a 'Teen house', with a Chaperone
303 The Watcher Watches: Izzy & Chad ~~ Toddler Training ~~
While our mucho toddlers household sleeps, Watcher drops in on Danny & Belinda Lothario. Belinda is the 3rd Crumplebottom sister, the Nice one.
Belinda is worried about a phone call she had with her sister Bianca. Seems Bianca and Musa, the town's international super spies, have been given the task of going through that same Time Machine which the police have confiscated and confined! Their dangerous mission is to search for Beatrice! Bianca will search the future and Musa will search the past. Now Poor Belinda is worrying that it might be too dangerous. She fears she might lose another sister! Danny, filled with concern for his wife, takes their children Bébé and Beau and tucks them in for the night, so that he and Belinda can have some private time to talk.
Emelie completes another painting, and wants to sell it, but mean Watcher likes it too much and hangs it in the dining room.
Emelie is getting quite good at her painting profession! She gets a call from her Dad, Ayden, with the town news about Bianca and Musa. ''I wonder how Belinda is fairing with all this?'' she thinks. "I better give her a call, Belinda might need a friend to talk to!" she thinks, as she gives love to little Leo.
Izzy and Chad are having a good time fulfilling their wishes of teaching their toddlers! Grandpa Waylan of course comes in to get in on the fun!
Ian loves being with Grandpa!
Izzy and Chad think their babies are the most brilliant babies in all the world! Of course they do! ;)
Waylan just hates to break up his cuddle time with Emelie, but he has to go to work! This week he is sure he will get his promotion! "Bye sweetheart, I'll be back as soon as I can!" Poor guy, really doesn't want to leave his pretty wife! So much so, he gets out of his car to go back to her, and mean ol Watcher has to make him get back in. lol ~~ But if he gets his promotion then he will only have to go to work once a week!
Chad and Izzy take some time of for themselves in the bungalow and also the main house, then back to their parental duties! What is weird is that Chad keeps having these moods like he isn't feeling so well, he gets scared and then he acts like he has a tummy ache! Is he allergic to being a werewolf or something? I seriously don't know what is ailing him so.?
Grandma Emelie comes to help out with the teaching.
Waylan gets home and has received his promotion! On his next work day, He will be up in space with Adan & Teddy! He is so happy! But He gets a phone call that makes him mad! "NO! For the last time Dot, I will not go on a date with you! I'm a happily married man, and a GrandPa now! You are a very naughty teen! I'm calling Rocky & Sunny right now to inform them of your bad behavior!" Oh the nerve of some people! (I better reset the town again if this kind of crazy stuff keeps happening! How does Dot not recognize that Waylan is YA? :o I would send her back to the Tesla's if I could find them! :D )
The only thing that can get Waylan in a good mood again is Emelie and the toddlers! He aims to get in a better mood! Chad seems to know about the better mood! lol he is happy for them.
Chad and Izzy jump on the trampoline as Waylan leaves to join the air show at the military base for extra credit at his job! Hm. I guess there is something about jumping together that is a turn on. Well they are still newlyweds, so probably everything in life is a turn on if they are near one another. ;)
They are so in love. I think they are just the cutest!
Chad is cooking for everyone. Waylan says "Izzy, after your honeymoon would be a good time to apply to the military, If that's the career you want, my dear one." "Yes I think I want the excitement you have, Dad, and I do like Teddy and Adan so much, they are such nice friends. That would be great to get to work together!"
They have a late dinner together, Emelie and Waylan are so glad, having really missed eating with the newlyweds.
Then Izzy starts his rounds of tucking everyone in, just like his Dad loves to do!
"Hm, That's funny, there are 4 napping mats now..." Notices Izzy, before realizing that his little brother Leo wanted to sleep with his cousins.
This night Waylan and Emelie have the big house all to themselves. I wonder if they like it, or if they prefer the whole family in the main house. Chad awakes scared, thinking about death (Izzy's?) again, poor guy. Soon he feels Izzy's comforting warmth, and is lulled back to dreamland.
@Silverofdreams30 aww thank you! I agree with you, the babies are just blobs of blankets with a face hehehe. I do love them in real life, but toddlers much more!
@ergp_slum Thank you! Yes the kiddos turned out nice looking! I especially like how Collin turned out, he is the combo of Chad and Izzy. Ian and Amelia look like Izzy and Aziz to me.
Oh well the twins were not virgin births like the original Queen's virgin births, because Chad was active with both occult/gender forms of Izzy, but I know what you mean about Izzy's self impregnating. I don't know when that will happen, that pregnancy was so tough on both of them, I won't blame Izzy if he wants to wait for a century!
I think first they will probably have more engineered babies, easier on them both for sure, plus Chad gets to have babies with his genes, which he wants, and Izzy likes to see him happy. They need more little girls!??
LOL Grandpa Waylan! Well that's what can happen when they start having babies as teens! I don't know what is worst, to be labeled as a child having a child or to be called an Old primagravida (anyone 30 or over having her first child) :| I was the latter and I remember thinking 'Old?! I beg your pardon! humph!' lol :D
I am shocked - shocked, I tell you! - that all three nooboos age up into such beautiful Sims. ;) They'll have such exciting stories to tell, I'm sure! WIll Izzy have any more virgin births or are the twins it?
Grampa Waylan! :smiley: He's so good at it, though I'd be a little weirded out to be a grandpa as a barely twenty-year-old. Though I suppose that's the least amazing thing about this overly amazing family! I really love this house, it's one of my favorites of yours, Watcher. :)
I know I said this before, but it's just so striking to me how not only Chad, but Izzy himself prefers this form of 'Izzyness', the soft spoken, graceful vampire. Also interesting, is he has had no werewolf type wishes, ever, even when in his werewolf form. Chad got the wish to claw up furniture right away, lol, but I didn't grant it because I don't think even wild Aziz, likes to hit sweet Chad with a rolled up newspaper. The love for Chad is the dominant constant, of both forms of seemingly opposite occults. Anyway, both are very glad things are back to 'their normal', and both so happy that their baby wishes were fulfilled! Chad is step-father to Ian and Amelia, and father to Collin. Izzy is father to all 3 of them (when in wolf form, Mother to all 3.)
"Chad, it is really bothering me, I want to apologize for biting you so much and turning you without asking, that is a pretty deplorable thing to do. At the time I was a bit out of my mind with such foreign savage emotions, and truly thought it might help you cope with my intense pregnancy um 'issues' and urges." says Izzy, ashamed he could have done such a brute thing.
"Oh I understand your motives, and reasoning." says Chad, and thinks back to the fervidness of yesterday, the barbaric roguishness of Aziz. He trembles slightly, remembering how he himself acted. "It is such a savage, frightening, aggressive occult, isn't it? You were not like that as a teen wolf, just more like a playful puppy. Of course being an adult wolf and pregnant, it stands to reason everything was accentuated!" says Chad, thinking 'As the wolf Aziz, she is So opposite of the sweetness of Izzy, full of grace, gentleness, and elegance.'
"Yes it is, and I haven't spent much time at all as a wolf so I might be a bit wilder and more uncouth than others. Chad, we will have to be very understanding of our babies and gently guide them, to be more like you, so kind and sweet."
Izzy then looks down to add "Our babies all have inherited my duel occults, Chad. I hope that doesn't disappoint you, I know it's looked down on in the town, they will be seen as half breeds, like me."
"oh Izzy'' he sighs happily, I can't think of anything more charming than more little you's running about.''
''I hope they can be graceful like you, instead of hulking around all hunched over, biting and clawing everything. Hey maybe we should enroll them in ballet school when they age up." 'Yes, excellent idea, Chad! You are always full of good ideas!"
The new Daddy's care for their babies, and rock and sing to them until they see the little ones drift off to sleep. Grandpa Waylan comes in to care for Ian. (Chad wanted to do it, he wants to do All baby care, like Victor did!)
Waylan thinks it is So tremendously great that now the household has 4 babies, a baby for each of them to care for! No one ever feels left out, there are now enough babies to go around to hold and fuss over!
Waylan and Emelie have already taught little Leo his basic skills, and now Mama is reading art books to him, and will give him his first crayons, to let his 'creative genius' flow.
Chad starts worrying. He is thinking about the Lore.
How long did the Alpha Queen Wolf reign? All he can remember is she was a young girl when she was Queen. her virgin birthing of her offspring and then didn't it say that she had had the rapid aging up to YA, and then sometime in her 20's she was never seen again? Chad's face blanches, stricken that he might have a life without Izzy. He swoons then utters in anguish at the thought of his terrible loss.
Izzy's senses, always attuned to Chad, is there by his side in a flash. "Chadwick, love, what's wrong?"
"Izzy I'm afraid of the Lore! I don't want you to disappear in your 20's! Promise me you won't ever leave me."
"But I already did Chad, I made a vow to you. Remember? We go though what we go through, together, we live--Live for one another, love. I'll be with you as long as ever I can. Besides I don't want you worrying about the silly Lore. My life already hasn't followed it exactly, so I think me staying with you for centuries won't be a problem."
"How so? What is different from your life and the Lore?" "Well, the Lore never mentioned duel occults. I feel I am predominately Vampire, probably from my upbringing in the Vampire Mansion where vampirism was so encouraged! Also, The Young Queen never had a mate, and You and I have essentially been bonded since I was a child, bonded in friendship but that is still Love." says Izzy, "And once I grew up a bit we fell in love, I have considered you my mate ever since, you know.'' Izzy sees Chad's eyes water and it makes his eyes start to water too. simpatico. ''Ah my sweet husband." he murmurs.
"But what about the births!" says Chad "You both birthed your own offspring!" "Well The Queen Wolf had virgin births, poor thing, all alone. Our pups are birthed differently and Collin is genetically ours, together. That is very different than the Lore!" says Izzy, earnestly. "So I don't want you worrying about something so farfetched as me disappearing, sweetheart. That's as unlikely as the whole galaxy imploding upon itself!" Izzy encircles his mate in a comforting embrace.
"Imploding galaxies! Oh the horror!" thinks poor Chad, but just for a minute, because now Izzy is kissing him, making every thing better.
"Hey, that looks so nice, usually you are always covered up and modest, Iz." "Yes, well I do like to be private. But I think going through the whole wolf pregnancy thing, changed me a tiny bit. Well at least least for here in our own yard, I don't know about in public." (Izzy got rid of his shirt on his own, and even put on green lipstick! lol, it was Not flattering!)
Leo comes toddling by "Hi Izzy 'n Chaa" he wants to splash in the puddles. While Waylan is clapping and thinking about what he always likes to think about.
Chad has decided he is too afraid of going into space, giving Watcher wish upon wish of much milder careers, finally deciding to be a tinkerer man, and has purchased the Scraptronic workbench, and is starting to make some toys for their children. Izzy still wants to be an astronaut like his Dad, exploring space, bringing in the large paycheck, and only working one day per week.
Izzy comes to watch Chad work. "Be careful Chad, I don't want your nice fingers to get all mangled!"
Soon it is time for the tiny cubs to age to toddlers. First Collin, the genetically engineered son of Chad and Izzy with both their DNA. He inherits Chad's hair coloring for the blonde part.
and Collin as a YA.
Grandpa Waylan brings Ian out to age up. Glad that baby Colin inherited his hair coloring with the dark tips, and hoping that Ian will as well! Grandpa's! lol what can ya do?
Ian as YA (pretty much Izzy & Aziz looking)
Grandpa Waylan is having fun with Collin, and Grandma Emelie is rocking baby Amelia. She thinks it is wonderful to have a little girl in the household!
Amelia has her turn to age up, the baby of the family. Izzy is rushing over to watch.
Amelia as YA.
The new Dads have their hands full! Amelia seems demure like Izzy. Aww Daddy's girl. Both so pretty.
Chad totally loves being a Daddy! He and Ian like the tickling!
Luckily Collin is so smart he can feed himself! ;)
Finally everyone heads to beddy-bye, it was a very big day, and a great date!
And good ol Grandpa tucked everyone in. lol He adores taking care of his family. <3
@Sprottenham I was the same as you did for the longest time, then one day I was just all of a sudden into Ghosts, and decided to make a new game save and bring Agnes's husband back, to see if they did really love each other, they did! Then I started to bring all the dead Goths back, and then suddenly we had a gang of some of the others ghosts from the graveyard, being in the criminal career, and leading a life of mischief. ? That's the nice thing about this game, we can always start a new save to do something differently. or just grab someone before their death, and place them in a current story! ?
''That is fascinating, how a seemingly random event can cause the creation of a character!'' Yes, it' like the ripple effect, gone wild! ??
Oh that cow plant yes, it's looks terrifying but it's a sweet old thing, in my games. But I don't want to lead you astray, I have seen videos and stories where it is much more deadly! so I don't really know for sure how deadly it can be!
No a werewolf pregnancy doesn't bring Izzy any shame. He acts different in his werewolf form, kind of shameless! He is much more aggressive. and as a pregnant werewolf with raging hormones and all emotions intensified, well let's just say he is not his usual sweet demure elegant self. But no shame, he accepts what he is as 'his normal'.
I don't think Beatrice had a problem with the Tesla's, or anyone she wanted to do away with with. Other than they are part of the problem of over population, which she is very against, being a loner. ;) and she is a bit nuts!
I know it's confusing! The cutie detective was already named Aiden when I downloaded him, after playing him I realized the Vampire's first name was Ayden---It is confusing I don't like the townsfolks having the same name at all!
hahaha I don't know about that police officer! Why didn't he take Both pranking boys? Is it because one is brave and the other a coward? The game is funny like that! Yes Izzy could have handled being caught and punished much more gracefully than poor Chad. Chad is always getting terrified.
'"I know, Izzy, but it's not your fault." <-- Nope, thats wrong! It IS his fault! :P'' haha well Izzy was the initiator of the prank, but did not exactly force Chad to go along with it, just asked if he wanted to. Then the horrible outcome!? From this point, here on out, Izzy becomes much more protective of Chad.
Yes it's sad about Chad's infertility. He doesn't know, yet. And he does still want a child that's genetically his, no matter what he thinks he has come to terms with.
Yeah Waylan can't kiss Emelie until she ages up...well not with Ayden around, with his all seeing eyes, and his old fashioned sense of propriety---They are a married couple for pete's sakes :D
LOL Yes it counted as a relationship with Jin, even as short as it was. He had other ideas and wishes!
''Hahah, Branch he always smiling so creepily? :P'' YES! lol in this town he does!
Oh Teddy & Adan were just doing what everyone else was doing ? they just forgot to get dressed afterwards.
Yes this party was so much shorter than others! Just 4 hours then Whoosh everyone left! :D
Thanks for all your chat and comments and questions Sprottenham! :) It's always lovely to hear from you!
@DivaDoodle Ah yes, I searched for the youtube video about Agnes Crumplebottom. I watched one of them, it looks like its a series of videos. It looks very well made. Thats some sims 3 cinematography skills which I do not have. What a sad story for her. Makes me feel a bit bad I didn't let them have much of a life in my game, because I wanted only my own sims. In my Sunset Valley save both Agnes, Cornelia and Gunther (and many more..) are all already dead of old age, I'm afraid.
"Yes in my story Beatrice accidently caused the meteor when her cauldron exploded, and also accidently caused Izzy's birth to be so unusual. Even though Izzy was 'meant to be', he couldn't have been without her accidental cause and effect." <-- That is fascinating, how a seemingly random event can cause the creation of a character!
Haha, so the cow plant isn't really all that dangerous. I suppose it wouldn't be in the nature of the sims game to have something truely terrifying in there, but it still strange and looks a bit unnverving. ;)
"Bianca and Musa are International super spies, so not that good at general detective work hahaha. They spend all their free time kissing, but do show up to work!" <-- Haha, I would think that since they were international spies, they would have some ability to keep their eyes and ears open for more domestic affairs, but what do I know. ;) Romance can certainly be a strong distraction!
Now, onwards!
289 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Vance ~~
Hmm, Jelly Bean bushes. I never had them in any of my games, so I'm not sure what they do, other than giving candy? :P So I wouldn't know why someone would need two of them either...
"Oh dear! Ayden had wanted to apologize, but now his feathers are ruffled and he feels compelled to slap him with his elegant white glove!" Haha, oh no, not the glove slap! How disgraced one would be to have the most unfortunate experience of being slapped with a pristine white glove! :P
Hahaha!! He actually does get out a white glove!
Oh, they can actually fight for real too. Gloves are off! ;)
I guess Ayden deserved to lose that fight, stealing Vances girlfriend and slapping him with a glove! The nerve! :P
Oh wow, is that Rainflowers house? It reminds me of Villa Villekulla with its colour palette.. I like it. ;) Perfect for a hippie!
Oh, now I wonder what kind of problem Izzy would have about having a child in his werewolf form? Does it bring him shame?
Chads full name is Chadwick, that's nice.
290 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Prank! ~~
Oh... that Beatrice is a bit of a mystery, now also with err.. a tendency to do away with people in 'accidents'.... well, that meteor was already probably one of those.. 'accidents'...
So she had a problem with the Teslas?
Hmm, is Ayden in the danger zone? (Its a little confusing here with the two very similar names, Ayden and Aiden! But I think I'll manage if I just read carefully. ;))
Atleast they appear very different, I can't see Ayden the snobby vampire wearing that green shirt that Aiden is wearing... ;)
Oh nice. I like the scooters! Hehe, and off to prank the school! Naughty kids! ;)
Wow, a quick and severe punishment! Doesn't sound good...
Hmm, how come the police officer didn't arrest them both when Izzy was there, too... Didn't he just say that he was Moonlight Falls finest, or were that just empty words? ;)
Oh, Chad is a bit soft for fainting.. Izzy was probably the one that should have been arrested and grounded, as he initiated the prank...
291 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Alpha Wolf ~~
"I know, Izzy, but it's not your fault." <-- Nope, thats wrong! It IS his fault! :P
Oh, it was that simple to be forgiven, just do some simple house chores and brush your teeth.. ah, good. :P
" There you will find the ancient werewolf lore of the most auspicious Queen of the Werewolves! She was an Alpha Wolf and started her leadership as but a young girl, in the dark times. I can only think the lore is referring to you, Izzy, as Aziz! Our times have been darkened since your wolf Grandfather left with his den!" <--- So it is already written..? Then it must happen... it is prophecy. :P
Aziz will be the leader of the wolves...
"it Is Trixie! She must have gotten a makeover at the Simphora beauty store! She looks so glamourous now with her false eye lashes!" <-- Oh yeah, I would have no problem kissing that! ;)
Oh, Beatrice is being nice with Ayden now, but hmmm... it could be she is setting up a trap.. careful now, don't walk into the spiders web...
"My, my, my.'' said the spider to the fly, "Have I told you how much I like your silk pajamas?" asks Beatrice. <-- Haha, I can almost say I saw it coming... ;) There it is, she's a spider... will probably eat him afterwards....he is already entangled in silk... run!
Oh, hmm, did she try to poison him, or was it just regular jelly beans? Anyway, probably better off not eating that cake...
"It was just too unnerving to think about her trying to poison me. I found it very stressful." says Ayden. <-- Hahaha, I would think that having someone try to poison me would be a little more than just unnerving. ;) Very stressful indeed...
Jin is probably a better choice, even if she is strange.. strange is better than whatever Beatrice is...
""Izzy, where ever you go, I will go! I won't care if you look like an ol hairy hag, either!'' Chad winks, ''Seriously, if I can kiss the snarling mouth of you in wolf form, I can certainly bare your mature wrinkled hairy looks as well! Hey, I'll even age up with you, so you won't be the only hairy grotesque one in our house!"" <--- Haha, oh they're so cute, they will have no problem staying together for as long as will be required. ;)
"let's make an heir right now!" <-- Oh oh.. not inside the vault! What will the ancients say? :P
Hmm, virgin birth.. anyone giving a virgin birth must truely be something special...
Oh, but this certainly brings up a dilemma, poor Chad, now worried he won't have his own offspring..
Haha, Jins skin even changed colour from blue to green...
Wait hold on, Chad is infertile! I didn't know that.. :O Poor Chad..
Oh, happy birthday to Waylan.. now it is soon probably Emilies turn too? ;)
Yep, later in the day.. hmm, oh and he can't kiss her because of the age difference..
Haha, that was a short relationship between Ayden and Jin.. does that even count? :P
Oh, that was many guests so quickly...
"It's so crowded that Branch has a hard time deciding who to stare at!" <-- Yeah, weirdo...
Oh, Emelie looks a bit different as she aged up, but still nice.
Hehe, Chad looks like he's going for a version of the chicken dance. ;)
Hahah, Branch he always smiling so creepily? :P
"Oh! :D it's probably time to wind this party down, when our famous astronauts Adan & Teddy start forgetting to get dressed!" <-- The question is... why are they undressed? :P
Happy birthday Emilie! This party felt a lot shorter than many other parties, but it still looked like people were having fun!
Page 60 done, will continue reading on page 61 next.