The title always makes me laugh, remembering Peter Sellers, in the movie 'Being There', say to Shirley MacLaine "I like to watch" ! :D Well I must admit I Do like watching my sims, just to see what they do! I usually only direct them to help fulfill wishes, although sometimes I admit to doing this creatively! haha
So my family, how did it begin? Starting in Moonlight Falls with Dante, Violet, and Argus, it was plain so see that Violet and Argus were getting to be an item. Dante was best friends with Belinda Crumplebottom, and they decided to move in together to my favorite house. (actually, the only house I like here!)
Belinda wanted a child with Dante, and it pained him to let her down as he felt he was too young, and he wanted a more traditional family when he matured. He loved Belinda as friend, and even though she was so kind and lovely personality, she was not 'the One' for him.
Belinda was swept off her feet by Don Lothario, they fell in love and married. When ever he would scare her she would retaliate by casting a spell on him! :D They enjoyed each other immensely! She has not had a child with Don so far though, she thinks an evil father would be, well, evil!
Moving Forward : Dante
Dante met a beautiful Faery named Tulip. The attraction was instant, and soon they fell in love. The more he was with her, the more he became convinced she was the One! And so, he convinced her to marry him. I say 'convinced' because She was a bit afraid that he was a Vampire. But, she did love him and she did say Yes! Dante was in heaven! He never drank from her, he only drank plasma orange juice. Their marriage was loving and solid, and then Dante wanted a child.
Tulip always dreamed of babies, but would never get the wish for it. The Watcher (me) became convinced she was worried that Dante might bite the baby! :o One day as they were on a date, Dante started spamming me with wishes to turn Tulip! Even though I usually fulfill wishes, I kept clicking his wishes off. He Spammed me 7 times in half an hour! He wanted desperately to turn her! mmm maybe Dante knows something the Watcher does not! I decided to let him fulfill this wish! I wanted to know! For Science!
"Are you sure, my love?" And Dante slips her a Potent Cure Potion, in case she wants to change her mind. "Yes, Dante, I'm sure." her voice was so enchanting, sounding like Elvan wind chimes to his ear. and it was done!
A few days later, Tulip went through the transformation!
And she got the wish to have a baby with Dante only a few minutes later! In fact she got many baby wishes! How did Dante know this would happen? I am so glad he told me with his thought bubbles and spammed wishes!
They are marvelous parents, there isn't a more devoted father, in fact Dante loves all babies & kids! 1st child Tula then and now
Tula's boyfriend Tristan--they live across the street in the family's other property, a 'Teen house', with a Chaperone
Wow, your world's Becky is a beast! Keeping such info from Dante! The poor man was deprived all those years of raising a "son" and he didn't even know he had a clone. Thank God for Max: if anyone understands what Dante is going through, it's him and Alfie.
I always find it so interesting how differently characters act in different worlds. Becky in my world is lovely and still very happily married to "Youngman": they can't keep their hands off each other! They've had two more kiddos since I started paying Moonlight Falls and rounded up all the Younans into one house and Becky is pregnant yet again. Luckily, their kids are adorable, so they (and the MacDuffs, who also have 7 kids in my world) will populate my town with lots of attractive Sims.
I will never not giggle at Mad Max and his ruined love moods! Or Dante's classic exits! Those guys are lucky they have wives who adore them and just smile at their silliness.
345 The Watcher Watches: Dante & Tulip ~~ The Mystery of Henny Youngman . Part 2 . ~~
Dante and Tulip head on over to Max's house, next door, so that Max can tell them if Henny is Dante's Clone or Son. Of course this happens while waiting for Max to get home.
lol, I'm just thinking about Max, and all the people who routinely come to him with their bizarre questions, seeking his great scientific mind and unique knowledge. But Max doesn't ever seem to mind, he Likes talking about this kind of stuff!
"Hello Max, I have a rather strange question to ask of you." starts Dante. "Not at all, Dante, my friend, I was wondering when you would come by, regarding Henny Youngman." says Max. :o
"How did you know?'' asks Dante. "Did you know, Faelie?" "No Dante, I routinely tune out during Max's musings, it is just too much for me." says Faelie. Max answers, "Ah. You see, this case is fascinating to me because of my unique situation with my dearest friend, Alfie, my doppelganger." says Max.
"Henny is not your doppelganger, Or your son, He is your Clone. He has no genetic Mother or Father. He was made deliberately by using your specific DNA, by a Miss Becky AbbyNormal, who had a deeply discounted CloneVoucher she had obtained from a CouponEmporium." Max informs him.
"What? What is a CouponEmporium?" asks Dante, mystified. "Oh, that is a online coupon with deep discounts. But sometimes the companies that issue this thrifty coupon, offers these coupons as a cheap way to train their newly hired staff! ? So in this case, Becky got a discounted Clone, but the clone was made by a new Hire with No previous cloning experience!" says Max.
"I see!" says Dante "Hence, Henny's different shaped Head!" "Exactly." says Max. "I can clearly see from her time line, that Miss AbbyNormal, paid for a discount Clone, and then presented it to her professor as her final project, in order to pass her course at University!
"The Nerve!" sputters Dante. "Indeed." nods Max.
"I've got to say, I feel a certain responsibility to Henny. I mean I've always liked him, he was a nice teen and is an all around great guy." says Dante. "I know exactly how you feel. Here is a man, with identical DNA, who just shows up in our world! Our heart goes out to him, we want to help insure his happiness, his sense of belonging. I would encourage you to remain close friends. I myself have never had a more dear friend, than Alfie." says Max.
That sparks a great feeling of comradery between the two, noted by the 2 wives.
Then Dante is immediately pulled to his wife's incredible loving essence.
Which reminds Max that he isn't just a brilliant scientist he is also a brilliant lover. haha I like that he has to wait patiently, for Faelie to stop her clapping and cheering before he can grab her!??
I just hope no one tries to wreck Max's love mood! That is the one thing he just hates! But of course Dante just has to choose Max & Faelie's bedroom!
Luckily Max and Faelie choose Quigley's room.
But uh-oh Max is displeased! He gets out of bed. "SHOO! Go on Shoo! You are misbehaving Dante, as per Usual! Now go home!" "Can you believe that Faelie! Don't they know that wrecking my love mood is just as terrible as interrupting a brilliant scientific discovery! The nerve of those two!!"
Faelie doesn't contradict Max, but she is thinking that Dante is only doing what her own husband does All the Time at all the neighbor's houses!
Dante and Tulip head downstairs, obedient at being shooed away. "Wrecking love moods! How preposterous! How could anything involving my wonderful wife ever wreck anything!!! Everything about my Tulip is simply Amazing!" thinks Dante.
They head over to the festival to talk with Henny.
Dante sees Henny right away. They regard each other, feeling a kinship.
So it's easier to see. It was way less easy to see when teens! Dante, and then Dante with the different shaped head, which is Henny.
How/Why: When I was first 'improving' the homeless Youngman teens, Henny, and his sisters for Daydream's teen party, I used a sim from my bin for Henny, not realizing that it was Dante as a teen. All I had been thinking was, oh hey, this guy is cute! lol I only realized my mistake when I moved Youngman's family into the neighborhood, and went to write in Henny's bio, that this was Dante! ?
''Henny, I just want to tell you that I never knew until this morning, what Becky was up to asking for my DNA! I'm truly sorry if it affected your life in any negative manner." says Dante "How was your life growing up? It seemed happy when I would focus on Youngman. He and I are good friends.
"No, Dante, please don't feel bad! I've had a wonderful upbringing, and a very close relationship with my Dad. He's always loved me as his first born son.'' says Henny. "Dad never mentioned anything, but Becky informed me on my 16th birthday that I was your clone.''
"Did it effect your relationships with your siblings?" asks Dante. No, as I only half believed Becky. She often said strange things to get money or other possessions. She and I were never close, like she sometimes was with my siblings. I've always been close to my sisters and especially am very close to my little brother, I like looking after him to make sure he is happy." says Henny.
Dante hugs him, relieved in his happy life. He is happy Henny shares a love of children, too. "I can't tell you how happy and relieved I am to hear this. If you ever need anything, I hope you know you can always count on me." says Dante.
344 The Watcher Watches: Dante & Tulip ~~ The Mystery of Henny Youngman ~~
A knock on the door, way too early! The visitor, Becky Youngman, Youngman's spoiled ex wife, has the nerve to just let herself in!
Tulip wakes, she turns to her beloved and smiles. "ahh Dante!" she sighs.
But she has to go see what this intruder wants!
"What is the big idea of just walking into our house before the crack of dawn?" asks Tulip. Becky thinks this is a tiresome question from a tiresome vampiress!
"Look, I'm here to discuss an important matter with Dante, this has nothing to do with You." says Becky. "Well he's asleep. You'll just have to come back later." says Tulip, thinking "The nerve of this woman!"
But Becky says "I'll wait." And Tulip watches Becky as she sits, makes herself comfortable and turns on the TV! Tulip decides to rock in the rocking chair, where she can keep her eye on her!
Tulip rocks, and thinks about how doesn't like her. ''She is so snobby and rude! That poor Youngman! But I do like their 4 children, they are all very nice, probably because Youngman is such a devoted father! Their children are all well behaved and good looking and resemble their parents ... expect the eldest, and he is so very handsome!"
Becky likes this part of her TV show, it reminds her of her youth, with a certain debonair someone! The nightclubs, the dancing, the kisses!
Dante wakes and has one thing on his mind, his darling pregnant wife! He sees Becky. lol he doesn't pause or stop at all. His thoughts on his beautiful Tulip!
"Dante, some person is here to..." "I don't care, kiss me!" first things first for Dante! Always! Tulip laughs as he grabs her, he's just so demonstrative and dashing!
"Did you sleep well? Are you feeling ok, sweetheart?" "Yes, I'm feeling marvelous, now!" says Tulip. ''Aw that nice to hear, my love!''
Dante heads over to see what Becky wants. He doesn't much like being interrupted from his life with Tulip.
''Dante, I think you owe me money."
''After all I bought you?! hahaha You have got to be kidding me! How do I owe you money?" Dante laughs. There was a flirtation very long ago. He knew Becky was a snob and liked expensive things, and being very young, he did try to impress her. The flirtation lasted a week then fizzled out. Dante decided he did not enjoy high maintenance snobs, after all.
"Well what about the matter of our 'shared little lad'? Hmm? Or doesn't Child Support ring a bell?"
Becky gets up "Hmph! As if you didn't Know! I'll have you know, Mr all seeing vampire, that I know that you know Everything that goes on in this town!" Almost, but an exaggeration. Dante does like to watch this interesting little town, but he focuses on those whom he holds dear, his friends, and the children to be sure, they must all be protected! But he is not interested in every minute detail of the entire town, and certainly Not Becky.
Dante is very angry at this allegation! He would Never have had a child without being in love and married! This is a very sore spot for him! He's remembering how hard it was to tell dear Belinda, ''I'm sorry, but I just can't'' when she had asked her dear friend if he would father a child with her, in their early years as roommates. He loved her, but not as a wife, and just couldn't do it. Poor Belinda wanted a baby so bad. They cried in each others arms all night, his heart breaking for her.
And this Awful Becky has the nerve to say he had a child with Her of all people! :# Grrrr!
Dante explodes! "How Dare you say such a thing to me! I would Never!" Other people would probably say more, but that sums it up for Dante. He. would. Never! He clenches his hands into fists, he is shaking, he is so outraged!
"Take is easy, Dante, sheesh!'' ''Don't you remember in the nightclub, when we were having such a good time? Then you let me take your DNA sample for my science project?" says Becky, not really seeing why he's making such a big fuss. she thinks "I only want some money, for crying out loud! He's rich, sheesh! Get a grip!"
"What?! How could you?!'' Dante is incensed at having been so used and the lives that it's affected! "Have you told Henny? Does Youngman even know?" He is so upset this affects his poor Tulip! He's so Mad that He was tricked out of a child and missed out on all the upbringing and love to give! And Ach, his poor friend Youngman! This is Just Terrible! Becky is a Devil!
"Look, I told Henny, when he was a teen, a person needs to know his DNA lineage." says Becky. "But I never told Youngman that it was your DNA, just that the baby was a science experiment. He accepted that, he's a good Dad and provider. And I didn't feel like it was any of his business, anyway," says Becky, "It was My school project!" "You're despicable! Get out. I don't ever want to see you again!" says Dante.
Tulip comes down the stairs, she can feel that her Dante is upset, and wants to make him feel better. She all of a sudden gets her pregnancy notice, before she reaches him. Haha you are cute, Tulip! Yes we know you love your baby! <3
Dante is still very upset, but as soon as he feels her approach he cheers right up! Ahhh no one can make everything all better as well as his good wife!
"And, Dante, I got my pregnancy notice!!!" "Yes! The best news ever!" Dante is super happy! There is nothing better than having a baby with the one you love!
Dante wants to see if he can hear his little baby son! He concentrates his hearing.
"I heard him! He says his name is Sven!" says Dante. "Well as long as it isn't Svengali!" laughs Tulip. "hahaha no, no It is Sven, my silly girl!"
They are so happy. A healthy baby boy!
Dante gazes at his love, but he knows he's got to tell her about Henny.
"Love, I have to tell you about the trick played on me, Youngman and Henny Youngman, by the awful Becky. It effects you too, dear, I'm so sorry." starts Dante. "What Dante? What could be so bad?"
"Well a long time ago, when I first started at Uni, I met an older girl, Becky, at a nightclub. She was going to graduate in a month, and just needed to finish up her science project. We had several dates, and she asked me for a DNA sample for her science experiment. I didn't see a problem with that, and said ok. Well she created a lab baby with my DNA! I never knew about him until today!''
"What? Henny Youngman is your son?"
"Worse! I have the sneaking suspicion he is my Clone but with a different shaped Head!'' Dante continues, "And that doesn't surprise me, because Becky isn't the smartest person, it's Very likely she did something wrong in the cloning process!" "Aw, there, there now, Honey, please don't be so upset. It will be ok. Now I don't know if cloning a full sized human being exists, so Henny might be your son. We can ask Max.'' Tulip continues "In any case, if he has your DNA, he is related to you, and I will accept and love him. How could I not, my Dante?" and she kisses him.
Dante thinks Tulip is just so amazing! He is so appreciative of her! "Thank you for being so understanding, sweetheart. I'm going to tell Henny that I never knew until today, and that he can always count on me if he ever needs anything." "On us! He can count on both of us, Dante." What a relief!
343 The Watcher Watches: Dante & Tulip ~~ New house for Oscar & Louise ~~
Oscar and Louise are a delightful couple, full of love and fun. Louise thinking it's time to move, she misses her son, Luc! "Oscar, now that we are at the top of our careers, I say we buy a new house!" "Is it because of the new baby coming? I do love babies, Louise, and I have seen you snuggling them and rocking them! I know you say you dislike children, but you don't fool me, one bit!"
"No it's not that, I want us to get a house big enough for Luc and Leelu! It's time he comes home to us, I miss him." "Yeah, I do too! Ok, I agree, Louise! We should we look for a house close to your work or mine! Oscar is a Hit Music Composer, and Louise is a Master Chef.
Luc and Leelu come home with Ace, they all do their homework.
Dante is happy to see the teens! He checks to make sure that Watcher is on the ball, and got them the new crib, he wanted!
"Hm. Why is it Blue, Watcher?"
Ace is super happy that his new high school homework wasn't very hard at all! He completed his work much faster than Leelu and Luc.
''We're all set for our baby honey!'' says Dante. "I think it's a boy!" ''Oh that makes me really glad Dante. I hope he looks exactly like You!!'' Me too! <3 Both their daughters look like Tulip, which was good because female Dante's look unfortunate!?
''Son, Mom and I want you to come back and live with us again, we miss you!'' says Oscar. ''Oh cool Pop! I think that will be great! Leelu can come too." says Luc, it is more of a statement than a question. lol I seriously doubt He's going anywhere without her!
"Of course Luc! We love Leelu! We're going to get a new house, it's right by the theater and around the corner of the museum! Perfect for us artists!" says Oscar. "Hey Good Job on your school work, your teacher phoned us today about your high grades!'' Oscar has the nurturing trait so he can say 'good job'!
'"Awww thanks Pop! And that's swell about the new house, I'm looking forward to it!'' ''Luc is such a marvelous son.'' thinks Oscar, "Well it's easy to have a wonderful talented artistic son when Louise and I are the better, nicer, more laid back parents, and not uptight about curfews and other such nonsense that stifles creativity!" Oscar and Louise are more bohemian, but not 'totally out there' like Hippie Rainflower.
Tana has walked in on Luc and Leelu, she wanted to hear the music box, but instead got an earful of giggles. Luc and Leelu had been used to total privacy over at Cabana's, so this is disconcerting! "Tana, Do you Mind?? Haven't you ever heard of knocking?! What is So Funny???"
Tana can't wait to tell Ace all about it! He is sure to laugh! "Ace, you'll never guess what just happened! Bzz bzz bzz hahahaha!"
"Oh you're terrible Tana, why didn't you just go out?" asks Ace, still laughing at her outrageous antics. "Cuz I wanted to see what's so great about it!" "And?" "Well that bed has a cover that encloses them, so I didn't see anything, but yeah it sounded pretty great!"
"Oh well that's good news," says Ace, "I mean it would be crazy if they did that because they hated it!" Ace doesn't think He would hate it.
Tana and Ace get the same idea.
"First of all Ace, you are the Best kisser in the whole world!" says Tana. ''Really? And how many boys have you kissed Tana?" "oh, I don't need to kiss anyone else, I just Know!"
Well of course Ace doesn't want to disappoint! I imagine a cartoon kissing sound that ends in a POP! Like a champagne cork! :D
I wanted Leelu and Luke to stay living here for a few days longer, but my laptop doesn't like so many people here, and froze. So Oscar drives his family to the new house! Down the street to the left is where he works at the outdoor movie theater, and next door to the theater is the Art Museum. Louise works across town, but she has a fast sports car. She may be bohemian but she likes her cute car! This bungalow is a simple, and laid back and has a huge yard that is perfect for the family of nature lovers.
Louise and Oscar take a look at the big windows, they like lots of light, and Louise is attracted to the new furniture. Luc and Leelu think kissing is more important than the new digs.
The living room has high tech entertainment, video games and VR glasses, that Leelu likes. The next room is for Oscars music and also has a chess table. Oh, right, they don't play chess, ? Well their visitors might like to play chess, I know Ace and Tana like chess.
The center of the house has an upgraded kitchen for our Master Chef, and the bath, then the two bedrooms. A Very simple floor plan.
The big back yard has the easels for Luc, Leelu and Oscar. And of course the much loved water toys and hot tub, that Oscar and Louise just can't do without! :) I think they will love it here!
Once the move is complete it sets a new dynamic for the rest of our household! Aiden immediately starts a conversation with Ace. Good! About time!
"Dad, I think I'm starting to fall in love with Tana." "Well, you both are really compatible, that's the most important, son.'' says Aiden. "I think it would be nice if you both fell in love, you complement each other so well, like yin and yang...Well I won't bore you and tutor you, like Ari always needed, he had so many questions and Fawn was so timid, and Ari always with his head in the clouds being such a hopeless romantic... But you've never needed tutoring Ace, you are so smart with a sound head on your shoulders and have figured out life on your own terms!'' " I am? I do? I have?" thinks Ace. "But tell me son, will you turn vampire or will you ask Tana to renounce her occult?''
"I .. I hadn't thought along those lines, Dad ..gee!" "Well you might want to talk to Tana about it." suggests Aiden "It's good to be on the same page."
Ace finds Tana to ask her about this bizarre thing. Is it necessary? Maybe it is more important to be the same ''species?" when we're adults? "Hi Tana!'' But instead of asking her about her occult, like he was planning to do, he tells her he loves her instead! It just slips out! "Yay! I'm so glad, Ace!" and she jumps into his arms. Ace likes it that she is so exuberant and cute, and wild.
Tana says, "I didn't want to say it first, and scare you away, but I love you too! I love you A Lot, Ace!"
Amelina spends even more time with Aiden, now that Oscar has moved away. She used to make Oscar play catch All the time lol. When the family had a treadmill, she was relentless making Oscar train until he dropped! She is really into sports, and super strong! Aiden knows his wife loves to compete! He winds up, and throws her a fast ball.
"What? You're a warrior Amazon, hon! You can take it!''
"Oops, was that too hard? I can't help it, I'm a Warrior Amazon!"
@ergo_slum I know it would have been hard on Ace, it seemed like he loved her even as a little boy.
I was holding my breath wondering if Beau would make his move and claim Tana, and wondering if Tana would go for Beau, she did like him a lot as a kid!
I was More scared Bebe would jump on Ace! :D But Luckily it turned out as I was hoping!
Yeah finally Dante and Tulip get their wish for another child! I felt mean to make them wait so long!
I think about Danny all he time, I'm too scared to go spy on his house because I might see him sad and thinking about babies!
hopefully his teens will go wild which will preoccupy all his thoughts for more babies! :D
@Silverofdreams30 Thank you I'm glad you like how Tana looks. (I stilldo not like Tulip's eyes at all and wish the girls had different eyes too!)
I love Tula, she is such an easy going and good person! I always wish to bring her and Tristan back here whenever I see them! Tristan is the Bomdiggity! <3 I know you didn't mention him but I Have to! hahahaha
@Sprottenham Oh lawdy! I always worry about overpopulation! and that is the real issue with giving them all the babies they want, with no dying allowed! :D
Yeah Daydream did choose her grown up hair. I think when they made that cool braid hair it must have been when that movie 10 came out, that started the fad of causations wanting that hair-do because it looked sooo cool on Bo Derek! Yes, of Course I had to try it too, at the time! No it was icky to have the beads slap me in the face when I went dancing! :D
haha well I remember Danny having an awful time when he saw the birthday cake for his little ones! He ran to the crib and snuggled and rocked with them for hours! I had to give him another whole day to get used to the fact!
I agree with you the child face of Bebe was prettier to me too. But I love big cheeks on sims and people, real ones not the plastic surgery ones!
I'm so glad you like Tana yes she is very ummm willful!
Yes they do the choosing very early, I have even seen it as soon as they finish the last bit of cake! :o
No Tana is not a party animal, I think she started doing that because she was so happy she had an awesome party and now she just liked to do it! LOL
hehehe I let her keep what she chose to wear and added that rebellious pattern, it fits her so well!
I know, it's totally a bad place, Plus Splinters!!!!?
Thank you I'm glad you liked the updates and nice teens! :)
Was there any doubt sweet Ace and rebellious Tana would end up together?! I love those two. More nooboos for Dante and Tulip! Don't let Danny see, or you'll have to go back to his house and give him more too! :)
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