"faytheful;c-18016861" wrote:
"Karritz;c-18016853" wrote:
About sims moving to a new town the way the game works. It is a good idea to SaveAs with a new name before doing that as when the sims move to a new town the new town is saved over the top of the old town and you lose everything you built or made and the sims left behind. It is like starting a fresh game with the same household.
I prefer to use NRAAS mods to travel to new towns, but that's just me and how I like to play. That way my sims can go back to their original world and visit their friends there.
I don't remember ever seeing it done that way before, moving to a new town. It could have been, but the way I remember it was you separate
the family in edit town and it goes to your clip board, then you put them in your inventory, or move them into a new home.
I usually have a back up save so if anything goes wrong I just go back to that.
Or I just don't save it if it goes bonkers and go back to the game I was playing and try again.
I use NRAAS mods too :) Had to stop using the travel mod because strange things were happening in the game, but its my fav and I miss it.
I may try it again because they update the mods.
Yes I love having my Sims being able to travel to another town and meet some of the other sims I've played. That was my favorite thing to do because I'd be playing one Sim and they'd want to flirt, get married, kiss etc and my mind would go to another Sim I had played and I said it would be cool if they could meet. So when the travel mod came out I was over the moon, but, as I said I had to remove it. :(
Maybe I will try it again soon, and everything will be fine.
I never used the move to a new neighbourhood that comes with the game because I read someone complain they lost everything from their old town as the new town was saved over the top of it. They weren't happy.
I have occasionally had problems with a game when traveling between worlds. I think is is mostly my own fault as I insist on doing things that the mod isn't meant to handle. Such as traveling a few sims to a new world then moving them into an existing household. I have found I have to add the final sim to the household using Add Sim from Master Controller as one of the travellers has to stay on the lot they rented for their vacation. Then trying to send them home again with a few sims from the household they moved in with will really mix things up. I usually have to get the to rent an empty lot in their home world and then merge them with their own household.
A couple of times I've not been able to send them to their world as something has happened to the nhd file and it is corrupt. In that case I am saved by having done a few SaveAs with new name during their vacation. I just pick up an undamaged nhd file from a previous save. Looking at the file size makes it easy to find which is the first uncorrupted nhd as it shouldn't save or change size while it isn't the active world.
Some times I have a save game that I decide I want to add to an existing game. So I send my sims in the existing game to that world and home again to put the nhd file in the game. Then I pick up the nhd from the game I want included in the new save and then all the sims and builds are in the bigger game. I sometimes refer to my Big Game in posts. That Game has been going in some form since about 2010 approximately. Since I added mods to my game it has gained new worlds and currently has nhd files for 20 worlds plus China, Egypt and France. I have to SaveAs often just in case of catastrophe. But with the different named saves I can always repair it. Or so far I have been able to do so.
EDIT: I hope I didn't count incorrectly. These are the worlds in the game plus the 3 WA worlds.
Barnacle Bay, Bellatrix, Cake Island, Chocolate Cake Island Cotes d'Ambonnay, Dark Harbor, Dragon Valley, Erewhon, Glenvale County, Grey Meadow Islands, Hidden Springs, Isle of Sims III, Legacy Island III, Lucky Palms, Moonfall Island, Moonlight Falls, Norbrewych, Sunlit Tides