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brandontaylor615's avatar
Rising Traveler
6 years ago

Ultimate Sim Challenge, second attempt.

Hi everyone, and welcome to my second attempt at the Ultimate Sim Challenge. You can either or check out my old story to see what happened up to the beginning of Season Two or just read my little recap below.

So I started out with a Sim named Brittany Page. She was an alternate version of a Sim from another save. She moved to an empty lot with no house and no skills. Brittany went to University where she was only allowed to learn these three skills, Social Networking, Charisma, and Alchemy. Brittany became a werewolf at University and found most of the gems, metals, and insects the game has to offer. She graduated with a business degree then started a daycare in Sunset Valley. Once that job was done, she started the business career and married Christopher Steel. Together, they had a child named Lauren. Brittany worked at the bookstore and Lauren married Mack Keaton, a son of Justine and Marty. Afterwards, she moved her family to Riverview. This is where the second attempt begins as Llandros2012's rules don't say you can't do this and I am only playing for fun anyway. I'll post the first update sometime tomorrow.

  • Should have at least one to two more updates coming soon. I'll probably play Brittany tomorrow.
  • Ultimate Sim Update
    First thing I had Brittany do on this Tuesday was work on her street art and listen to the guitar tabcast.
    Brittany really needs to work on the 50 and 75 meal skill challenges so I had her make fruit parfait for breakfast. Once she finished, she sat down to eat before doing more street art.
    Today was a lecture day but instead of listening to the lecture, I had Brittany work on street art until it was over.
    I had Brittany throw another protest against unskilled Sims and as usual, it was a success. She'll only throw one more before heading back to Riverview.
    Before midnight, Brittany's social need was getting low so I had her talk to Christopher again. At the end of the day, she had her guitar skill to level 7 while her street art was at level 5.
    Before her three classes started, Brittany did more street art in her dorm. Not sure how the adminstration likes Brittany's redecorating.
    After the classes finished, Brittany headed home to eat supper. This was Wednesday and she made it to level 9 guitar and level 6 street art. Now she can check for commissions which gain her $2000 every time and a big boost to the skill.

    ***Next update will cover Thursday thru Saturday's graduation.

  • Ultimate Sim Update
    On Thursday, Brittany made more fruit parfait for breakfast before heading to her outside class.
    At class, Brittany worked on a street art commission that she had got before the class started. As long as you are on the lot for these classes, you can do whatever you want and still get credit for class.
    Afterwards, I just sent her home to work on her painting skill. This was before the clock turned to her Friday finals so she maxed both Street Art and Guitar. Now she just has the skill challenges and get her painting up to 10, plus her three jobs and having a kid.
    After eating her breakfast, I had Brittany read a few more recipes. I'm saving the longer ones for when she gets home.
    Before her first final, I had Brittany work on another street art project.
    Brittany passed all her finals with a full performance bar!
    Graduation day! Brittany switched out her great kisser trait for natural cook then headed to the dorm so I could gather up things I set out for her. She waited until 9 and then my computer crashed trying to send her home. I re-loaded the game and got her home alright.

  • Ultimate Sim Update
    The first thing I had Brittany do back at home was upload her resume, then take a job in the culinary career. Now the last time I did this, I quit the job at level 10 but this time Brittany will stay in her careers for the full time like Llandros states in his rules.
    The last time I also turned the garage into Lauren and Mack's apartment so I did the same thing here. They had a child named Andrew in the original attempt and they will have a child here but it won't be Andrew. This is just the bathroom, I forgot to show the rest but you will see it as we play anyway.
    Brittany missed Christopher so she gave him a kiss, not caring that a townie was watching.
    I had her make five meals to store in the fridge to feed the four of them. We at least know that two more people are getting added later so the food will come in handy, may even throw a party on Leisure Day.
    Everybody was a bit slow eating and Brittany finished before anyone else did so I had her read a few recipes.
    This Lauren's skills aren't as high as the original's, although she is still highly skilled. I needed her gardening skill to be higher so I sent her to watch the Gardening Channel and listen to the gardening tabcast. She made it to level 5 before the night was through. I gave her 10 of Brittany's life fruit as well.
    Like last time, I'm having Christopher do home upgrades on everything so nothing will break. Cleaning can then be done by my Sims, don't need a maid for this. They will have to get a butler in a later season though.
    I hate when Brittany's rebel social influence drops because she has to rant about something right away to get it back to 10. This time she ranted about politics.
    Before bed, I had Lauren watch more TV while her husband, Mack Keaton, played foosball.
    I also had Brittany work on a few more street art projects while everyone else went to bed.

    On Monday, Brittany will start as an Ingredient Tester in hopes of becoming a celebrity chef. I'm hoping things progress quickly so she can enjoy being at the top. Mack will start his job at the Science Facility while Lauren starts a small garden in the basement of their apartment. Christopher will spend his elder days as a fisherman but will not become a self-employed one. I'll play the Ultimate Sim Challenge tonight then will go to the Christopher and Blair save for a while.

  • Ultimate Sim Update
    Monday came around as I first opened the game so I also gave Brittany a makeover. It's the same hairstyle and shirt as the original season two. Brittany worked on reading more recipes and doesn't have that many more to learn.
    Christopher and Mack ate a fruit parfait breakfast together. Brittany had already eaten and Lauren is eating life fruit for now.
    After eating her life fruit, Lauren began planting the beginnings of her basement garden. She planted ingredients for potent invigorating elixirs for now but will also grow life fruit when she hits level 7.
    Once that was finished, Lauren went to the ground floor of the apartment to play foosball.
    Christopher enjoys his retirement and so I sent him fishing for fish to use as fertilizer in the underground garden.
    I sent Lauren to check out the market stands to see if any life fruit was being sold. Unfortunately, there was none to be found.
    Before work, Brittany ate sushi for lunch then took off in her car to head to the Bistro.
    Lauren's actual job will be as an author, at least for awhile so I had her join the career at the City Hall.
    After Mack got home from work, he and Lauren had some fun in the shower. There is no better way to get clean, lol
    All of the performance metrics for at the highest so Brittany got promoted to level 5, Line Cook.
    While the others were heading for bed, Brittany decided to eat at the Bistro for a late supper. She also had an opportunity to promote the restaurant to three people but by the time she got done eating, she only had one person to promote it too. She'll have to find the others later.
  • Ultimate Sim Update
    Brittany had to read a book for a job opportunity so I had her work on that in the morning, as well as reading a few more recipe books.
    Lauren had a celebrity opportunity to workout for 4 hours. After eating her life fruit, she hopped on the treadmill.
    I guess her life fruit must have been rotten because she got sick while she was running. :wink:
    Before Mack headed off to work, Lauren made sure to give him a kiss. (After washing her mouth out and brushing her teeth, lol)
    Christopher spent some time this morning working on upgrades around the house.
    Lauren finally got the seventh level of gardening so I had her plant one life fruit. Once all these plants bear fruit, the better quality ones will be planted.
    Before going to work, Brittany worked on a few more meals for the skill challenge.
    Mack got promoted to level two in the science career.
    Lauren began working on her first book called, The Lost Astronaut. It is about an astronaut who was accidentally left on an alien planet and how he attempts to get back to planet Earth, meeting many alien friends and enemies along the way.
    Christopher and Mack ate supper while Brittany was still at work and Lauren was writing her first book.
    While waiting for Mack to finish, Lauren watched the gardening channel, hoping to increase the skill.
    Brittany got promoted to level 6 in the culinary career. Now she has two days off before hopefully getting her next promotion.
    She also found another Sim to try and complete her opportunity where you promote the restaurant to three Sims.
  • Sad to say that I have to quit the challenge yet again, but this time it is because my computer cannot handle the game with everything installed on it. I had to quit using some of the EP's and SP's which takes away so much because the rules are for people who at least have a majority of them installed.